Message from Leadership Florida President, Wendy Spencer
Dear Leadership Florida Members,
It is hard to believe we are approaching the end of our 2017-2018 program year. Throughout this past year, there have been unforgettable class sessions, incredible member-wide events, countless memories made, and lifelong bonds forged. Time truly does fly when you are having fun! 
Before we set our sights on next year, we need you to help us close out this year with a bang. If you have not registered for the Annual Meeting, please take a moment to do so now, we would hate for you to miss out on what will be the largest offerings of programming in Leadership Florida Annual Meeting history!   The deadline to register is TODAY! Please visit the link HERE to view more information and register.
More great news! Leadership Florida is going to London December 2-7! We have organized a one-of-a-kind trip with a unique benefit. Members will not only experience exclusive excursions throughout the beautiful City of London, but each Leadership Florida member will be matched with their closest professional counterpart and participate in a special peer exchange enabling you to share ideas and learn best business practices to bring back to the sunshine state. With overwhelming member interest for London, we have placed an attendee cap of 150 people on the event. 94 members, including guests have registered for the trip, so there are only 56 slots remaining.  June 30 is the deadline to register. This is another “don’t miss” event so register or find more information HERE .
It’s Class selection time! We have another incredible group of applicants for our Cornerstone and Connect Class Programs. Special thanks to those of you who helped recruit, referred, or motivated great Floridians to apply. The difficult part will now be to select our newest Classes as the applications are amazing. Later today, we will announce the members of both Selection Committees so you can “lobby” them for your favorite applicants. Watch your email for that announcement.
Thank you for a fabulous Leadership Florida year!  I am looking forward to the journey ahead, and thanks to all of you for coming along for the ride. Hope to see you in Sarasota!
Wendy Spencer
Leadership Florida President and CEO
Do not miss out on the biggest event of the year. This year's Annual Meeting is going to be spectacular with the largest offering of speakers, presentations, excursions, and events in Leadership Florida history!
Members will be educated, inspired, motivated and entertained by 12 nationally and internationally-know speakers and presenters.
Kid's Nite Out sponsored by Publix is going to be a blast not only for the kids, but will allow parents to relax and have some well-deserved fun.
Carnival Corporation, has generously donated two cruises to be given away at the Annual Meeting. Each cruise features a seven day maximum trip for two passengers and includes a balcony stateroom.
Annual Meeting Attire
Feel free to be comfortable during our Annual Meeting. Appropriate attire is listed below:

  • Sundresses
  • Slacks and Button Downs
  • Business Casual Attire
  • Resort Attire
Farewell, Bethany!
It is bittersweet that we announce Bethany Swonson has accepted a wonderful new opportunity as Executive Director of the Florida Education Foundation, which is a support organization for the Florida Department of Education. It’s bittersweet because we are very sad to lose Bethany as she has been a networker, fundraiser, friend-maker, cheerleader, and creative and energetic member relations powerhouse!  However, we are very excited about her new role at the Florida Education Foundation and know the organization and Florida will continue to benefit from Bethany’s talents and leadership. 
Below is a statement from Bethany she wanted to share. We will miss her on the team, but are thrilled we will continue to work with her in this new capacity promoting education priorities throughout Florida. Leadership Florida was made stronger because of Bethany, and we thank her for her enthusiastic commitment to our mission and to a greater Florida. 
“But for” Leadership Florida I would never have been able to discover my passion for the education field and meet so many inspiring people. The opportunity has presented itself for me to serve the sunshine state in a new role and contribute my skills to an area that I’m passionate about. This June I will transition to work for the Florida Education Foundation as the Executive Director. As I take on this new chapter, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your commitment to building a trusting and growing Florida, and in return prepare me for this next step of my professional journey.   Bethany Swonson
Good luck, Bethany!
Leadership Florida Goes to London!
  • Pack your bags for the ultimate Leadership Florida experience as you and a guest travel to London THIS December! With overwhelming member interest for London, we have placed an attendee cap of 150 people on the event. 94 members, including guests have registered for the trip, so there are only 56 slots remaining. June 30 is the deadline to register. This is another “don’t miss” event so register or find more information HERE.
Important details to know:
  • Sunday, December 2 through Friday, December 7, 2018
Price Packages:
  • $3,500 (Per Couple) $2,750 (Per Single)
What's Included:
  • Five nights at the St. Ermin’s Hotel (a Marriott Autograph Collection hotel), which is smartly located in the Westminster area near Buckingham Palace and St. James Park. 
  • ALL of the listed excursions, museums, sightseeing trips in the attached itinerary.
  • Private transportation to all excursions.
  • Several meals throughout the trip and breakfast each morning at the hotel.  

If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Pratt at
Member Spotlight
Our member spotlight this month goes to two amazing Leadership Florida members. Emily Walsh, Cornerstone XXXIV and Geri Waksler, Cornerstone XXXIII.

These amazing women, are not only incredible Leadership Florida members, but are phenomenal leaders withing their community as well. They were selected as our co-chairs for this year's Annual Meeting, and have worked tirelessly with the Annual Meeting Committee and championed many of our excursions and entertainment for members to enjoy. We truly appreciate and thank them for all they have done to help make our upcoming Annual Meeting great. We asked Emily and Geri to answer a few questions so you can get to know them a little better.
Emily Walsh
Cornerstone XXXIV

Your favorite virtue: Authenticity 

Your favorite qualities in an individual: Being true to oneself, selflessness and humor.

What you appreciate the most in your friends:  That no matter how much time passes we can pick up right where we left off. 

Your idea of happiness: Being with my family and friends on the beach with a nice glass of Chardonnay and a good book. 

Your heroes in real life are: My parents. They are exceptional at being selfless human beings, wanting to make the communities they work and live in a better place and touching the hearts and souls of those around them. And they do an amazing job at it! Everyone who knows them admires them!

The reform I admire the most: That's so hard to answer, because there are so many admirable causes! As a longtime advocate against domestic abuse and sexual violence through my work on the Safe Place and Rape Crisis Center board of directors, I'm a huge fan of how the #metoo movement has finally given people the opportunity to speak out without judgement.

The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with: Running. I'd love to be a runner. 

Words or phrases do you most overuse: "OMG!" "Sweet!" "My bad."

Your greatest achievement: My son, Rhys Parry, age 8. He is everything!

Your favorite motto: Don't be afraid to fail! 
Geri Waksler
Cornerstone, XXXIII

Your favorite virtue:  Kindness.

Your favorite qualities in an individual:  Determination and a sense of humor.

What you appreciate the most in your friends: Knowing that they will be there whenever, wherever and for whatever reason I need, oftentimes before I’m even aware that I need them.

Your idea of happiness:  My family laughing around the dinner table, eating a meal I prepared just for them.

Your heroes in real life are:  My grandfather. Sam Shine left school in 6 th grade to become a grocery delivery boy and help support his family. Eventually, he owned his own grocery store and furniture store. He worked very hard, but always enjoyed life. My grandpa bought a Harley in his 60’s. He threw a Sweet 16 party for his beloved Cadillac Eldorado in the parking garage of his Miami condo, complete with newspaper coverage (he spread newspapers on the hood of the car and set up snacks on top), and dancing (to music from his transistor radio). Wherever he went, he left people smiling. I’m smiling now, just thinking about him.

The reform I admire the most:  Early childhood education, particularly the focus on literacy beginning in pre-school and kindergarten. Our children must learn to read so that later they can read to learn – their success depends on it.

The natural talent I'd like to be gifted with:  A beautiful singing voice.

Words or phrases do you most overuse: “It’s all good.”

Your greatest achievement: Having never allowed the demands (and joys) of balancing a family and a career prevent me from making time to help others in my community less fortunate than me.

Your favorite motto:  It is not enough to be compassionate.
Movers & Shakers
Awards & Recognitions
G.C. Murray
Leadership Florida Connect VII
Drayton Saunders, Leadership Florida Cornerstone XXVI
Doug Bartel, Leadership Florida Cornerstone Class XXXV
Mary Ellen Klas , Leadership Florida Cornerstone Class XXXIII
Nicole Washington, Leadership Florida Connect VII
Lila Jaber, Leadership Florida Cornerstone XXIII
G.C. Murray, Leadership Florida Connect VII, has been named the Tallahassee’s Democrat’s Top Volunteer of the Year and Jefferson Award Winner for his extensive community service through ICE, a foundation focused on mentoring young professionals. G.C. will be traveling to Washington D.C. to accept his award at the national Jefferson Awards. Congratulations, G.C.!

Drayton Saunders, Leadership Florida Cornerstone XXVI, has been named Leadership Sarasota’s Impact in Action award winner for his years of service to the Sarasota area. Way to go, Drayton!

Doug Bartel, Leadership Florida Cornerstone Class XXXV, was recently honored for leadership and service by Florida Blue Key, the state’s oldest and most prestigious leadership honorary. In addition to celebrating students each year, Blue Key also honors University of Florida alumni and other civic, business and community leaders for public service to UF and to the State of Florida. We are proud to count many of the Florida Blue Key members as part of our Leadership Florida family. Congratulations to Doug and all the other leaders who are among the most recent honorary tapping class.

Mary Ellen Klas , Leadership Florida Cornerstone Class XXXIII, was been selected by The  Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard  as one of its Nieman Fellows for the class of 2019! Mary, the capital bureau chief for The Miami Herald in Tallahassee, Fla., will examine the relationship between declining journalism resources and corruption in local communities and more specifically, what happens to government integrity when watchdog reporting declines.

Nicole Washington, Leadership Florida Connect VII, was named the 2018 Young Floridian by the Bob Graham Center during the Annual Gathering & Award Presentation earlier this month. Congrats, Nicole!

Lila Jaber, Leadership Florida Cornerstone XXIII and past board chair, received the Tallahassee Women’s Lawyers Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Award. Congrats, Lila!
Promotions/New Employment

Greg Haile, Leadership Florida Cornerstone XXX, has been named the new president of Broward College. Greg has served Broward College since 2011 as General Counsel and Vice President for Public Policy and Government Affairs. He will be replacing current president, David Armstrong on June 30. Congrats, Greg! 

Deborah Bowie , Leadership Florida Cornerstone XXXVI, is now the executive chief of staff in the Office of the City Manager in Gainesville. Congrats, Deborah!

Troy McNichols, Leadership Florida Cornerstone XXXVI, has been selected by AT&T as its new director of external affairs for North and Central Florida

Roymi Membiela , Leadership Florida Cornerstone XXII, has been named the vice president and chief consumer officer with Leon Medical Centers. Roymi will be responsible for analyzing, designing and implementing enhancements to the consumer/patient journey. Congratulations, Roymi!

Aaron Zahn, Leadership Florida Connect IV has been named Interim CEO of JEA Utilities in Jacksonville. Congrats, Aaron!
NASCAR "but for" Leadership Florida Event
Thank you to everyone who tuned in to the Leadership Florida Facebook Live Drawing yesterday! We had a blast executing the presentation, and are extremely excited for all the winners. Please see the winner list below:

Melissa Adams, Connect III (3)
Sarah Alsofrom, Cornerstone XXXII (32)
Flecia Braswell, Cornerstone XII (12)
Gale Butler, Cornerstone XVII (17)
Neil Campbell, Cornerstone XXX (30)
Tracy Carroll, Cornerstone XXXII (32)
Nancy Clutts, Cornerstone XXV (25)
Josh Cockrell, Connect VIII (8)
Bryan Desloge, Cornerstone XV (15)
Roger Feicht, Connect II (2)
Adam Fetterman, Cornerstone XXXVI (36)
George Forman, Cornerstone XXXVI (36)
Brian Goldmeier, Connect V (5)
Tammara Hall, Cornerstone XXX (30)
Lila Jaber, Cornerstone XXIII (23)
Faequa Khan, Connect VII (7)
Lynda Long, Cornerstone VII (7)
Sophia Nelson, Cornerstone XXXV (35)
Todd Powell, Cornerstone XXX (30)
Teresa Rawe, Cornerstone XXXVI (36)
Dave Romine, Cornerstone XXXIII (33)
Michel Saddeh, Cornerstone XV (15)
Ronald Sachs, Cornerstone X (10)
Geoff Sluggett, Cornerstone XXXII (32)
Beth Smith, Connect VII (7)
Ronald Smith, Cornerstone XXII (22)
Justin Thames, Connect VII (7)
Kristen Truong, College XVII (17)
Alan Williams, Cornerstone XXV (25)
Carl Zalak III, Connect VIII (8)
Thank you to Florida Power and Light for making this possible!
Leadership Florida Job Board
Send us your company’s job openings! Leadership Florida would like to help your company secure rock star talent to join your team. As members send us word of exciting new available positions, we will be posting them to our website, promoting them on social media and sending them out in our monthly E-casts. We hope you enjoy this added membership benefit.

Leadership Florida is looking for a new Member Services and Resources Development Manager! To view the job description click HERE Please send resumes to Chris Lucas at 

The Florida State Parks Foundation is looking for an Executive Director! To view the job description click HERE . Interested parties should email a single pdf file that includes a letter of interest, resume and salary requirements to Don Philpott, Interim Executive Director,   and Paula Russo, President

City Year Miami is actively searching for the next great leader to serve as the Executive Director! To view the job description click   HERE . Additionally, included below is the link to the online portal where candidates may submit their online application, attaching their resume and cover letter in the "Resume/CV" field on the "My Experience" page within the application portal.

Please send any jobs you would like advertised to Rachel Pratt at .
Catching Up With Classes
Leadership Florida Cornerstone Class XXXVI
Leadership Florida Cornerstone Class XXXVI
Leadership Florida’s Cornerstone Class XXXVI met for its fifth session in Miami earlier this month. Class members were exposed to Miami’s unique neighborhoods and treasures; and gained a better understanding of the diverse population and the issues that affect these communities, which included the Muslim American experience in Florida. Members also participated in a fun team culinary competition at the Culinary Institute.

Speaker s
  • Saif Y. Ishoof, (Cornerstone XXVII), Vice President, Office of Engagement
  • Imran Siddiqui, (Connect VIII), President, Siddiqui Strategies LLC
  • Guithele Ruiz-Nicolas, Managing Partner, GRN Solutions
  • Francois LeConte, (Cornerstone XXV), Chairman/CEO, Paramount Broadcasting Communication
  • Mayor Tomas Regalado, Former Mayor of Miami, City of Miami
  • Tony Argiz, Chairman and CEO, Moorison Brown Argiz, & Farra
  • Carmen Valdivia, Past President, Operation Pedro Pan Group, Inc.
  • Mario Trueba, (Cornerstone XIX), Former Chair, Leadership Florida
  • Kimberly Lear, Founder and Content Director, Inlay Insights
  • Dimitrios Jimmy Nares, Section Chief, Aviation Marketing, Miami-Dade Aviation Department
  • Brett Bibeau, Managing Diretor, Miami River Commission

Member Quotes
  • "Everything was beyond awesome and exceeded my expectations!"

  • "It has opened my eyes to how rich Florida's history and culture is, as well as how far we have to go to be a truly inclusive nation and state."

  • "Definitely a growing experience in my personal and professional life! I am so grateful to develop these new bonds that I know I will carry through my life."
Upcoming Events
  • Saturday, June 2, 2018: Northwest Region’s Day of Fun on the Water. To register visit this link.
  • Thursday-Sunday, June 14-17, 2018: Leadership Florida 36th Annual Meeting, The Ritz-Carlton Sarasota. To register visit this link.
  • Saturday, July 7, 2018: Coke Zero 400 "but for" Attending members have been selected.
Facebook Groups
Leadership Florida's New Regional Facebook Groups are now open for you to join!

We ask that each of you go to your regions Facebook group and request to join right now. Being a member of your regions Facebook group allows you to know the latest and greatest happenings within your region, and helps you stay engaged. We want to make sure you are always in the know, so join now!

Thank You to our Cornerstone XXXVI Sponsors!