Christmas is just one week away! We will celebrate the Feast of the Holy Nativity at the following services, all via Zoom.

Christmas Eve:
  • 4:00 pm Family Christmas with our Nativity Pageant.
  • 6:00 pm Celtic Eventide Christmas.
  • 9:00 pm Celebration of the Holy Eucharist with the distribution of Holy Communion following the service.
Christmas Day:
  • 10:00 am Celebration of the Holy Eucharist with distribution of Holy Communion following the service.

“Drive-up” reception of Holy Communion: Pandemic precautions prevent us from gathering inside for worship, so we ask you to plan to join one another via Zoom for the Holy Eucharist at 9:00 pm Christmas Eve and/or at 10:00 am Christmas Day, and then get in your car and come to the church to receive Holy Communion. The clergy will be out front on the church porch for about 30 – 45 minutes following these two services for you to drive by and receive Holy Communion from your car.

Given our limitations we wanted to gather in some way – even if it’s in our cars – to share in Holy Communion. Please enter the parking lot by way of Mitchell onto to Oakhurst, turning right into the parking lot, and form a line to drive by the front porch. Plan to exit onto Oakhurst and turn right onto Shore Road. We want to avoid any excessive traffic build-up. Some of our ushers will be there to direct you.

We will be wearing masks and ask you to do so as well. Folks in each vehicle will receive Holy Communion in one kind, provided for in a small cup that you will share with others in your car. When giving Communion to others, please use the words, “the Body of Christ, the Bread of Heaven”, as we would if we were gathering at the altar rail.

The entire staff at St. Alban’s wish you a blessed Christmas and a joy-filled New Year. This year we have taken the opportunity to be creative in ways we could not have imagined. We are grateful for the support of the family and friends of St. Alban’s and for all those who have given of their time as well as their talent and treasure to help with the ministry this past year. We look forward to seeing what the Holy Spirit might want to do with us in the coming year!

Be of good cheer. God brings light and love and hope through the gift of Jesus: God with us!

With every blessing,