Teaching for Black Lives

Teaching for Black Lives
New from Rethinking Schools is Teaching for Black Lives, a classroom resource grown directly out of the movement for Black lives.

Edited by Dyan Watson, Jesse Hagopian, and Wayne Au, this book provides articles and lessons that demonstrate how teachers can connect curriculum to young people's lives. Teaching for Black Lives highlights the hope and beauty of student activism and collective action.

Paperback | 368 pages | $26.95
Section Titles
  • Section 1: Making Black Lives Matter in Our Schools
  • Section 2: Enslavement, Civil Rights, and Black Liberation 
  • Section 3: Gentrification, Displacement, and Anti-Blackness
  • Section 4: Discipline, the Schools-to-Prison Pipeline, and Mass Incarceration
  • Section 5: Teaching Blackness, Loving Blackness, and Exploring Identity
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Rethinking Schools
#SchoolsToo: Educators' Responsibility to Confront Sexual Violence

The new Spring 2018 issue of Rethinking Schools discusses the ongoing, persistent verbal and physical violence against women, youth, and LGBTQ communities that has not been adequately addressed in most schools. Instead of educating children and youth about gender equity and sexual harassment, schools often create a culture that perpetuates stigma, shame, and silence. 

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