Newsletter: Week of July 9, 2018


As we at the Hub work on our transition away from our office at 30 JFK Street in Harvard Square, we will no longer be holding small group meetings here.

But fear not! Some of our summer volunteer-led small groups will still be running: the best way to learn more about these programs, and the details about where they will meet -- and to learn about our Fall programs when announcements are available -- is to follow us on Facebook or join our Meetup.

During this transition, our 30 JFK Street location will no  longer  be open for drop-ins. We ask visitors to make an appointment with the staff person they'd like to meet with directly. Email [email protected] if you need staff contact information.

If you'd like to talk with the Transition Committee, you can email them at [email protected].

Help Support Us!
The Humanist Hub is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that receives zero funding from Harvard University. Everything we do is thanks to your support. Please give generously!
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Want to see what we're up to? Follow our website, Facebook account, and Meetup - where you'll see volunteer-led opportunities to get involved!
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