November 28, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving!

Every family celebrates holiday traditions in a unique manner. In our family, Thanksgiving is jokingly referred to as the "Super Bowl of Holidays" due to my inordinate level of planning. I enjoy cooking, so every year my family bravely slogs through months of aspirational recipe testing. As the big day approaches, my husband and son roll their eyes and don aprons and/or gloves to pitch in with cooking and dishes. Meanwhile, because of the scourge of social media, I misguidedly embark on an attempt to create a Pinterest-type place setting. (PSA: college-aged sons find no joy in carving ten tiny pumpkins in pursuit of their mother's craft project.)

Why the fuss? Simply stated, Thanksgiving is a holiday meriting celebration and respect. We are truly blessed to live in the United States of America, where we enjoy unprecedented liberty, live in safety, and have the freedom to pursue happiness. On Thanksgiving, we express gratitude for all who made--and continue to make--this reality possible. I am thankful for the vision of our Founding Fathers, the bravery of our armed forces, the dedication of our first responders, and the work of countless others who make our country truly exceptional. Most importantly, as a Christian, I am thankful to our Creator on Thanksgiving--and every day.

From my family to yours, I wish you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

Paid for and Authorized by Friends of Amanda Batten