Flyer All Pennsylvania Businesses
Must Post
Pennsylvania Governor Wolf recently issued guidance for businesses, which includes a COVID-19 Safety Procedures for Businesses flyer that businesses must sign and post in employee common spaces, and near the business’s public entrance(s) in prominent locations(s) if the business serves the public.
Businesses subject to this guidance include:
  • Those operating in counties designated as in the Red Phase or Yellow Phase, including nonprofits

Businesses excluded from this guidance include:
  • Those that are more stringently regulated under separate industry-specific guidance, such as health care providers who are governed by the Department of Health for example

By printing,  signing,  and posting the COVID-19 Safety Procedures for Businesses flyer on the business premises, you are meeting the following state requirements:
  • Businesses conducting in-person operations or serving the public are required to make employees and customers aware of the guidance provided by the Commonwealth to keep people at their establishment safe.
  • Businesses are required to publicly acknowledge their responsibility to conduct their operations in a way that ensures health and safety.
  • The signature acknowledges that the owner or management is aware of the COVID-19 safety procedures and understands their responsibilities to carry out the guidance and procedures.
The flyer also contains a space for the business to indicate their Pandemic Safety Officer, the person in charge of the COVID-19 safety procedures for the business (specific workplace). Neither the signed acknowledgement nor the Pandemic Safety Officer designation needs returned to the Commonwealth. The flyer must simply be completed, posted, and available if requested by local law enforcement.
The Commonwealth encourages businesses to share this guidance, or the flyer, electronically with employees as well.

You can download the flyer below, or find it on the Department of Health’s Resources for COVID-19 webpage . More detailed information about this guidance can be found on Governor Tom Wolf's website here . If you have any questions, please email us at .