February 5, 2021
We offer some activities in the coming weeks to expand your knowledge and perk some new interests.
scroll down for details

Our next activity:
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
FREP Noon Network Program
Noon to 1:30 PM Via Zoom
please email Becky at foxriverinfo@comcast.net for the link

The rusty-patched bumble bee and other native bees
– what’s all the buzz about?

Speaker: Jason Robinson, PhD, Associate Entomologist
Illinois Natural History Survey 
The rusty-patched bumble bee was recently listed as federally endangered. It has been recently discovered on various conservation lands in our region. There are many citizen efforts underway to search for and identify this species of native bumble bee.
Why is it endangered?
What habitats within our watershed has it been found?
What does it look like, and how can we help?  
Bee Illustrations of a rusty patched bumble bee queen (left), worker (center), and male (right).
By Elaine Evans, The Xerces Society.
Photo credits from USFWS Top: Kim Mitchell Lower: Susan Day/UW–Madison Arboretum

Fox River Summit Thursday, March 11
This year the Fox River Summit is part of the week-long
Wisconsin Water Week's virtual event.

Our breakout session day is Thursday, March 11th
8:15 AM to 3:45 PM
$20 for the day
Virtual Screening co-sponsored by FREP on
Saturday, March 13, 2021 11 AM

Kiss the Ground is a full-length documentary narrated by Woody Harrelson that sheds light on an “new, old approach” to farming called “regenerative agriculture” that has the potential to balance our climate, replenish our vast water supplies, and feed the world.

Tickets are FREE, a donation of $8 per ticket is suggested.  
We are pleased to participate in the One Earth Film Festival for our fifth year, and work with our co-sponsors: The Conservation Foundation, Sierra Club - Valley of the Fox Chapter, Fox River Study Group, Friends of the Fox River, Kane DuPage Soil & Water Conservation District., Clean Water for Kane, Hey and Associates, Applied Ecological Services
Future 2021 FREP Activity Dates:
Wednesday, April 14, 2021  FREP Noon Network  Noon - 1:30 PM  Via Zoom 
Illinois Conservation Update
Speaker: Jack Darin, Executive Director of Sierra Club, Illinois
For many years Jack Darin participated in FREP's annual Conversations About Conservation with our Legislators. It is time to connect with Jack again and have him speak on current issues and environmental legislation in Illinois. Jack is always tuned in to what is happening in Springfield and across the State. We welcome his insight and advice on the latest happenings in our state capitol.

Thursday, April 22, 2021   Earth Day -- working on joint partner events.
If you are planning an Earth Day event -- please let us know so we can help publicize it.

Wed., May 12, 2021        FREP Membership Meeting & Program  1 PM  Via Zoom  
The 4th Conservation Movement
Speaker: Ed Collins, McHenry County Conservation District 
How often have we wished over the many conservation battles we have fought across the years that we could find the key to dissolving the pieces of culture we are part of that see nature only as a resource to exploit? Yet we have struggled to find something deep enough, transformative enough, to rewrite the chapter of human experience that supports such a perspective. I believe that has now happened, not in a way we would have expected or chosen, but it has happened nonetheless. The world is in metamorphosis and we are discovering that the change we wish for the future begins within and not without. Now we must have the courage to weather the storms that bring the gift hidden within its winds. 
Other News in the Watershed:
Fox River Corridor Plan – Online Visioning Survey
McHenry County, the City of McHenry, and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) hosted two public visioning workshops last week where more than 40 participants shared their ideas, goals, and vision for the future of the Fox River and its communities from Burtons Bridge to Johnsburg. 

If you were unable to attend one of the virtual workshops, you can still share your ideas about potential strategies and actions that the plan should consider, as well as help us understand your vision for the Corridor, though an Online Visioning Survey. It should only take about 8-10 minutes or so to complete the entire survey. You can access the survey here:
We look forward to your input! 

Visit the project website https://engage.cmap.illinois.gov/fox-river-mchenry to learn more about the project and how you can get involved! 

Please contact Kelsey Pudlock at kpudlock@cmap.illinois.gov or 312-386-8631 with any questions.
Soil & Water Conservation District Soil Erosion & Stormwater Webinar Series
February 11 & 18, 2021
Sponsored by EPA FEE

Regenerative Agriculture FREE Webinar
Thursday, March 4, 2021 9 - 11:30 AM

Details & registration info for both at KDSWCD link
Becky Hoag, Communications Manager
Fox River Ecosystem Partnership

Please email Becky if you have an email to add to our mailing list or content to add to the next monthly Downstream.