July 2018                                 DONATE 

The United Way of Charlotte County 
Leading the united effort to eliminate poverty
by investing in our community.

What's happenin g and how our #gamechangers are leading the way 
Gracias, Merci, Danke, Thank you!    
We are happy to announce UWCC was awarded a $40,000 grant to support our Collective Impact Director position, who will oversee our programs that serve vulnerable women, such as mothers of substance-exposed children, women who are unemployed experiencing financial challenges, low-income senior women and chronically homeless women. This grant was made possible by Gulf Coast Community Foundation.

Learn about the UWCC Funded Collaborative Program:  
Ending Chronic Homelessness
I've battled depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder since I was 9 years old. Now, at the age of 42, I have survived multiple attempted suicides, lost both my parents and became homeless. While living in the woods, I experienced d iabetes complications which triggered a seizure and cardiac arrest. After that I began to receive support through the Virginia B. Andes Volunteer Community Clinic and Charlotte Behavioral Healthcare for both medical and psychiatric needs. Charlotte County Homeless Coalition has helped me find housing. For the first time in years, I feel hopeful and I am doing my part.   
Trevor is grateful for all the help he has received from the Ending Chronic Homelessness Grant Collaboration.
Summer Book Challenge  
Charlotte County is participating in the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Summer Book Challenge! Several agencies are encouraging our children to read a book per week based on suggested themes. We thought it would be fun for the kids to draw or paint what they are reading about. You will soon see new artwork in our United Way of Charlotte County lobby!  The theme we selected was Florida and the ocean. Stay tuned for the winning artwork! #SSBC2018
Women United celebrates!
You can help us celebrate new teachers in Charlotte County. Women United will provide personalized gift bags with various school supplies in them. You can be a part of it too by purchasing reams of paper, dry erase markers or gift cards. Simply Click here and we will purchase the gift cards for you.

Drop off supplies at these locations:

Women United celebrated with Christine Bowers (pictured above) at her Habitat Home dedication in June. Christine was honored as Woman of Courage in January 2017. For more on her story, click here.

Learn more about Women United of United Way of Charlotte County by clicking here to visit our website. You are welcome to join our circle by registering online.  
Help us strike out poverty!
Go to and enter UNITED

Lynda Freas

"Lynda Freas is everything you would want in a perfect volunteer," said Linda Dobson, UWCC Finance Director. You will see her smiling face every Wednesday at the lobby reception desk assisting Linda with finance operations. In addition, she has served on the Community Impact panels for five years, is a long-time UWCC Ambassador, donor and Women United member.  
Lynda also volunteers at Tidewell Hospice and is a member of Port Charlotte United Methodist church and the DAR. Originally from Hatboro, PA, she has lived in Charlotte County for 50 years where she retired from Charlotte County Government. She is still in contact and friends with her sorority sisters from Alpha Gamma Delta.

Lynda was recently recognized as a Compassion in Action volunteer at our Annual Meeting. We are lucky to know her as a great person and kind, active member of our community!
Do you have an hour to give?
United Way