July 11, 2018

Volume 47 Issue 8

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Memorials & Gifts

Boy Scout Fund: in memory of Don Whittington by Dr. & Mrs. Juan Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. David Hague, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Latham, Mrs. Mitzi Perry and Susan Rands, and in honor of Eugene W. Bryson III, Attorney and Judge Eugene W. Bryson by Tom Keith.

Children's Center Scholarship Fund: in memory of Anna Marie Sonnier by Mary Margaret Richard.

Food Pantry: in memory of Anna Marie Sonnier and Ruth Vinck , and in honor of Don and Rita Huckabay by Mr. & Mrs. James Goins; in memory of Clyde Gorum, Don Whittington, Margetta Stoddard and Marilyn Williams by Carol and Warren Grafton; in memory of Hattie Burton and Sara Burroughs by Steve and Lani Causey; in memory of John     Carpenter by Gloria and Ray Presley, Mrs. Maureen Trussell, Mrs. Mitzi Perry, and Performance Transport LLC; in memory of Clyde Gorum by the Rasmussen and Men's Bible Class; in memory of Don Trussell by Mrs. Maureen Trussell; in memory of Don Whittington by Mrs. Jacque Treese; and in memory of Mike Owens by Peggy Worley.                                                                                                                                                                                    
Hugo Holland Scholarship Fund: In memory of Don Whittington and Margetta Stoddard by Mrs. Ann Holland. 

Memorial Fund: in memory of Clyde Gorum by Bobbie Hicks, Dr. and Mrs. Juan Watkins, Linda Byrd, Michael Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson, Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Howard Sutton, Mrs. Dot Knight, Mrs. Mitzi Perry, and Mrs.   Weyman Oden, Jr.; in memory of Don Whittington by Cheryl Caskey, Cindy Williamson, Elray and Gayla Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. John Zelinski, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sour, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sutton, Mrs. Gloria Sartor, Robbie Peterson, Tom and Connie Mead, W. D. Gaskins, Eileen Stripland and Rita Wright; in memory of Hattie Burton by Cindy Williamson; in memory of Margetta Stoddard by Carolyn Brau, Christine Kelemen, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Knight, Jr., Elizabeth Siskron, Henry Rosenblath, Mary Sue Knight, Meredith Mariano, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Latham, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sour, Mrs. Dot Knight, Ms. Heather Werth, Nicole Wood, Patty Lindsey and Sondra Gotzkowsky; and in memory of Nancy Wood by   Cindy Williamson.

NCAP Fund: in memory of Margetta Stoddard by Dr. and Mrs. Juan Watkins.

Scholarship Fund: in memory of Clyde Gorum by Mr. and Mrs. James Goins.

Upper Room Seminary Fund: in memory of Don Whittington and Margetta Stoddard by Mr. and Mrs. James     Goins; and in memory of Bette Hoppe, Johnnie Schulman, and Robert Davis by Gene and Lynda Land .

Youth Choir Fund: in memory of Martha G. Keith by Tom Keith.

Youth Department: in memory of Martha G. Keith by Tom Keith.

Correction from the previous Noel Now:
Honorarium Fund: in honor of Sarah Bundrick Grimes by Victoria Perkins, Jessica Gillen, and Jessica Lutz

Mission Projects--Collection Boxes around the Church

Got a Sunday School Class?  Start Visiting; it's Easy!

Noel has nine Adult Sunday School classes offering a variety of teaching methods and communities. They all meet Sunday mornings from 10-11am. Pick up a Sunday School brochure in the racks around the Church or in the Office. You can also look online by clicking below.   You can find classes for youth and children in these resources as well.

Moments and Memories--Youth Mission Trip 2018

This summer, 10 youth and 3 adults ventured to Atlanta, Georgia to spend some time in urban ministry with DOOR.  We spent the week serving in different places like a food pantry, Books for Africa, feeding homeless and children, and spent time looking at the life of Martin Luther King Jr. It was a powerful experience for all! 

Atlanta is only different than Shreveport because of it's size, the demographics for the two cities are very much the same, so it was powerful to see what Atlanta is doing to make it's city better and see that we can do the same things in Shreveport.

Noel's Family Ministries - A Bright Future!

With the dynamic duo of 
Jeanie Middleton and Bruce Weber leading our family ministries, 
we look forward to exciting things ahead!

As our Children's Ministry  Director, Jeanie is in charge of all things children. Bruce, who began here as our Youth and Young Adult Director at Noel on July 1, has already began planning for Fall and beyond.
We are so grateful to have you both at Noel!

Save the Dates!


Our Life in Christ

Condolences: to the family of Virginia King upon her death on June 29.
Concerns: Sondra Alexander, Beverly Bowen, J.R. Burt, Leslie Clark, Jessica Cooper, Amanda Delaup, Amy Eskew, Jane Hanson, Nancy Holland, Holly Hollis, Bryan Jennings, Karen Jennings, Kevin and Sandy Jeter, JoLynn Jones, Kathy Kamm, Naomi Kanallakan, Dottie & Mike Kiser, Howard and Clarice Moore, Mary Reagan, Kay Reis, Gay Shirley,   Daisy Snelling, Paula Sour, Dawn Whittington and Jason Winn along with Noel's homebound members & those in the Military.

Purple Bag Ministry
Grab a purple bag in worship (or any bag) or shop online below.   For July: canned green beans & creamy peanut butter, 16oz. Bags can be brought to the Church office during the week or on Sunday mornings.

Giving Information at Noel

For all of your giving opportunities, 
follow the link below.
Q uestions? 
Email  Melissa Sloan  or call 221-5207.

Always Thankful for Food Pantry Volunteers!

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Sign up; it's Easy!
Noel offers many means of communication to stay informed of upcoming events and in the case of our weekly scripture text, to stay inspired and blessed by God's word. Click  to sign up for texting or to be added to email lists of interest to you.
Contact Information


Noel Memorial United

Methodist Church

 520 Herndon St., Shreveport, LA 71101 

318-221-5207  Fax: 318-425-7643

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Friday 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Closed daily during lunch 12:00-1:00 p.m.  


Pastoral Staff


Email Noel's Staff


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