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Looking Toward this Sunday June 24, 2018

Scripture Lessons: Amos 7:7-15 and Ephesians 1:3-14

John Ryan will preach at 8:30 and 9:45 in Lingle Chapel and 11:00 in the sanctuary.

This Sunday we will hear first from Amos, who was a sheep herder and a sycamore fig farmer before being called to be a prophet. Not many people were fond of prophet, especially those in the northern Kingdom of Israel, who Amos was being called to tell them they were falling short of living God's laws. He spoke against an increased disparity between the very wealthy and the very poor and compared God's coming justice to that of a plumb line, which would destroy the House of Israel.   Our second lesson comes from Ephesians where we hear about our adoption into the faith through the agency of Jesus Christ. Together we will explore what these passages have to say to us today, much as they had to say to the first hearers then. We look forward to seeing you in church this Sunday!
Stephanie Johnson and Colleen Bosak-Harrison will sing  Give Ear Unto Me at the 8:30 service.
The Summer Choir will sing Jesus Makes My Heart Rejoice at the 11:00 service.
Rusty Knox will sing Come Thou Fount at the 9:45 service.

We continue to remember our Nicaragua partners in prayer as they endure a great deal of violence and unrest in their country. DCPC's partners and close friends have all been impacted as the violence intensifies and the loss of life increases.  Our brother Gerardo Arias, who painted the Congregation House mural, has reported stories of fear and injustice as armed militia patrol the streets of their neighborhoods.  Managua based partners, CEPAD and Jubilee House, have halted their work in communities throughout Nicaragua and are experiencing significant financial hardship. DCPC Global Missions Committee has authorized $3,000 be distributed to these partners.  We ask that you consider an individual contribution to provide further relief.  You may leave cash or a check in the offering or give online clearly marked "Nicaragua" in the memo line.

SUMMER CHOIR In the summertime, many people go to the beach and stick their toes in the water. Why not stick your musical toes in the water this summer and try out Summer Choir? Each week, anyone who likes to sing is invited to come to the choir room at 10:20 and learn that Sunday's anthem. The commitment is for one week at the time. Ideal for people who can't commit to regular weekly rehearsals or who travel too much.

HABITAT HOUSE DEDICATION HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED . The dedication will be July 17 at 11:00 am.
BE A GOOD STEWARD OF CREATION  Our DCPC Green Group has ordered reusable grocery bags for your use. A $4 donation/bag will help us cover the cost of production.  Please consider buying one to help reduce the number of plastic bags that are blowing through our streets and floating through our oceans. You can pick yours up in the DCPC Office or before or after worship. Contact Julie Nardella if you have any questions.
The Charlotte Presbytery coordinates disaster response teams and they need a representative from DCPC (or several!) who would be willing to be contacts for disaster response when crises arise. This person would receive communications from the Presbytery and pass them along to DCPC members. You could also join the disaster response committee at the Presbytery level. If interested, contact Margo Wehrung.

HELP FEED THE CHILDREN  of the Huntington Green neighborhood in Huntersville this summer. Without your help they will go hungry. DCPC will partner with Caterpillar Ministries to provide 225 bags of food for these children this summer. Instructions are located at the Information Center. Questions, contact  Catherine Bragg  (704-617-9905) or  Rosemary Klein  (704-439-7864).
LOAVES AND FISHES  Bring your canned goods or other non-perishable food items and place them in the grocery carts or baskets for Loaves and Fishes. Deliveries are made each Monday morning. 

Adult Faith Formation
Maloney (9:45 am, Parlor) The Pines (Marshall Room)
July 15 - The Widow and the Unjust Judge, Luke 18:1-8
Summer ABC - This summer's ABC (Another Bible Class continues all the Sundays in July in room 201 at 9:45 am. To prepare for future classes, please read the chapters below for each Sunday:
July 15 - Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Pharisee and Tax Collector
July 22 - Parables of the Laborer's in the Vineyard and the Widow and the Judge
July 29 - Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Youth and Children Ministry
The Family Bible Reading Challenge is ON! This summer, read Bible stories with your family. Children and youth can win prizes on Rally Day in September. Pick up information at the Faith Formation bulletin board (across from the copy room) or
CLICK HERE    to print your own. Don't stop learning and growing in faith!

Rob Spach- Rob's mother died last week in Winston-Salem.
Missy Martin- Missy's father died this week.
Vickie Gray- Vickie is going through chemotherapy.

Congratulations  to proud parents Becca and Jason Ridenhour as they celebrate the birth of their son, Henry Clark Ridenhour, who was born Tuesday, July 3rd. 
Davidson College Presbyterian Church
PO Box 337
Davidson, NC  28036