CVMA Member to speak at Baypath University
A young child does not know how they should see and cannot tell us about their vision. Blurry vision creates no emergency and does not hurt - it continues silently. How to know?
Join Kristen Kerber OD, MS, FAAO., CVMA member, and Associate Professor at the New England College of Optometry, as she discusses childhood vision development, vision disorders and treatment, "Classroom Clues" to recognize early signs and symptoms, common vision myths, new childhood vision research, and how to be a "vision champion" to support a child's healthy vision.
The free event
welcomes graduate students and teachers of elementary, prescho
ol and early education, early intervention, reading specialists, nursing, medical assistants, occupational therapy, psychology and social work. Members of the public, parents and caregivers are also welcome to attend.
Click here
to learn more about the event, and to register.
CVMA Co-Chair presents at Pathways in Early Education
Children's Vision MA Coalition Co-Chair, Bruce Moore OD
presented at the Pathways in Early Education conference, at Middlesex Community College, Lowell, on August 15th.
The conference offered a community-wide professional development day for Early Educators who work in the birth to 8 year old child sphere. Dr Moore gave an interactive question and answer workshop answering to questions including
the influence of ethnicity and "risk factors" on a child's vision development, common childhood vision disorders and how they manifest,
eye exams in babies, and evidence-based research in the connection between vision and learning. To read more about Dr Moore, Professor Emeritus, New England College of Optometry
Click here
New Infant and Toddler Vision Guide for Parents
The earlier a vision disorder can be identified and if necessary, treated, the stronger a start to learning and development a child will have. In celebration of their 10th anniversary, the National Center for Children's Vision and Eye Health
at Prevent Blindness offers a newly revised: "
Guide to Vision Health for Your Newborn, Infant, and Toddler."
The no-cost comprehensive resource provides in-depth information in an easy to understand format. Topics include common milestones for visual development, how to help your baby's vision to develop, warning signs of possible vision problems, common vision treatments, and more.
Click here to read more about childhood vision development.
Check out these New Vision Links:
September is Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month
Make Eye Protection Part of the Uniform While Playing Sports.
According to the National Eye Institute, every 13 minutes an emergency room in the United States treats a sports-related eye injury. Eye injuries are the leading cause of blindness in children in the United States, and most eye injuries among kids aged 11 to 14 occur while playing sports.
Fortunately, many injuries may be avoided by wearing proper eye protection.
Eye injuries from any sport may include infection, corneal abrasions, fracture of the eye socket, swollen or detached retinas or a traumatic cataract. Eye injuries from water sports may include eye infections and irritations, and scratches or trauma from other swimmers.
The first step towards preventing eye injuries from sports should be a visit to an eye-care professional. An eye-care expert can recommend the best types of eye protection based on the sport and an individual's eye-care needs.
Click here for CVMA website information on Sports Eye Safety.
Click here for information for coaches and parents from the National Eye Institute.
Click here for Prevent Blindness facts and research on Sports Eye Safety.
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