Greetings from the Center for Irish Music,

This is an important week for us as our students prepare for the CIM adult student open mic this Friday, followed by four youth recitals on Sunday. See details below for more information. The recitals are free and open to the public, so join us, and bring a potluck item to share.

A heartfelt thanks goes out to each and every one of you who made a contribution to the Center for Irish Music on Give to the Max Day, November 14th. Thanks to you, we exceeded our goal raising almost $15,000. Give to the Max Day is just one part of the Fall Drive which provides critical support for CIM's mission of handing down the tradition.

A special thanks to our 2019 Challenge Fund Donors; Irish On Grand, Kieran's Kitchen, 2Gingers Irish Whiskey, and the CIM board of Directors. Please support these local businesses over the holiday season.

We are very excited to announce that CIM has received a $10,000 grant from the Metro Regional Arts Council to improve our lobby space, including new furniture, a fresh coat of paint throughout our classrooms, and funding to hang framed photos of our student musicians. This much-needed project is already underway!

As 2019 draws to a close, we thank you for being a part of the traditional music community at the Center for Irish Music, and invite you to join us for our annual celebration, Éigse CIM, A Gaela Event on February 22nd. Table sponsorships and individual tickets are already on sale!

Have a wonderful holiday season with friends and family.

Norah Rendell
Executive Artistic Director
Center for Irish Music

*CIM students: The " students " webpage is updated on a weekly basis. We request that current students bookmark this page and check in regularly to find out about upcoming dates, deadlines, events and student-related announcements. Thank you!
Center for Irish Music 2018-19 Annual Report
The Center for Irish Music 2018-19 Annual Report is now available online!

Learn what the Center for Irish Music has been up to in this easy-to-share PDF, with photos, stories, and more about our 2018-19 fiscal year. Brew a cup of tea, sit back, and enjoy.

A limited number of printed copies are available at the Center for Irish Music. Please contact us at to request a copy.

Fall Youth Recitals and Adult Student Open Mic
We hope you'll join us for our student recitals! Invite your friends and family and enjoy the tunes and songs our students have learned this term.
7:00-9:00pm - Adult Student Open Mic with emcee Todd Menton. Adult students: there are still a few spots available, so click here to sign up if you want to perform!

  • 12:00pm - Youngest students solos (under 10) & Tin Whistle Troupes
  • 1:30pm - Redwing ensemble students & solos ages 10-12
  • 3:00pm - Swallowtail ensemble students & solos ages 13-14
  • 4:30pm - Starling & Wren ensemble students & solos age 15-17

There will be a potluck following the recitals and open mic, so please bring a treat to share. CIM will provide the beverages!

We're looking for volunteers for recital and open mic set up, clean up, greeting, and monitoring the potluck. Parents, please note that we will make sure you don't miss your child's performance if you volunteer! Click here to sign up for a shift online. Thank you for your help!

* Parents, please connect with your child's instructor(s) directly to confirm which recital your child is performing in. Programs will be printed on on Friday, December 6th. If there are changes after that, please come to the recital 30 minutes early and notify Norah Rendell in person. Thank you!
Holiday Wreath Fundraiser
Help our students travel to the Midwest and All-Ireland Fleadh!
Thinking about decorating your house for the holidays? Consider purchasing a wreath, centerpiece, garland or tree through Lynch Creek Farm.

When you use our team link, 15-20% of your purchase will go to the Youth Travel Fund in support of students who travel to the Midwest Fleadh and All-Ireland Fleadh.

Just order online and your fresh wreaths or garlands will be delivered to your door!
Tickets now available for Éigse CIM, a Gaela Event
Join the Center for Irish Music on Saturday, February 22nd for Éigse CIM, a Gaela Event, our biggest fundraiser of the year.

Don't miss this fabulous evening, including a traditional Irish dinner, a concert by celebrated CIM instructors, a silent auction, and more! Consider sponsoring a table of ten in support of the tradition.
Éigse Kitchen Co-Lead Needed!
Help us plan our biggest fundraiser of the year by joining the Éigse CIM Planning Committee .

Right now, we're looking for a volunteer to co-lead the kitchen and food prep efforts alongside Leah Evison. It's a fun, rewarding way to enjoy the event from behind the scenes!

Contact Aja McCullough Beers or visit our É igse CIM volunteer page to learn more.
Seeking Éigse Silent Auction Items
We are currently requesting donations for our Éigse CIM silent auction! Click here to for more information and to fill out our donation form . Contact Eileen Degnan, silent auction chair, with silent auction questions.

If you know of a business that might be interested in supporting Éigse through a silent auction donation or event sponsorship, please contact Aja McCullough Beers.
Vote for CIM through Target Circle
Vote for Center Irish Music with Target Circle!

The more votes the CIM gets in next month, the more CIM will receive from Target's community giving program.

You can vote for the Center for Irish Music as your nonprofit of choice with each shopping trip. You will also get 1% back on every purchase with a Target Circle account.

Sign up for the Target Circle program (the new version of Cartwheel) by downloading the app, or create an account here. If you already have an account, simply log in and go from there. Every little bit helps the CIM to offer high quality Irish music programs. Thank you!
Upcoming CIM Student & Instructor Events
FRIDAY, DEC. 6 | 7:00-9:00 PM
Adult Student Open Mic

FRIDAY, DEC. 6 | 7:30 PM
Katie McMahon's Celtic Christmas Show, (with Norah Rendell, Karen Mueller, Zack Klein)

FRIDAY, DEC. 6 | 7:30 PM
The Unwelcome Visitors (Rosa Wells, Buddy Ferrari, Ryan Behnke, with special guest Cara Wildman)

SATURDAY, DEC. 7 | 3:00-3:30 PM
Brian Miller

SATURDAY, DEC. 7 | 7:00-10:00 PM
Yulefest, featuring Simple Gifts, Barra, The HiB’s, Patsy O’Brien, and The Eddies.

SUNDAY, DEC. 8 | 12:00-6:00 PM
Fall Youth Recitals

SUNDAY, DEC. 8 | 1:00-3:00 PM
The McNordiques (Tom Klein)

THURSDAY, DEC. 12 | 7:00-9:00 PM
CIM Ensembles
SUNDAY, DEC. 14 | 8:00-9:30 PM
Celtic Christmas, with Hannah Flowers and Stephanie Allen on violin.

SUNDAY, DEC. 15 | 7:00-9:00 PM
Yuletide Sing, featuring Charlie Heymann, with Dáithí Sproule, Hannah Flowers, Mary Vanorny, Mattie Ernst, Patrick Maun, Emily Flagstad & Fiona Flagstad

DECEMBER 19, 20 & 21
Celtic Holiday Hooley, with CIM instructors Todd Menton, Norah Rendell, and Cormac O'Shea, plus Dean Magraw, Dennis Curley, Kelsey Hannington. Dancing by award-wnning O'Shea Irish Dance, sketches by Joshua Will and Natalie O'Shea.

DECEMBER 22 & 23
Celtic Holiday Hooley, with CIM instructors Todd Menton, Norah Rendell, and Cormac O'Shea, plus Dean Magraw, Dennis Curley, Kelsey Hannington. Dancing by award-wnning O'Shea Irish Dance, sketches by Joshua Will and Natalie O'Shea.

This is not an exhaustive listing of all events within the Twin Cities Irish community. For more listings, please visit the  IMDA Event Calendar , and the  Celtic Junction Arts Center .
Support the CIM
The Center for Irish Music is a 501c3 nonprofit, and we depend on your support to continue passing down the tradition of Irish music and song. Please consider joining us as a volunteer or making a gift to the CIM today!
We have a new mailing address!
The Center for Irish Music has a new mailing address, which now includes a suite number. Our updated address is: 836 Prior Avenue North, Suite 400, St. Paul, MN 55104
This activity is made
possible by the voters of
Minnesota through
a Minnesota State Arts
Board Operating Support
grant, thanks to a
legislative appropriation
from the arts and
cultural heritage fund.