"Advice to Grow by...  Ask us!" 
Hotline: (858) 822-6910 
Feed your vegetable plants and they'll feed you! 
For your July garden, it's all about the water!

  Check it Out...   
Don't let yellowjackets ruin your summer picnic or campout.
Is it okay to buy firewood in one location and use it in another?

No - burn it where you buy it!
For example,  dead, dying and diseased oaks are a problem in San Diego County due to the Gold Spotted Oak Borer. Please don't move oak wood anywhere in the county.
Learn More Here...

 San Diego Master Gardeners promote "Earth Friendly Gardening" through 8 simple principles, as outlined in this
"Garden Mastery" article:
 Did you know your trees need deep watering to survive? It's a myth that trees can thrive in drought because their roots run deep.  
 You know ants are a problem when they make network news! With the heat, ants are seemingly everywhere, inside and out. 
Is the "Nifty Fifty" on your Summer Reading List? This popular water-smart plant guide, customized to our Mediterranean-like climate, could be the key to success in your garden.

Save the Date for the annual
Master Gardener Fall Extravaganza:
Sat. Sept. 22 in Balboa Park.
  • Thousands of plants for sale
  • Great free demos
  • Marketplace and more

Miss a previous newsletter? Read them here.


Master Gardener Association of San Diego County supports the University of California Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program of San Diego County.