Your 2018 Tulsa Water Quality Report is Ready
Dear Paperless Billing Customer ,
This is to let you know the City of Tulsa 2018 Water Quality Report is now available on the City of Tulsa website. 

This report contains important information about the sources and quality of the City of Tulsa's drinking water. The report has summary results of the City of Tulsa's drinking water samples analyzed during 2017. These results show that Tulsa's water is compliant with federal and state regulations and that the water is safe. This report can be found on the  City of Tulsa website .

If you would like a paper copy of this report, please contact Water Quality Assurance at (918) 591-4378 or the Customer Care Center at 311.

El informe de la calidad del agua potable del año 2015 de la ciudad de Tulsa es disponible. Se puede obtener una versión en español de este documento en la página web de la  ciudad de Tulsa . O puede llamar al Centro de Atención al Cliente al 311 para pedir una copia impresa.