HB 1330—
Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property
HB 1386—
Modifies provisions relating to lobbyists
HB 1387—
Establishes the “Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities Act”
HB 1414—
Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children
HB 1467—
Modifies provisions relating to Missouri LAGERS
HB 1511—
Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing reciprocity
HB 1655—
Modifies provision for Secretary of State
HB 1682—
Prohibits vapor product usage in indoor areas of public schools or on school buses
HB 1711—
Allows shelf stable packaged food to be donated to and distributed by charitable organizations
HB 1768—
Modifies provisions relating to communications services
HB 1854—
Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
HB 1896—
Adds provisions relating to background checks in the medical marijuana industry
HB 1963—
Modifies provisions of the “Missouri Public-Private Partnership Transportation Act” to include a tube transport system
HB 2046—
Modifies Provisions relating to professional registration
HB 2120—
Establishes provisions relating to water safety and security
HB 2456—
Modifies provision relating to reimbursement allowance taxes
SB 551—
Modifies provisions relating to regulation of certain personal lines insurances services
SB 569--
Modifies provisions relating to victims of sexual offenses
SB 591—
Modifies provisions relating to civil actions, including punitive damages and unlawful merchandising practices
SB 599—
Changes the law regarding financial instruments
SB 600—
Modifies provisions relating to dangerous felonies
SB 631—
Modifies restrictions on the political activity of certain state employees
SB 644—
Modifies law regarding service animals
SB 653—
Modifies provisions relating to the protection of children
SB 656—
Modifies provisions relating to veterans
SB 676—
Modifies provisions relating to taxation
SB 718—
Modifies provisions relating to military affairs
SB 739—
Prohibits public bodies from entering into certain contracts
SB 782—
Modifies provisions relating to transportation
SB 913—
Removes the expiration of the peer review process for architects, landscape architects, land surveyors, and engineers
SCR 32—
Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to support legislation for the declassification of POW/MIA records
SCR 38—
Disapproves the Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Commission’s recommendations regarding the fees and taxes of the Hazardous Waste Management Commission.
SJR 38—
Modifies provisions regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests