Our Continued Response during the
COVID-19 Crisis
Our Communities Come First
As we continue to grapple with the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,
Acacia Network has remained steadfast in our commitment to serve the most vulnerable populations throughout New York City and beyond.
Knowing full well that our community members are at increased risk, particularly Latinx and black communities, we have continued to ensure uninterrupted access to integrated primary & behavioral care, telehealth services, food distribution, workforce development opportunities, among other supports and services.
Our services are provided using a trauma-informed approach to care.
In addition to ensuring positive health and safety outcomes for clients of all ages, we have intensified our focus on arts and wellness initiatives that nurture the mental health and social-emotional wellbeing of our staff and clients. As we celebrate
Mental Health Awareness Month during this incredibly trying time, the need to equip our families with additional tools to cope with stress and trauma has become even more pressing.
Below, we've included updates on Acacia Network's work in some of our satellite regions, such as Upstate New York and Puerto Rico, as well as recent initiatives in our Transitional Housing Division, our Childcare, Education & Youth Development Programs, and more.
As usual, our work wouldn't be possible without our strong network of affiliates and our generous donors, sponsors, and partners.
Please continue to support our work! Your donation, big or small, can make a huge difference in the lives of struggling individuals and families during this challenging time.
Mental Health Awareness in our Homeless Shelters:
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, Acacia Network launched a Virtual Arts and Wellness Series for children and families in our transitional housing sites. The arts workshops are provided in collaboration with our affiliate, Loisaida, Inc.
As part of our continuum of care, we provide an array of resources to families & individuals in our 56 homeless shelters across the City, including one-on-one case management with social workers, access to integrated primary and behavioral care, employment assistance, among other services.
To ensure positive outcomes for the clients served in our shelters and across other programs, we rely on the expertise of our clinical team, in addition to our experience at our Federally Qualified Health Centers and skilled nursing facility, Casa Promesa. Our integrated approach to care and wellness has helped to ensure that individuals experiencing homelessness can come out of the crisis stronger.
For more information, CLICK HERE!
Childcare, Education & Youth Wellness:
Acacia Network’s Childcare, Education & Youth Development initiatives aim to provide high-quality educational and recreational programming for children and youth of all ages to ensure positive outcomes inside and outside of school. Our model integrates a holistic approach that seeks to engage the entire family through wrap-around services, such as extended academic enhancement for students, parent workshops, education & workforce development resources, primary & mental care, food distribution, among other services.
During the COVID-19 crisis, we have continued to engage with our early learners & school-aged kids through daily virtual learning or virtual academic enhancement activities. We’ve also conducted virtual check-ins & wellness sessions with our adult, veteran, and senior populations.
Initiatives in Upstate New York & Puerto Rico
Upstate New York Initiatives:
Acacia Network’s footprint in Upstate New York has continued to expand, thanks to its primary upstate affiliates, Hispanos Unidos de Buffalo (HUB), La Liga, and Capital District LATINOS (CDL).
During the pandemic,
HUB has continued to provide health care, housing and social services to the Western New York community, serving 3,000+ individuals and families through preventive social services, affordable & supportive housing, youth education & employment initiatives, senior services, substance use treatment & counseling, and emergency food distribution.
La Liga in Syracuse has remained active in the community, leading and participating in distributions of: masks; food, milk, and prepared meals; essential products and toiletries, among other items.
CDL has continued engaging with community and government partners, as well as local elected officials, in the Albany region to explore partnerships and develop initiatives that will continue to create conditions for the success of the Latino community in the Capital District.
Acacia Puerto Rico: Brigadas al Sur Initiative
In 2020, Acacia Network continued to solidify its presence in Puerto Rico through a new initiative, "Brigadas al Sur". As part of the initiative, we visited numerous towns and nursing homes to provide much-needed resources to underserved communities, including informational workshops, wellness initiatives (acupuncture, yoga, meditation, chiropractic services, and body massages), mental health services, music & artistic interventions, provisioning of supplies & equipment (mosquito nets, solar lamps, school supplies), among others.
Because the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated health and economic disparities in the Island, we are currently exploring opportunities to support at-risk and vulnerable communities through additional emergency food assistance and disaster relief efforts.
Beyond the operation of our essential service facilities, Acacia Network’s leadership and executive team members remain fully committed and available to address any questions or concerns, and to support the continued wellbeing of our staff and clients during these incredibly challenging times. If you or someone you know are in need of services, please contact us at
Join us at the [Virtual] Loisaida Festival on Sunday 05/24 and 05/31
Honoring its 30-year tradition, Loisaida Inc. –an affiliate of Acacia Network–announced that its annual cultural celebration, the Loisaida Festival, will take place on Memorial Day weekend, with one significant difference: The Loisaida Festival is going Virtual.
Given the COVID-19 public health and economic crisis, the Loisaida Festival will move to the digital realm, streaming live through platforms such as Facebook and YouTube on Sunday, May 24 and Sunday, May 31, 2020 from 2:00-4:00pm.
The 2020 [Virtual] Loisaida Festival’s theme – ¡Cuenta Con Nosotros! - Count on Us! – will highlight the unwavering dedication of our Latinx essential workers, who have bravely fought in the frontlines against the ongoing health crisis, as well as the plight of the LGBTQ community, as depicted in this year's beautiful commemorative artwork by local artist María Dominguez. It will also emphasize the importance of filling out the 2020 Census in order to secure future Federal, State and City funding for our schools, hospitals, roads, public works, and other vital programs.
This event has been made possible thanks to the support of Popular Bank, PHIPPS Houses, Heart 2 Heart Home Care, Bright Health, Mezcolanza, Daly/González and DCLA, DYCD, NYC District 2 Councilwoman Carlina Rivera, and the Hispanic Federation.
Virtual Census Information Session on Wednesday 06/03
On Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 2:00PM, Acacia Network in collaboration with Hispanic Federation will be hosting a Virtual Census Information Session, featuring Vannet Haro, Civic Engagement Coordinator.
During the 1-hour information session, participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the 2020 Census, its purpose, and why it is important to fill it out.
Participants will also get answers to key questions, such as: Who gets access to my information?, How secure is the process?, If you have any pending felonies, can you still complete the Census?, Should undocumented immigrants will out the Census?, and more.
We hope you’ll join us for this informative event. Feel free to share this with your friends and families so we can spread awareness about the importance of getting accurate counts during the 2020 Census!
- $100 Feeds an elderly resident in our senior programs for one week
- $250 Sponsors one virtual wellness workshop for our program participants & staff
- $500 Provides daily remote learning opportunities for a child for one week
- $1,000 Provides emergency cash assistance to four families who have suffered COVID-19 related losses
- $2,500 Subsidizes free one-time teleconsultations with primary & behavioral care providers for 20 low-income New Yorkers
The current COVID-19 public health crisis has further exacerbated the many challenges that vulnerable communities in our City and across the world face on a daily basis. With that in mind, Acacia Network has redoubled its efforts to serve at-risk populations in New York City and beyond, including homeless individuals and families, the elderly, and people of all ages requiring primary & mental healthcare, among others.
About Acacia Network:
For over 50 years, Acacia Network and its affiliates have been committed to improving the quality-of-life and wellbeing of underserved Latino communities by providing access to integrated health and housing programs, and by reinvesting in communities through innovative programming, employment opportunities and affordable housing ownership, among other initiatives. Acacia Network’s offices are located in New York City, Buffalo, Albany, and Syracuse in New York State, as well as Florida, Maryland, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Connecticut, and Puerto Rico. Acacia Network’s extensive array of community-based services are fully integrated, bilingual and culturally competent, while ensuring easy access and actively incorporating consumer and community level input. For more information, visit: