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Important Message from Tanya Vasquez, Director, 
Bureau of Certification
Update: OCDEL Program Self-Assessment Checklist to Support Certification

Registration for the one-hour webinar on December 14, 2017 introducing the new OCDEL Program Self-Assessment Checklists has reached capacity. Thank you to all who have registered.

If you didn't get to register for the webinar, don't worry! The recorded webinar will soon be available on the PA Key website.

These new user-friendly tools were designed to assist Child Care Center, Family, and Group Child Care Home providers in performing periodic reviews of their facility operations to achieve compliance with OCDEL certification regulations. When utilized regularly, these checklists can help to identify program strengths and gaps in the understanding of and compliance with OCDEL regulations.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning supports families 
and their children, from prenatal through school age, by using data, research and 
stakeholder guidance to assure high quality services.