December 2020
Your monthly news & updates
ACT's monthly newsletter for our supporters, partners, and other service providers is now provided in electronic format only. This newsletter provides updates and information on our programs, staff, and upcoming events.
In-Home HIV Test Kit
Know your status from the safety and comfort of home! To ensure everyone's safety during these difficult times, ACT is now offering FREE In-Home HIV Test Kits. To learn more contact LaToya Tyson at 860-247-2437 x331 or 860-539-6019. All inquiries are completely confidential.
Takima Robinson, Director of Asset Building Programs for CAHS (a division of ACT), recently spoke with Wanda Coppage at 94.3 WYBC about volunteer opportunities in their VITA tax program. Listen to their conversation to learn more about the program and how you can help!
CT Money School (CMS), a program of CAHS, provides financial capability workshops for individuals and families across Connecticut. Learn more at or contact Amanda Onochie at 860-951-2212 x268 for more information.
1/18 - ACT closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/20 - Board of Directors Meeting (7:30-9am)
Special thanks to all who donated to ACT this holiday season! Even during these difficult times we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of our loyal supporters.

If you missed our year-end appeal but would still like to support our mission, click the button below to make a donation now. Your generosity will help those we serve throughout the new year!
Advancing CT Together (ACT) is an umbrella agency that encompasses three divisions: AIDS CT, The CT Association for Human Services, and The CT Center for Harm Reduction. Our collective impact strengthens and broadens the range of services provided to families throughout Connecticut.