Purchase Tickets Early for
Best Seating for the
Exciting 2018 - 2019 line up of shows!
Buy Season Subscriptions
and Individual Tickets
by clicking
Individual Tickets: Plays are $17 for Adults, $15 for Seniors and Students.
Musicals are $20 for Adults, $18 for Seniors and Students.
Season Subscriptions: $75 Adults, $65 Seniors (ages 60+), $65 Students (ages 3-18).
All seating is reserved in advance so purchase early
to get your favorite location in the theater!
(There is no additional service charge to order tickets online or with a credit card.)
Directed by Don Bachmann
Produced by Brooke Lyn Clark
Seeking the following six female roles:
Truvy Jones - 40ish. Owner of Truvy's Beauty Shop.
Annelle Dupuy - Desoto - 19. Beauty shop assistant.
Clairee Belcher - 60ish. Widow of former mayor. Grande dame.
Shelby Eatenton - Lacherie - 25. Prettiest girl in town.
M'Lynn Eatenton - 50ish. Shelby's mother. Socially prominent career woman.
Ouiser ("Weezer") Boudreaux - 60ish. Wealthy curmudgeon.
Audition dates:
Friday, July 27 from 7-10 pm.
Saturday, July 28 from 1- 4 pm.
Auditions are open to the public and all levels of experience are welcome.
Audition Location:
Auditions will be held above Sibby's BBQ Restaurant in downtown Warrenton off of Main Street. The address is 11 S Second Street. Enter the first door and up the stairs. Thank you to Sibby's BBQ for the use of this space.
For preparation for your audition, get to know the characters and the play. Be prepared to read from the script as your audition.
(Callbacks will be held at the Vint Hill Theatre on Sunday, July 29 from
2 pm - 4 pm by invitation only.)
For more information and to complete the new online audition form, click HERE.
To purchase tickets for any of FCT's productions, order early HERE for best seating options.
Directed by Diane King
Produced by Laurie Bersack
Seeking the following roles:
Arpad Laszio: Delivery boy at Maraczek's Parfumerie. His exuberance is infectious and commitment to his job remarkable. He is ambitious and adorable. Age: 14 to 17. Vocal range top: E4, vocal range bottom: Bb2.
Ladislav Sipos: Not the brightest employee at Maraczek's Parfumerie. A confidant to Georg, he is an optimistic family man who looks like a huggable father. Age: 45 to 55. Vocal range top: E4, vocal range bottom: A2.
Ilona Ritter: Employed at Maraczek's Parfumerie. She is sexy and learned in the ways of romance, but longing for something more from the game of love. Age: 25 to 30. Vocal range top: E5, vocal range bottom: F#3.
Steven Kodaly: A well respected and liked employee at Maraczek's Parfumerie. Though he is considered dapper and occasionally charming, he is more of a shallow womanizer. Age: 25 to 30. Vocal range top: A4, vocal range bottom: B2.
Georg Nowack: An established employee of Maraczek's Parfumerie, he resembles a hopeless romantic. Shy, intelligent, and soft spoken. Age 25 to 30. Vocal range top: F4, vocal range bottom: B2.
Mr. Maraczek: Owner of Maraczek's Parfumerie. With a commanding presence, his dedication to the trade is rivaled only by his faithfulness to his wife. Age: 55 to 65. Vocal range top: C4, vocal range bottom: B2.
Amalia Balash: The eager new employee at Maraczek's Parfumerie. Despite being a skilled saleswoman, she easily becomes intimated and nervous. Attractive, bright, and a lover of literature. Age: 20 to 25. Vocal range top: B5, vocal range bottom: C4.
Ensemble - Additional roles.
Auditions dates:
Friday, September 7 from 7 pm to 9:30 pm.
Saturday, September 8 from 1 pm to 3:30 pm.
Auditions are open to the public and all levels of experience are welcome.
(After auditions, callbacks will be by invitation only and be held on Monday, September 10 from 7 pm to 9 pm.)
Auditions location:
Locations for auditions will be in Warrenton, Virginia and details will be announced soon on the FCT website: www.fctstage.org. If you sign up for auditions prior to the locations being announced, you will be notified by email of the exact location.
For more information including how to prepare for the audition and to complete the new online audition form, click HERE.
To purchase tickets for any of FCT productions, order early HERE for best seating options.
The youth enrolled in the Summer Spotlight Showcase Camp have been working on rehearsing scenes all week and learning about theater in this intensive drama camp.
The camp is directed by Brianna Williamson who has a passion for performing arts, teaching, and working with children. She is "excited to be working with each student actor to help them become the best performer and person they can be!"
Congratulations to all the students on their progress and talent. A heartfelt "break-a-leg" to these actors for their performances on July 13 at 7:30 pm & July 14 at 2 pm!
Most sincerely,
Christie Clark and Debra Smyers, FCT Co-Executive Directors
Directed by Lucia Hanover
There are a few tickets left to purchase for the summer camp performances on: August 3 at 7:30 pm & August 4 at 2:00 pm.
For ticket availability, email: info@fctstage.org or call 540-349-8760.
(The two-week Madagascar Summer Camp registration is closed)
Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Gloria the hippo and Melvin the giraffe live in New York City's Central Park Zoo. Life in the zoo is cushy and comfortable for all. Marty the zebra though would like to leave the zoo to discover the wild and explore where zebras come from.
Madagascar summer camp at Fauquier Community Theatre takes place the last week of July and into the first week of August; registration is closed as the camp is filled to capacity with youth. Campers will experience an audition, character development, memorization, warm ups, acting technique games and exercises. There will also be lessons about costumes, lighting, sound, direction and set with hands on opportunity to explore each aspect of what it takes to produce a show. In doing so campers will be experiencing lots of fun team work, confidence building, their own character building and creative thinking. Director Lucia Hanover says, "I can't wait to get started and have fun in the "wild" with the Madagascar campers at Fauquier Community Theatre this summer!"
If you missed out on registering your child for FCT Summer Camp this year, please look for our information earlier next year. Questions? Email info@fctstage.org.
~Help Move Interesting Set Pieces and Props~
Calling community volunteers ages 18 and above!
Date: Saturday, September 15, 2018 from 9 am to 4 pm. We will be loading set pieces and props from the dispensary building near the Theater on the Green building at the corner of Aiken Drive and Bludau Drive. Volunteers are needed throughout the day and parts of the day. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Lunch will be provided to the volunteers. For more information and to sign up to volunteer, click
If you can help on
clean-up day, great, if you can't, maybe you can help by
contributing supplies! We are in need of
clear rubber maid containers for storing and
Home Depot or Lowe's gift cards are helpful for additional supplies. To make a contribution of these items, please email info@fctstage.org or call 540-349-8760. FCT is also in need of some storage spaces.
A special welcome and thank you to Douglas Barylski, the new Props and Set Manager for FCT. He has been diligently cleaning and organizing props and sets which will make everything easier on FCT Clean-Up Day. Douglas has created an inventory of the theater items as he prepares them to be moved to new storage locations.
Do you own or manage a business that would like more information on sponsoring an FCT production, having a spot in the annual playbill, and having a clickable company logo on our website?
Supporting the arts in Fauquier County makes for a more vital community for all ages! Over 10,000 people attend our shows each year! Hundreds volunteer in our 8 or more productions with over 66 performances!
Let's work hand in hand to enrich, entertain, and educate by enhancing the ARTS in YOUR community!
Email: info@fctstage.org or call 540-349-8760.
2018 - 2019
Music Director position is open for
She Loves Me. Rehearsals begin in September.
Producer opportunities are available for the productions of Lion in Winter and As You Like It.
Costumer sought for overall productions and/or particular shows.
For more information about these volunteer positions, email info@fctstage.org or call 540-349-8760.
2019 - 2021
FCT is reviewing show and director proposals for 2019 - 2020 as well as for 2020 - 2021.
If you are interested in directing a show at FCT for those seasons, click HERE
for more information and to complete a new Director Proposal Form. (Submissions do not guarantee a directorship.)
FCT will be making some major improvements to the sound quality at the Vint Hill Theatre. With the help of professionals from Polysonics we have identified the best approach to increasing the sound quality.
The project of over $75,000 will be completed in 2018.
"We don't want to miss a word!"
FCT will be replacing the acoustic wall panels in the theatre as well as upgrading our entire speaker system.
Your help and support would make such a difference in making this a reality for The Fauquier Community Theatre during our 41st Anniversary Year!
Please consider making a contribution to the Sound Improvement Campaign
2018 - 2019 Memberships! Time to Join or Renew!
FCT is inviting you to join us as a member for our 2018 - 2019 Season! There are several different levels available for you to join.
If membership is received by September 1, 2018, an additional perk is that members get their name printed in the 2018 - 2019 playbill and on the FCT website.
Become a member HERE online or print form HERE to mail in.
4225 Aiken Dr Warrenton, VA 20187 | (540) 349-8760
FCT enriches and entertains a range of audiences through a variety of live theatre productions that enhance the cultural life of the community.
FCT offers a range of challenging creative opportunities that inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to participate in theatre.
FCT cultivates an appreciation of the performing arts in our community, educates through experience, participates in community activities, and collaborates with other arts groups.
Many thanks to all the business sponsors, individual donors, members, and volunteers who work together to support community theater in Fauquier County at FCT.
Fauquier Community Theater is supported in part
by the Virginia Commission for the Arts
and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Fauquier Community Theatre
has reached over 2300 likes on Facebook!
Visit FCT's Facebook page to stay up to date on theater news, auditions, events, and productions.