Dear Colleague,
We are saddened to hear about the cancellation of the  Berkshire Conference of Women Historians  in Baltimore, MD, but we support the decision and have implemented a range of initiatives to support the academic community during this time . For anyone who would have liked to discuss their manuscript with us at the conference, our editors are happy to arrange for a chat over email or virtually. Please contact Gender Studies Editor Amanda Horn or History Editor Chris Chappell to set up a meeting.

Since we won't be able to meet in person, we decided to bring the Berghahn Books booth to you. Browse our list of the latest titles in Gender Studies and read their freely available introductions below .

 In addition, the standard conference discount has been expanded:  Use discount code BERKS20 to receive 25% off on all titles in Gender Studies ordered through our website until 6/26/2020.

We also have a ll Berghahn Journals - new issues and back issues - freely available until June 30 . View the journals listed here .

Lastly, for an ideal solution to online teaching and remote learning, please consider recommending these titles to your library. All Berghahn eBooks available through your institution's library are DRM-free: one library purchase grants an entire class access at no cost to your students. Visit our eBooks page for more information.

Our thoughts are with all of you and your families as you try to cope with the personal and professional disruptions that this pandemic has brought upon all of us.

With best wishes,
Berghahn Books
Featured Titles
Women's Stories of Power, Politics, and Everyday Life across East and West Germany
Phil Leask

Comparative and Transnational Perspectives on Gender, Family, and Religion in Italy and Germany, 1800–1918
Edited by Martin Baumeister, Philipp Lenhard, and Ruth Nattermann

Gender, the State, and Everyday Life in Socialist and Postsocialist Romania
Jill Massino

Gender and Work in France and Germany, 1900–Present
Edited by Isabelle Berrebi-Hoffmann, Olivier Giraud, Léa Renard, and Theresa Wobbe

Gender at the Crossroads of Home, Family, and Business from the Early Modern Era to the Present
Edited by Raffaella Sarti, Anna Bellavitis, and Manuela Martini

Edited by Karen Hagemann, Donna Harsch, and Friederike Brühöfener

New Paperbacks
Assessing the Impact of a Feminist Publishing Phenomenon
Catherine Riley

Feminism and Generational Conflict in Recent German Literature and Film
Margaret McCarthy

Militant Feminisms in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1968
Katharina Karcher

Autobiographical and Biographical Experiences
Edited by Shirley Ardener, Fiona Armitage-Woodward, and Lidia Dina Sciama

Impacts and Outcomes
Edited by Kristina Schulz

Abortion Governance and Protest Logics in Europe
Edited by Silvia De Zordo, Joanna Mishtal, and Lorena Anton

NEW SERIES Transnational Girlhoods

Vol. 1
Edited by Ann Smith

How would The Girl in the Text enrich your course or research? Respond to this post on Twitter or this post on Facebook to enter
a chance to win the eBook version of the text. The winner will be announced at the end of the month.
Winner of the Prix du Québec’s Leon-Gerin Prize,  the highest honor for Québec researchers, Claudia Mitchell is a prominent and active author and editor with us at Berghahn Books. She is the editor-in-chief of Berghahn’s  Girlhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal , one of four editors of the growing series   Transnational Girlhoods , and the co-editor of our open-access title   GIRLHOOD AND THE POLITICS OF PLACE .

Series Editors:
Claudia Mitchell (McGill University, Canada)
Bodil Formark (Umea University, Sweden)
Ann Smith (McGill University, Canada)
Heather Switzer (Arizona State University, US)

As the first book series to focus specifically on this exciting field,  Transnational Girlhoods  will help to advance the research and activism agenda by publishing full-length monographs and edited collections that reflect a robust interdisciplinary and global perspective. Read more.
Recommend and Review
Recommend titles to your institution's library by visiting the desired title's Berghahn page and clicking the 'Recommend to your Library' link.
Review titles for course adoption by requesting complimentary e-Inspection copies.
Learn more about our e-Inspection program   here.
Berghahn Journals
To help you overcome the challenges many of you are facing in teaching and researching outside of your universities, we have made all Berghahn journals available to access until June 30.
Now Open Access!
The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History
Senior Editor: Sharon Kowalsky, Texas A&M University-Commerce, USA
Editor and Book Review Editor: Krassimira Daskalova,  St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Bulgaria

Current Issue

An Interdisciplinary Journal
Editor-in-Chief: Claudia Mitchell, McGill University

Current Issue

An Interdisciplinary Journal
Editor: Michael R.M. Ward, Swansea University

Current Issue

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