Winter 2021
Message From Scott Rosas - Director of Research and Evaluation
Hello fellow Concept Mappers! Now that we have turned the corner into 2021, I thought I would take a moment and look back at the papers covered in the 2020 Publication Spotlights. In 2020, 41 papers were included in the 11 Publication Spotlights. Thirty-five of these were found in the Web of Science, an archival database that provides comprehensive citation data across many different academic disciplines. In my review, I found two interesting points summarized below.

The first tree map diagram shows the different research areas of the GCM papers found in the Web of Science (WOS). Papers in WOS are assigned to a research area, with some papers assigned to multiple areas. Of note is the diversity of research fields of the GCM papers featured over the course of the year. The papers included in the spotlights last year were concentrated in fields related to health and well-being, however there were a few from outside of those areas.
The second tree map diagram shows the various countries from which the authors from the 36 papers are associated. Again, the geographical diversity of the GCM authors featured this year is reflected in the range of countries. Not surprising, most of the authors were from the US and Canada. But we also saw the use of GCM expand to other countries as well.
The current pandemic has certainly challenged us as researchers. However, the virtual strengths of the methodology and technology enable GCM researchers from different fields to continue their work in safe and productive ways.
Select publications, curated by topic areas
Calling experienced GCM Practitioners
Join us for an in-depth exploration of advanced GCM topics in one of our Advanced GCM Topics webinars.
Cluster Ratings Comparisons Using T-tests
Monday, February 8 at 11:00 am -12:00 pm EST
You can increase the utility of your results by demonstrating cluster ratings comparisons that illustrates complex relationships across groups. This session will illustrate and guide you in constructing and running the t-test in groupwisdom™ for the comparison of cluster means of two independent groups.

Computing Sorting and Rating Reliability Estimates
Wednesday, February 10 at 11:00 am -12:30 pm EST
Your work may require more rigorous reliability estimates to support your GCM results. In this session, we will look at setting up and computing the set of common sorting and rating reliability estimates in GCM.

Idea Synthesis Options in GCM
Friday, February 12 at 11:00 am -12:30 pm EST
Idea synthesis is important in a successful GCM project. CSI’s rigorous process is taught during GCM Design and Practice course (see below). This session demonstrates another approach: How to apply the KWIC process to synthesize a set of raw brainstormed ideas to prepare a final list for sorting and rating.

Additional GCM Training Programs
Getting to Know GCM & groupwisdomTM
A free 1-hour introductory webinar to GCM and groupwisdomTM

Web-based GCM Design & Practice
The fundamental course on designing and implementing a GCM project. conducted in eight 2-hour session over the course of a month.

Register for Spring dates now. Details
groupwisdomTM is the only application designed for every step of a GCM project
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