APR 2016



As students look ahead to their post-graduation future, they have many questions, including about interviews and getting hired, and about the actual day-to-day work in their profession of choice. At a special event held in March, students had the chance to sit down for an informal conversation with Capitol graduates who are established in their fields -- and can help them forge their own path.

Also this month, meet 2015 graduate and Red Hat satellite consultant Alex Davis, and find out why Capitol is the go-to institution for wireless professionals seeking to enhance their skills or make a career change.

 HermesJob tips shared at alumni-student event 

Capitol students had the opportunity to meet with alums in an informal atmosphere and ask them questions about career preparation.

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 CircuitAlex Davis '15: Making tech dreams a reality 

What's the secret to a successful transition from college to career? Building the right skills, gaining experience, and networking are all part of the recipe, says Davis, who recently landed a job at Red Hat.

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Capitol faculty and staff were on hand at this year's International Wireless Communications Expo, providing an overview of the cyber field and potential career-building opportunities.


SocialAlums: Capitol students need you! 

As a university alumnus or alumna, you know the vital role that guidance from teachers and mentors played as you prepared for your career. Current students at Capitol need the same support -- and you're in a position to help! Contact the alumni office ( alumni@captechu.edu) for information on ways to stay involved with the Capitol community.