Volume 34 | January 18, 2021
Don't forget! Beneficiaries eligible for the LIS/Dual SEP will be permitted to make a coverage change one time per quarter during the first nine months of the year:

  • January - March
  • April - June
  • July - September

The effective date of the enrollment into the new plan will be the first of the month following the receipt of an enrollment request. Per CMS guidelines, the SEP is considered "used" based on the month in which the election was made. 
Social Security COLA fails to keep up with rising costs of essential products and services

The 1.3 percent cost of living increase that older Americans are receiving this month is not keeping pace with rising expenses, according to a nonpartisan advocacy group. This continues a trend in which Social Security benefits have lost 30 percent of their buying power over the past decade. Read more.

How can agents help? Assist your clients in applying for a Medicare Savings Program (MSP) or Extra Help (LIS). For income and asset limits for each program, visit our Medicare Resources page. If you have any questions, contact your local Regional Sales Director, or call us today.
Building Client Loyalty: More than Just a Plan

Client loyalty can make or break a business. Building relationships with people that are relying on an agent to guide them through the choppy waters of health care coverage makes all the difference. It’s what gives one person an overstuffed book of business, while the other is sitting and waiting for their phone to ring.

But how can you establish that trust with clients? Consider these tips.
CMS Rule Aims to Accelerate Medicare Coverage of Breakthrough Tech

As part of its Patients over Paperwork Initiative, CMS has taken aim at the prolonged Medicare coverage approval process for FDA-approved products.

“Government processes have slowed beneficiaries’ access to innovative treatments. Despite being deemed safe and effective by the FDA, Medicare beneficiaries have not had predictable, immediate access to innovative breakthrough devices,” said CMS Administrator Seema Verma. Learn More
MCC EZ-Enroll Demos are Back!
New year. New sales. New goals. Sound familiar?

Then it's time to learn a new process. Join Meena every Thursday as she walks you through the complete online process of MCC EZ-Enroll, which can be completed in-person or remotely. From how to text a Scope of Appointment (SOA) to sending a plan comparison; from finding in-network providers to completing the enrollment, Meena's got you covered!

Thursdays at 2:00pm EST - Get the Link
A Statement from Transamerica regarding Long Term Care

"Thank you for your patience following the announcement regarding the exit of our standalone Long Term Care business. At time of the announcement last month, we shared that there would be more detail to follow in January. We are currently working with the transition team and senior leadership to provide a comprehensive communication to include transition rules, FAQs and additional supporting documentation. In the interim, I have received clearance to share with you in advance this high-level correspondence which includes important dates for both individually sold and MultiLife business."

  • Individual LTC – March 31, 2021 – all applications must be completed, signed and received by Transamerica LTC by this date.  
  • Multi-Life LTC – A SGR for an approved MultiLife case must be received no later than March 31, 2021. Last day to submit a MultiLife Application will be June 30, 2021

*Importantly – for those of you that work with, or are interested in, other Transamerica products (Life, Annuity) the LTC riders and Living Benefits imbedded in those products are unchanged.”
MCC Brokerage will continue to offer Long Term Care with Mutual of Omaha, One America (“State Life”), along with the riders in the Life Policies such as John Hancock, Lincoln Moneyguard and others. Call us if you have any questions.

(800) 783-5642
Sandy x1111 - Melissa x1116 - Lori x1119
**Social Media Post to Share with Your Clients**
5 Healthy Steps to Lower Your Odds for Alzheimer's

"A combination of healthy habits -- such as a good diet and regular exercise -- may lower your risk of Alzheimer's disease by as much as 60%, a new study suggests. Here's more on the five healthy lifestyle factors that could help your brain: "**
**Check your carrier contracts to make sure your page does not need to be registered or you don't need to complete additional certifications before posting. For more information, contact Melissa in our compliance department at (800) 783-5642 ext 1116.
MCC Brokerage offers more than just
Medicare products!

MCC has a vast portfolio of carriers for products to cover most of your clients needs. With everything from Life Insurance products to Ancillary coverage, we have you covered!

To learn more about our products, visit our website or call us today at (800) 783-5642
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