#188, July 10, 2019

Listen to my favorite story about "Knowing Your Strength". 

Now, let's talk about the music for your next CELEBRATION. 

Especially about PLANNING your wedding or party music.  

Want  to do it well?  Need help?  Let me give you a handy Tip.   

But First, Let Me Tell You a Little Story:

He's the earliest mass murderer in recorded history. 

You probably know him already.

The strongest man in the Bible.  He resisted the 
heathens who oppressed his tribe.

According to Judges 13-16, he once killed 1,000 
of those heathens with a donkey's jawbone. 

Those Philistines hated and feared him, so they 
bribed his wife to learn the secret of his strength.  

Turns out, his secret was never to cut his hair.  
So while he was asleep, she betrayed him and 
shaved his head. 

He immediately lost his special strength and   
became powerless to resist his enemies.  
So they captured and imprisoned him.

You know the rest of this story, I'm sure.  
But to me this first part is more important.

Really!  Because  it's about the special strengths
we all rely on.  

Ask yourself "What are MY special strengths?" 
and prepare yourself for a valuable lesson.

The key to Samson's strength was a secret.  
But the key to OUR strengths is no secret: 
talent, hard work, study, and long practice.

Even if we don't see our own strengths  clearly, 
our friends and colleagues surely do. 
And so do our clients, too.

Whatever we're doing -- managing a business, or
developing a relationship, or playing a  game, or 
something else -- all the experts advise  us to 
"lead with our strength".

So we always face these two challenges:  

First, identify where our strengths lie.  You can 
find dozens of tactics for finding your strengths.  

My favorite is the Tip I promised: 
Occasionally act outside your "comfort zone".  
Then see what you can do well the first time.

And second, once we can name our strengths, 
our next challenge is to DEVELOP them. 
Make them  even more amazing. 

If you're good at teaching yourself, look for 
good examples of what strengths you want, 
and follow those examples.

You'll probably need to learn a few things you 
can't teach yourself, so it's smart to get some 
coaching from a proven expert.

Why am I telling you this?

For me, one of my strengths is knowing how 
music helps people celebrate.  This is what 
I've been learning and practicing nearly every 
day since 1975.

Either by helping people plan the music for 
their parties, or by leading my band as we 
entertain all their wedding and party guests.

And now that we're talking about 
wedding and party music...
Summertime parties and Labor Day are just ahead, 
and you might be involved with planning an 
exciting celebration.

And if you or a friend are engaged to get 
married, you might also be involved with 
planning the wedding.

Perhaps both. 

So the next time you or a friend   are looking   for 
upbeat, elegant music,  played the way you want, 
think of us.

Where can you can preview us?  Here: (RSVP required)

Thur, Sept 12,  5:30-8:00pm
"Fall Festival of Wine & Food"
The Winchester Mystery House,
525 S Winchester Blvd, San Jose

Reply or call 408-245-9120.  Let's chat soon.

Robbie Schlosser | Magnolia Jazz Band
"Elegant, Upbeat Music for Weddings and Parties"  
P.S.  See our  Yelp reviewsphotos of us in action on  Instagram

Now, for the "fine print":   You're receiving this reminder because you opened my most recent email, or we've worked together sometime in the last 43 years, or you enjoyed our music somewhere, or we met at an event, or you subscribed on, or you read my BLOG, or you joined my friends on social media, or you read our excellent reviews on Yelp and WeddingWire .  Whew!  

However you found me, THANK YOU!

Now, let me ask 3 favors:
1. Did you enjoy reading this note?  .
2. While you're here, visit our Reminders Archive for more of my stories.
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