January 2021 | Vol 1, No. 3
Happy New Year to each of you – this sentiment seems to have extra meaning this year. Here we are, having finally arrived in 2021, with the hope of better days to come! Our OLLI is ready to go into the Winter-Spring term, with more than 130 exciting courses and lectures to choose from, and also many events from each of the 11 Special Interest Groups, plus some virtual tours.
Don’t miss OLLI’s Winter Open House on January 13 via Zoom – a chance to learn something about all of the courses and faculty, and to hear a favorite speaker, USF political analyst Susan MacManus.
Read about all this and more in this issue of OLLILife and in the OLLI Winter-Spring catalog. If you have not yet received your catalog, call our registrar, Charise Dixie, to have one sent to you, or read it online at www.usfseniors.org.
Did you miss a previous edition, or want to go back to an article? We are now archiving past editions of OLLILife here, under the Resources tab on our website. Enjoy!
On behalf of the OLLI Board of Advisors, I would like to wish all of our OLLI members a happy, healthy New Year. We are so glad that you are a part of our OLLI family.
I would also like to thank all of our volunteers; your excitement and energy make OLLI the wonderful organization it is. To our instructors, we truly value your talent and hard work that are the heart of OLLI. Our sincere appreciation to our donors, whose support is vital to our organization especially during these challenging times. Lastly, thanks to our dedicated and resourceful staff team, who work tirelessly to ensure that OLLI runs smoothly and is continually innovating. I know that together we will create a fantastic OLLI year in 2021.
Phyllis Alpert
OLLI Advisory Board Chair
SIG-nificant Events
Anne Haywood, SIG coordinator
Lots of you found a SIG to visit last month, thanks to OLLILife! So expect to learn more about SIGnificant events every month. For more info OLLI SIGs, see the full list here.
Most SIGs are meeting on Zoom. To visit a SIG email the contact(s) below.
China SIG and Operatunity Joint Program
Mon, Jan 25 at 2pm (opens at 1:30 for social time)
An entertaining discussion of Chinese and Western opera led by Beryl Byles and Kun Shi. For more information, contact Nancy Stuart.
Food, Glorious Food!
Mon, Jan 25th at 10am
Andy Huse, USF librarian and author of From Saloons to Steak Houses, will speak. To receive a visitor’s pass contact Jane Applegate.
German Conversation
OLLI Outdoors
Fri., Jan. 8, 10am
Annual Walk with the Dogs at Carrollwood Village Park – no pet required!
Thur., Jan. 14, 10am
Hike Alderman Ford Nature Preserve
Fri., Jan. 26, 3pm Virtual Social & Program
Online Games
Thur., Jan. 14th at 3:30pm
There will be a brief organizational meeting before games. To play Scattergories, email Kathy Palmer for the link.
Wed., Jan. 13 at 1pm
There is plenty of political news to discuss! Email Bill Sapper for more information.
Talking Movies
Fri., Jan. 15, 2pm
Write Time for Poetry
Thurs., Jan. 14 & 28 at 2pm
Poetry writers, unite! Email Cath Mason for more information.
Upcoming Events
Jan. 4 - USF and OLLI reopen
A Zoom With a View - Al Carlson, Lead Tech Moderator
With Zoom, your OLLI class can be only as big as your screen. Sometimes Instructors forget that and display a PowerPoint slide that would be fine on a large screen but is just too “busy” to be readable on your 15-inch laptop screen. Like that chart showing GDP change in all the EU countries over the past decade. Useful stuff, but when you lean in close enough to read it, you put nose prints on your screen.
Zoom, though, has a solution: a virtual magnifying glass for your virtual class. Here’s how you use it. Near the top of your screen, just to the right of the green box that says “You are viewing John Smith’s screen” is a black box that says “View Options”. Click on it. You’ll get a drop-down box with a few choices, but you care only about the top one: Zoom Ratio.
“Float” your cursor over it, and you’ll see another drop-down box saying “Fit to window”, 50%, 100%, 150%, 200%, 300%.” (see screenshot) Choose one—let’s say 150%--and click on it. Now look at the Instructor’s slide. Bigger, isn’t it?
Move your cursor over the slide, and it changes from an arrow to a hand. Click and hold your left mouse key down. You can now drag the magnified image around, so that when the Instructor is discussing Belgium, you can see the Belgium bar on his chart clearly. And when he moves on to Bulgaria, you can follow him. If 150% is too much or not enough, try the other options until you find one you like.
When you activate your virtual magnifying glass, you are changing the view only for your own PC, not for anyone else. Nobody else will know you’ve done it. It is your own secret superpower.
There is some bad news here. This doesn’t (yet) work on an iPad or smartphone. You need a desktop or laptop (Windows or Mac) to use it. Maybe in a few months….
Mary Lou Raterman, an active OLLI volunteer, is in St. Joseph hospital recovering from a broken femur. We don't yet know how long she will be there, but she wants her OLLI friends to know she hopes to be back among us soon.
Send your OLLI People News to our Goodwill Ambassador, Carolyn Clark. Please let Carolyn know if you hear of a member’s situation that warrants care, a card and perhaps a notice. We won't publicize without permission. Email Carolyn here or call her at 813-545-7477.