Symphony Notes

December 2019
Courtesan? Composer? Or Both?
Georg Friedrich Händel and his Messiah need no introducing, but Barbara Strozzi, who was one of the most successful and renowned composers of her time, does. It is likely most of us never even heard of her. More of her music was published than any of her contemporaries.

Highly successful and famous in her own lifetime with no noble patronage or Church support.

Accomplished singer, composer. publisher and courtesan. In 1600s, an unmarried mother of four, potentially fathered by two different men. Quite a resume! Continue Reading
Note-Able Persons -
Chris McCormack

A violist, a musicologist and an environmental lawyer walked into a bar... and they made him Vice President.


 A Very Short History of Carols

What Christmas carols did our Pilgrim Fathers sing?

None. They believed “Caroling” to be a pagan or (even worse) Papist tradition.