CNS News & Views:
July 2018
The Past, Present, and Future of US-Russia Relations
Relations between the United States and Russia continue to be as complex, tumultuous, and consequential for world stability as ever. Three new analytic pieces published by CNS experts take on this essential bilateral relationship:
- A joint article by the directors of CNS and CENESS, William Potter and Anton Khlopkov, published on the Kommersant website, call for Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin to "recall" historic "habits of cooperation" in addressing the most pressing nonproliferation challenges.
- In the National Interest, Senior Fellow Nikolai Sokov describes how three distinct worldviews were destined to clash at the Helsinki Summit, possibly portending "a preview of more fundamental and more tangible conflicts" in the near future.
- A new book edited by Dr. Potter and Senior Research Associate Sarah Bidgood, Once and Future Partners: The US, Russia, and Nuclear Non-proliferation, launches this week, identifying factors that enabled successful cooperation, even amidst profound geopolitical rivalry.
Nuclear Energy in Saudi Arabia
With a pending Saudi-US nuclear cooperation agreement in Congress, a recent CNS workshop explored the multifaceted challenges and opportunities the Saudi nuclear energy program poses to nonproliferation, security, industry, energy sectors, and US policy.
Panelists discussed safety, security, and regional considerations, suppliers' perspectives, and congressional concerns.
Special Section: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
The newest issue of the Nonproliferation Review features a special focus on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. It includes:
- Rebecca Davis Gibbons's historical account of the movement that led to an international legal ban;
- an analysis by Heather Williams of the conflicting narratives surrounding it;
- an examination by Ekaterina Shirobokova of the unique Dutch position;
- and a poignant viewpoint from Ambassador Luiz Filipe de Macedo Soares, who offers a summation of the legal case in favor of the ban treaty.
Top-Level Undergrads Join the CNS Summer Nonproliferation Internship Program
For most undergraduate students, the opportunity to study specialized nonproliferation issues is rare. CNS's Summer Undergraduate Nonproliferation Internship Program for selected undergraduates is a unique way to further our mission of combatting the spread of weapons of mass destruction by educating the next generation of nonproliferation experts.
This year, CNS welcomed thirteen talented undergraduates from top universities in the United States and Canada to our program.
Understanding US and Israeli Nonproliferation Challenges
As a way to further enhance mutual understanding on current and emerging WMD issues, CNS is publishing a series of memos developed through a two-day, track 1.5 US-Israel nonproliferation dialogue held in Tel Aviv, Israel.
The purpose of the dialogue was for experts and officials from the United States and Israel to exchange views on evolving threat perceptions, perceived gaps in goals, priorities, and policies, and identify further opportunities for deepening bilateral cooperation to counter WMD proliferation and related threats.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: October 2018 Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament Short Course
The Vienna Center for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament will hold its next short course from October 1-5, 2018.
Taught by faculty and experts from VCDNP and CNS, as well as other internationally recognized professionals, the one-week program will include: an extended analysis of the nonproliferation regime; an overview of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its associated institutions and mechanisms; and an assessment of current challenges to nuclear nonproliferation, arms control, disarmament, and nuclear security.
To apply, submit your application on or before the
August 10 deadline.