August 2018
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BHC is open 24 HOURS a DAY - 7 DAYS a WEEK
RFID key fob is required for access outside front-desk hours. Key fobs are  available for a one-time purchase of $10 at the front desk .

Welcome to the Ballard Health Club Newsletter. We value your membership at BHC and want to keep you informed of what's going on at the club.

We look forward to staying in touch! 

-The BHC Team


Studio Y

Tuesday 6:30am - NEW Instructor: Helen
Thursday 6:30am - NEW Instructor: Jessie
Saturday 10:00am - NEW Time for Lisa's Class

Cancelled during August. Returns in September on Wednesdays at  4:00pm.

Flow Yoga
Nicole's Saturday 8:30am Class is changing from Power Vinyasa Yoga 

Power Yoga
Saturday 11:00am-12:15pm - NEW class with Cobey

Studio X

Step & Tone 
Tuesdays/Thursday 10:45am - 11:45am
SUB Instructor: Aeron (continues through August 16)

New Pricing and Policy Changes as of August 1st

New Drop-in, Week and Month Pass Pricing
  • The single visit gym-only or class-only Drop-in has been merged into into a single, all-inclusive Drop-in for the price of $16 per visit. A 10 visit Drop-in punch card will be available for $145.
  • Similarly, we will be merging our basic gym-only Week pass with our PLUS Week pass into a single, unlimited (classes included) Week pass for the price of $45.
  • An unlimited single Month pass will also replace the individual gym-only or PLUS month passes. The cost is $75.
  • People with the basic gym-only memberships will still only have to pay $5 to attend a single class.
  • Week and Month pass holders may now request after hours key fob access upon providing proof of local residency.
  • Students currently or recently enrolled in school may receive a discount of 20% off of a Week or Month pass. Must provide student ID.
Minimum Age Lowered
  • The minimum age/policy will be changed to allow any youth that has completed the 8th grade access to the Club. This policy replaces the prior requirement that the minimum age be 15. Minors must have a waiver signed by their parent or guardian. This waiver can be found here.
Initiation Fee for New Members
  • There will now be a $49 initiation fee for NEW memberships. This initiation fee will be waived for the month of August for anyone that has paid for access to the club in the past 3 months.
No Changes for Existing Members
  • Existing memberships have no rate changes - the monthly and annual membership prices remain the same. Annual memberships will not have to pay an initiation fee when renewing provided there is not more than a 3-month gap since the expiration of the prior membership.
Travel (Take it Anywhere) Strength & Conditioning Workout 

Summer is a good time for road trips and travel adventures. Even if your travel activities keep you moving - hiking, paddle boarding, climbing, biking - it's still important to focus on your strength and conditioning to keep you strong for your activities. Why sacrifice your workouts while traveling? You can do body weight exercises anywhere! Try these strength and conditioning super-sets on your trips or in your backyard (during a stay-cation), and invite a buddy! Modifications shown in parentheses.

Take at least 5 minutes to warm up and 5 minutes to cool down and stretch. Drink plenty of water to stay well hydrated. 

3-5 Sets
Push-up/plank jacks - 15
Lunge-hops (Reverse Lunges) - 10/10

3-5 sets
Superman - 20
Squat Jumps (Air Squats) or Bench Jumps (Step Ups) - 20

3-5 Sets
Side Plank reaches - 10/10
Broad Jumps (Duck Walks) - 20 

Aeron Jarvis
Personal Trainer
Small Group Training is Evolving

We are now conducting Small Group Training sessions in the studio upstairs which is equipped with kettlebells, barbells, TRX, medicine balls, assault bikes, rowing machines, battle ropes and boxes. This dedicated space has been designed specifically for training small groups. 

Small Group Training gives you personalized training in a team environment.  BHC trainers lead training sessions on a continuous basis, with a variety of class times to fit every schedule!  

Enrollment is currently limited to 6 people per group.  Participants will be required to register for each class day(s) and time(s) they wish to regularly attend before signing up.
The cost is $15 per session, and will be billed monthly depending on how many sessions per week will be attended:
  • 1 session per week - $60/month
  • 2 sessions per week - $120/month
  • 3 sessions per week - $180/month
Small group training is available to both members and non-members. Drop-ins are available for $20 per class, on a first-come, first-serve basis.

We currently offer 12 group training sessions per week! To see the Small Group Training schedule, visit the Small Group Training page on our website or pick up a schedule by the front desk. To sign up, please speak with one of our trainers at the front desk, or go to the same link. 

Look for more announcements on SGT in September!
Teen / Tween Yoga Series with Jen Olson

Ages 11-17
Wednesdays, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
July 11 through August 29

Yoga offers techniques for self-awareness, and thus connects us to inner peace. It helps us deal with life situations from a position of calm and strength. Yoga can be an important sanctuary for "tweens", a place to develop self-confidence as well as focus while having fun! This series will engage youth ages 11-17 through asana practice, meditation and breath practice.

The cost of this class is included in a Junior PLUS Membership. Guests may attend a single class for $8. Guests under the age of 18 will need to have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian. Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied to the gym by an adult.

Back Care With Jason Butler & Dr. Krysann  

Aug 5, 11:00am - 12:00pm

This is a free workshop about back care and back pain that will offer insights to how to correct and restore back health. Jason Butler and Dr. Krysann are from Tangelo Manual Therapy & Movement, formerly known as Kinetic Sports Rehab.  Their workshops are always super informative! 

Cost: Free,   Sign up  online  or at the front desk .

Autumn Yoga Retreat at Suncadia
with Heather Rudin and Tracy Hodgemen
Friday November 2nd through Sunday the 4th, 2018

Ballard Health Club presents our annual Autumn Yoga Retreat at Suncadia with hosts Heather and Tracy.

Fall is the perfect time to recharge our batteries for the coming holiday season. Join us in the beautiful Cascade mountains as we unplug from the many distractions, obligations and stresses that modern urban life presents, and plug IN to what truly nourishes and restores us.

Among the fragrant pine trees and clear mountain air, we'll kick up our heels and practice the science of down-regulating our nervous systems. We can experience how the age old yoga practices of mindful breathing, skillful movement, and periods of deep stillness all help to improve immune system and brain function, invite ease into the body and leave us with an all-over elevated sense of well being.

Simple wholesome food, nourishing yoga, relaxing hot tub time, laughter infused company, walks in nature and quiet reflection all contribute to the rejuvenating ambiance at the Grand Fir Lodge. We may even get to hear the bugle call of the elk as they pass by!

Tracy and Heather have been teaching retreats together for over 13 years, and love to share their considerable combined knowledge of yoga therapy.

On this retreat we offer practices for neck and shoulder relief, as well as core strengthening and lower back support. We will delve into calming techniques that shift us out of stress mode and into ease, support our immune system and clear our minds. We will also laugh -a lot- which is also scientifically proven to be very good for your health (and your core strength). 

There are still a few spots left. Click here for availability, prices and booking online:

Beginning Barbells Workshop
with Lara Roche-Sadar

Saturday, September 22nd 11:30-1:30pm

If you have ever considered working with barbells, but did not know where to start, this is the workshop for you! In this workshop, we will go over the set-up and execution of a back squat, deadlift, and bench press, three compound lifts performed in many powerlifting and bodybuilding routines.

We will discuss the 'right' way to stand for your back squat (the answer may surprise you), cover the back positions for bench press (to arch or not to arch?), and look at two different setups (sumo and conventional) for the deadlift. In addition, we will discuss the many benefits of lifting weights, and learn how to comfortably and safely progress your training as you begin to lift heavier.

Class will be held in Small Group Training Studio on the 2nd floor and will include both a warm-up and a cool-down. Please dress comfortably, in flat-soled shoes if you have them, and bring plenty of water and a snack for after!

Cost $30

Sign up at the front desk or online.

Barre Basics Workshop
with Helen Bates

Saturday, September 23rd 1:30-3pm

Want to get into Barre but feel lost in the unfamiliar language and movements? Been taking Barre for a while but want to feel stronger and more confident in class?

Join Helen for Barre Basics, a workshop designed to teach you the fundamentals of Barre so you can get the most out of your Barre classes. This workshop will include all the elements of a typical barre class, at a slower pace, along with explanations of proper alignment and common adaptations for differing levels.

Cost $30

Sign up at the Front Desk or online.

Katherine Boury
Restorative Yoga For Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors Workshop
with Katherine Boury

Saturday, October 27th 2pm-4pm

Katherine Boury, a breast cancer survivor, will lead a gentle and nurturing Restorative Yoga practice focusing on poses and sequences designed to decrease anxiety and stress and increase lymph node flow.

For women who have had breast cancer, research shows those who practice yoga may also have less stress, fatigue and joint pain from hormone therapy which encourages better quality of life. The yoga in this workshop is gentle and participants can put as much or as little energy into it as they desire.

Life is better with yoga.

Talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise or new therapy to make sure it's safe for you.

Cost $25

Sign up at the front desk or online.

Instructor Highlight: Nicole Pomroy

What do you teach at BHC? What's your style?
I teach Flow Yoga at BHC. My style is strength based with fun fluid sequencing infused with a sense of curiosity and play.

What do you do outside of yoga?
Outside of yoga I love to dance, hike, and paint. I am currently getting my masters in mental health, so right now I spend most of my time studying and practicing self-care.

Do you have a funny BHC moment?
Hmm... I can't think of a funny BHC moment I've had...yet. I like to laugh at myself during classes, but that's probably only funny to me!

We feel really lucky to have you, so thank you from us here at BHC. Is there anything you'd like to convey to our members and staff?
BHC is a wonderful community and I feel so blessed to be a part of it. Please don't hesitate to say Hi or ask questions if you see me around the club. I frequent a variety of classes at BHC as a student, and I love to support students and teachers in any capacity I can. I appreciate all of you!! Blessings.

Member Success Story:
Ericka Mitterndorfer

How long have you been a member at Ballard Health Club? 
Since February 2014.

What is your favorite piece of equipment or exercise to do in the gym?
Bench press followed closely by bar squats and deadlifts.

Why do you work out? 
I used to be a marathoner and trail runner, but I kept getting injured. I managed to keep running, but in late 2016, a neck injury sidelined me completely.  After months of physical therapy, I added strength training, which helped me fully recover and regain the active life I wanted to live. When I was a runner that's primarily all I did for exercise, and now I have a much more balanced regimen and I understand how important full-body fitness is to staying healthy. Equally  important, I work out to relieve stress and clear my head (which, in addition to efficient  cardio burn, is what I miss the most about running).

What do you do to work out? 
When I joined BHC, I was mostly doing yoga in addition to running (Nicole's Saturday class is my favorite way to start the weekend).  I added personal training sessions with Allison last September, and very recently started doing small group training with Aeron. Outside the gym, I love hiking, cycling, and tooling around the Puget Sound on my stand-up paddleboard.  

What in the gym has worked for you in attaining your goals? 
Personal training with Allison.  I'm the sort of person who needs an appointment, a commitment to show up like I used to have with friends on my long training runs.  Allison was very patient and understanding when my injury was at its worst and I was at my weakest, but thanks to her training program tailored to helping me recover, my neck is essentially back to normal and I am ready to try running again.  And I am physically stronger than I've ever been in my life.

Why do you choose to work out at BHC?
BHC is hands-down the best gym I've ever belonged to (and there have been many).  I was so happy with the addition of Studio Y and even more excellent yoga classes.  I love the fact that BHC is always striving to improve and asking members what we would like to see happen with space or classes, and the new small group training space upstairs is a great addition.  And all the trainers are so friendly and helpful!

Anything else you'd like to add?
I really dislike lunges, but Allison would say that just means I need to do more of them.

Nutritional 'Did You Know'
All About Sodium

Many Americans suffer from high sodium levels, which is no wonder thanks to the amount of processed foods and restaurant meals the average person in this country consumes. Adults shouldn't consume more than six grams of salt per day, which equates to about one tablespoon, or 2.4 grams.

Too much sodium is bad news. When we have too much sodium, the extra water in our body and cells causes our blood pressure to rise. These high blood pressure levels places a large strain on the heart, among other organs in the body. Prolonged high blood pressure can lead to strokes, heart attacks and kidney disease.

Now, sodium isn't all bad. Especially when exercising in hot temperatures, sodium is important for regulating the concentration of your body fluids and helping your cells to absorb nutrients. While we workout, sodium can regulate muscle contraction, nerve function and blood volume. Low sodium can cause muscle cramps, dehydration, or even organ failure. The average gym-goer can lose around one litre of sweat per hour of exercise. Runners, especially, lose a lot of salt when they train, which understandably leads to salt cravings post-workout. If you feel this craving after a workout, go ahead and have a salty snack around 200 mg to replenish the loss.

If you're looking for ways to decrease your daily sodium levels, try the following:
  1. Ditch the table salt - use Kosher salt sparingly
  2. Try using different herbs and spices
  3. Ditch the processed foods
  4. Check nutrition labels for sodium content
  5. Use sauces sparingly
  6. Remember, however, to listen to your body. If you are experiencing muscle cramps and more fatigue than normal after a workout, try increasing that sodium intake.
Allison Raines
BHC Nutrition Coach
Ongoing at BHC...
Every Friday after NOON is FRIENDLY FRIDAYS!  Bring a friend to workout and/or attend a class at Ballard Health Club with you and we will waive the drop-in fee.

Friday afternoon and evening classes are:
- Cardio Mix @ 12:15pm
- Silver Sneakers @ 1:30pm
- Barre @ 5:30pm
- Hip Hop Pop @ 6:15pm
- Yoga Basics @ 6:45pm

Friend must be accompanied by a member, check in by 8pm, and have a picture ID. If under 18, they must have a waiver signed by a parent or guardian. 

To make personal training accessible to more of our members, we offer two Personal Training Starter Packages. You can get three 30-minute sessions for only $69, or three 60-minute sessions for $119! 

This heavily discounted offer is only available for purchase once by each member, and all sessions must be scheduled within one month of purchase date.  Ask at the front desk for more information or to sign up for this amazing offer!
With all of the BHC parking areas, it can be confusing to know when each one is open when. To help with this, we have prepared a printable

Please be considerate of your fellow BHC members and do not use a parking spot unless you are at the club. Using BHC parking for other purposes before or after being at the club is inconsiderate. Violators may be ticketed, towed and/or lose parking privileges at BHC parking areas.
Grab your friends! BHC welcomes non-members to use Personal Training and Small Group Training classes. 
Non-members who are signed up for PT or SGT are only allowed to use the club during their scheduled sessions.
Learn more about SGT at
PT rates are available at

Each month BHC offers a FREE pass to a specific class, so those without a PLUS membership - or any membership at all - will be able to try it out!

For the month of August, we are allowing anyone to attend  Hip Hop Pop with Taylor. This class takes place  Friday 6:15pm - 7:15pm and will be open to all levels.

This class is high energy and designed with easy and repetitive dance moves so you can get the most out of your workout! 

Please note that non-members must bring their photo ID with them.



Minors will need to have a legal parent or gaurdian sign a waiver and release of liability form prior to their being able to use our facilities. This waiver is now available on our website.

Class Focus from Karen

We are so blessed. Just by living in the PNW and being surrounded by its beauty, mild weather (let's face it, this is not hot compared to the rest of the country) and luscious mountains. It's impossible to just glimpse at Mt. Rainier - as you gaze you must feel the illumination of its majestic beauty reigning over us. And then here in Ballard, even as we grow, we are gifted with good neighbors, fine food and us, BHC, where we care as much about our community as we do about your health. We had a great time at Seafood Fest last week where we offered free Zumba on the main stage. 

It was a great turnout this year, and Taylor was at her best. She really shined on stage. This month her Hip Hop Pop is free on Fridays. So bring a friend to get down and dance!

We will continue our Yoga in the Park this year on Saturdays, starting August 4th at 10am and going through September 15th. This is free to the community so you can again bring a friend and enjoy the company of other Ballardites who like to start the day with fresh air, healthy movement and good company. 

Coming up in the Fall, we will offer more workshops. Lara is going to do Barbell Basics in September and Quinn will get you started on Kettlebells in October. Also in October we will offer a Yoga for Breast Cancer. Katherine, a long time BHC member, breast cancer survivor and yoga instructor, has designed a restorative class for breast cancer patients and survivors. Helen will be offering Barre Basics to get you started if you're wanting to learn what all the hoopla is about before you take a full class.  We will have more as we head into the Fall. 

So for now, enjoy the local bounty of nature, community and the opportunities to stay healthy.  I'll see you in class!

Karen Gamble
BHC Class Director 
From the Owner

What I wanted to talk about this month is about our expansion into the 2nd floor space, and what that means to our members.

This new area will primarily be used for two things - part of the space is now a devoted Small Group Training studio, and in the fall we will be opening a Cycling studio.

We started Small Group Training last fall and have enjoyed watching it grow into into something large enough to need its own space as we continue to enhance the program. 

The addition of a cycling studio has been one of the most popular requests among members for many years now, and it thrills us that we finally have the space to make this dream a reality. Access to cycling classes will be a part of the current PLUS membership. 

The hope is that these two new offerings will bring in new members interested in these special features, along with providing more opportunities to workout in different ways for our existing members. By expanding the club with new offerings we continue to improve the overall cost efficiency of the club, which helps to keep our membership rates as low as possible.

Adding more offerings allows us to attract a more diverse membership base, which results in a more stable month-to-month operation of the club - not to mention the enhanced value of our club's membership.

Even for those that may not have an interest in participating in Small Group Training and/or Cycling, the overall benefit is still shared by ongoing members of the Club.

We have been working hard since mid-Spring on the new expansion and have more hard work ahead of us, but it's been enjoyable and exciting seeing these new offerings taking shape. 

We are all looking forward to the day when members will be able to walk up the stairs past Studio Y to see the new Cycling Studio and Small Group Training spaces.

Thanks for being part of Ballard Health Club.


Pat Gilbrough 
Owner and General Manager
[email protected]

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