Dear Friends,
10 months have passed since we had our first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Howard County. Our HoCo RISE recovery plan provides data points that are specific to Howard County, our hospital, and our infrastructure to combat COVID-19.
We have now surpassed our goal of administering 6,500 tests per week for 27 consecutive weeks. Residents are encouraged to still get tested if you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19. For a full list of all our locations, please visit
Our contact tracers continue to reach out to all cases and their contacts for residents who tested positive for COVID-19. It is vital that residents answer when contacted by Howard County Health Department. Residents should expect a call from (240) 466-4488 or “MD COVID” on their caller-ID.
Another HoCo RISE goal was to ensure adequate hospital capacity in the case of a possible surge. We are strong partners with the Howard County General Hospital and continue to monitor their staffing capacity. Currently, there are 33 staffed ICU beds (7 available), 193 acute care beds (43 available), and 16 ventilators (21 available). Today, there are 36 COVID-19 patients in both ICU and Acute Care unit.
Finally, we remain prepared for this winter season. While we have maintained our PPE goal of a 30-day, we have achieved a 90-day supply of PPE.
Although vaccine distribution has begun, and expanded administration efforts are on the way, it’s important that we continue to remain vigilant with our mitigation efforts. To date in Howard County, we have 13,431 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 7,612 active cases, 5,619 total recoveries, and 200 of our neighbors have passed from this virus. Our hearts are with the families and friends of those who have departed.
As of 9:00 a.m. today and according to the Maryland Department of Health, our 7-day average positivity rate is at 7.12% and our 7-day average case rate per 100,000 of our population is at 35.40. Both our positivity and case rates are below the State averages, and our rates are within the lower third of all Maryland jurisdictions.
The Howard County Health Department is actively making its way through phase 1A of our vaccine distribution plan and is preparing to enter Phase 1B this week. We are diligently working to ensure residents get vaccinated as quickly and efficiently as possible, with the limited amount of vaccine we have received. Please continue reading through this edition for a comprehensive update.
In the meantime, residents are strongly encouraged to follow the mitigation measures we’ve all grown accustomed to – wear a mask, wash your hands, avoid large gatherings, and practice physical distancing.
Howard County Vaccine Distribution Plan
I'm proud to announce a second vaccination clinic will be opening at the Athletics and Fitness Center at Howard Community College (HCC) on January 25th. The new clinic will be able to administer approximately 1,500 doses of vaccine every day, depending on vaccine supply from the State. Today, Howard County began vaccinating adults 75+ in Phase 1By. Howard County Health Department (HCHD) has administered 100% of received vaccine doses, since receiving its first doses on December 23rd.
I want the message to be clear – when Howard County receives more vaccine, we get shots in arms immediately. We’re working around the clock to rapidly scale up vaccination clinics and vaccinate up to 20,000 people per week. As we’ve known since the start of this pandemic, it’s going to take all of us working together to get to the other side of this.
Phase 1A
Vaccinations for Phase 1A are ongoing. Phase 1A include includes all licensed healthcare providers, correctional officers, law enforcement agencies, and frontline judiciary staff. To date, 7,600 doses have been administered to Phase 1A, and the Health Department estimates there are up to 15,000 people in this group.
Phase 1B
Vaccinations for Phase 1B started today. Phase 1B includes those ages 75 and over; those residing in assisted living facilities or special needs group homes; developmentally disabled populations; continuity of government; and K-12 teachers, education staff and childcare providers. The Health Department estimates there are up to 35,000 people in this group.
The HCHD opened pre-registration for Phase 1B adults 75+ on January 14. Since last week, more than 12,700 residents have already pre-registered for vaccinations. Residents who complete the pre-registrations are then notified via email with appointment and registration information. If residents are unable to complete the survey online, consider asking a friend, neighbor or family member for assistance. Those 75+ can also email or call 410-313-6284 for assistance completing the survey. The surveys are also available in multiple languages.
The Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) will coordinate vaccinations for K-12 educators and staff. Non-public school educators and childcare providers who are also apart of Phase 1B will be able to pre-register for vaccination through the HCHD in the coming weeks.
Registration for all who qualify under Phase 1B will be open this week. Please stay tuned for more information.
Phase 1C
Phase 1C vaccinations are expected to begin in February. Phase 1C includes residents ages 65-74, public safety and health workers, essential workers in grocery stores, food production, labs, manufacturing, public transit and the postal service. The pre-registration for residents 65-74 is also open for residents.
HCC Clinic
The HCC vaccination clinic will open on January 25th and be able to administer 1,500 doses per day, depending on supply from the State. The vaccinations will take place in the gymnasium of the Athletics and Fitness Center on campus and will require appointments. The college's Health Sciences Division has partnered with the Howard County Health Department and Howard County General Hospital to help with vaccination distribution. HCC students will also assist with intake, vaccination, patient teaching, and out-processing of patients. Additionally, several of the college’s nursing faculty have volunteered their time help administer vaccines.
Older Adult Outreach
The Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) is working to increase vaccine communications with phone calls, online information, signage and flyers posted throughout 55+ communities, senior residences or apartment buildings, assisted living facilities, healthcare providers and commercial areas, through traditional mail, and even through COVID-safe in-person direct community engagement.
Bilingual staff are available to assist those with limited English proficiency who may need support signing up for vaccination or to answer questions. Translated documents are available on the Department of Community Resources and Services website in Korean, Chinese, and Spanish, and there are resources available to assist those who are visually or hearing impaired.
For residents without access to the internet or may not be comfortable with using technology, may reach our Maryland Access Point Staff by calling 410-313-1234 to reach a staff person.
Mobile Integrated Unit
The Department of Fire and Rescue’s Mobile Integrated Community Health (MICH) program has been integral to the COVID-19 pandemic response. From the onset, the MICH has deployed rapid response teams, decontamination teams, follow up home visits for patients that were symptomatic or known positive but chose to convalesce at home, and more recently sample collection for public safety personnel’s anti-body testing.
The MICH team will now be pivoting to assist the Health Department with the vaccination clinics. The team’s ability to move around to locations where groups or individuals are not ambulatory will help in the vaccination of at-risk groups or people. Currently, this program is in the planning phase to determine facility/location need, logistical needs between the Health Department and Fire and Rescue.
Human Trafficking Awareness Month
I’m honored to recognize January as Human Trafficking Prevention and Awareness Month in Howard County. Human trafficking is a crime that requires more than just good effort and intention to combat. Our outstanding direct service provider, Hopeworks, served 36 adult survivors of trafficking last year (between July 2019 and July 2020).
Howard County’s Office of Human Trafficking Prevention also received 6 initial reports of suspected trafficking and consulted on service response in 5 individual cases over the last year. Howard County is the proud new recipient of a multi-year grant from the U.S. Department of Justice's Office for Victims of Crime, which will enhance the proactive, victim-centered work of Howard County's Police, HopeWorks, and the Office of Human Trafficking Prevention.
In order for Howard County to continue to lead in this work, we cannot let our most vulnerable residents slip through the cracks. Across the county, state, and nation, we honor survivors by filling the cracks in the pavement with red sand as part of the #RedSandProject to show that no survivor of trafficking is left behind.
Thank you to Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services and Hopeworks for your efforts to raise awareness and support for the survivors of human trafficking every day. Throughout Human Trafficking Awareness Month, we will again be busting myths and sharing helpful, accurate information about the nature of this complex crime.
We must and will continue to protect our residents and their families from this devastation, and holistically support survivors who have experienced the worst of humanity.
Howard County State Legislation
Howard County Delegation to the Maryland General Assembly Hearing TOMORROW
Ongoing collaboration with our state partners is critical, which is why this year, my Administration is supporting a record number of bond initiative requests during the 2021 legislative session in the Maryland General Assembly. These bond bills will advocate for matching state funds to move forward capital projects in our community.
Undergoing renovations of facilities and expanding housing for individuals with developmental disabilities will help foster a more inclusive and vibrant community. While further ensuring accessibility for all Howard County residents, funding ADA improvements at Centennial Park is a critical aspect of ensuring opportunity for all of our residents. Additionally, requesting matching funds for our long-awaited East Columbia 50+ Center will further enhance our ability to serve our growing senior population and move Howard County closer to becoming an age-friendly community. In Ellicott City, several projects including the restoration and reconstruction efforts and of the iconic Caplan’s Department Store and Historic Barnard Fort House, will help preserve and restore Ellicott City’s character and vitality for years to come.
Howard County State Delegation Meeting
The Howard County State Delegation will hold its first meeting of the 2021 General Assembly session tomorrow, January 20th, at 9:00 a.m. Residents can watch the meeting live online here.
Here's how:
- Scroll down to Today’s Calendar.
- Click on the arrow next to Committee Meetings under Other, and then select Howard.
- Next, click on the red Live! button, which will open the streaming video on YouTube. The Live! button will appear when the meeting goes live.
Despite the ongoing pandemic, our Howard County Delegation is working hard to ensure the legislative process is transparent and accessible to our residents. Be sure to check out the attached agenda to see the upcoming priorities that impact our community.
Ellicott City Safe and Sound News!
Our commitment to the Ellicott City Safe and Sound plan has not wavered. I'm pleased to announce that the County was selected to apply for Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation (WIFIA) funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This funding for the North Tunnel and our other projects paves the way for us to continue our significant flood mitigation efforts for our historic town.
Celebrating Edgar Allan Poe!
It was an incredible year for our Baltimore Ravens. Although their Super Bowl run was cut short this year, we are so proud of how far they’ve come this season. Today, I’m glad to celebrate them, and Edgar Allan Poe’s birthday, by reading their namesake – The Raven.
Thank you to Tonya Aikens of Howard County Library System for joining me to read a couple of verses. I encourage residents to check out Edgar Allan Poe's entire collection by visiting their website here.
Day of Service in Howard County
Yesterday, we celebrated the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., by helping our friends and neighbors in need. I am so grateful for all the volunteers that honored Dr. King during the County’s Day of Service Food Drive, organized by the Howard County Office of Human Rights and Equity and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission.
Volunteers with Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., and the Jewish Federation of Howard County collected approximately 3500 pounds of food donations from our residents for the Howard County Food Bank, operated by the Community Action Council of Howard County.
CAC, and President Bita Dayoff, have been a critical partner throughout this pandemic, providing support for our most vulnerable residents. Thank you to all who donated food, supplies and their time, including Councilman Opel Jones and Councilwoman Christiana Rigby, and a special thank you to members of our team, Janssen Evelyn, Yolanda Sonnier, and Stephanie Wall.
We rise by lifting others.
Let's continue to honor Dr. King's work and legacy by remembering, "The time is always right to do what is right.”
Honoring Mike Miller's Legacy
For a half century, Senate President Mike Miller made Maryland one of the strongest states in our nation. His legacy will live on for generations. Throughout his career, he advocated for the protection of our beloved Chesapeake Bay, the best quality of education for our students, and above all else - was a devoted public servant. As Presiding Officer of the Senate for more than 30 years, he was a steadfast leader, a mentor and a friend to his colleagues and staff.
One of Senate President Miller's greatest gifts was his love and respect of our state’s history. Mike Miller respected every aspect of his role and every session of the General Assembly. Every decision he made will be etched into the fabric of Maryland history.
On behalf of the residents of Howard County, our condolences are with his wife, Patti, his son Tommy, and daughters, Amanda, Michelle, Melissa, and Melanie, the entire Miller family and the millions of constituents he served for decades.
Serving Those in Need
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our residents have been forced to choose between paying rent or putting food on the table – a situation no one should endure. I was so grateful to join the Howard County Office of Human Rights and Equity, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission, the Harriet Tubman Foundation of Howard County, Sheriff Marcus Harris - Howard County Sheriff's Office, Bessie Bordenave, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated for their pop-up pantry.
We are all dedicated to serving those in our community. Thank you to our volunteers for your continuous service in providing resources to our friends and neighbors in need. Special thank you to all our high schools who took part in the food drive competition and collected more than 2,000 lbs of food: Wilde Lake High School, Atholton High School, Centennial High School, Reservoir High School, Howard High School, and Glenelg High School.
Busting Myths about Human Trafficking
January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Human trafficking is a crime that requires more than just good effort and intention to combat, and throughout this month, we will be busting myths and sharing accurate, helpful information about this complex crime.
Myth: Human Trafficking is always a violent crime
Fact: Physical force is NOT required.
For more information about Howard County’s efforts to combat Human Trafficking, please visit Howard County’s Office of Human Trafficking Prevention’s website here.
Celebrating Korean American Day in Howard County
Howard County is home to more than 12,000 Korean-Americans, who enrich our businesses, medicine, law, academia, government, arts, literature, and more. I was honored to to celebrate Korean-American Day in Howard County and mark the arrival of the first Korean immigrants to the United States on January 13, 1903.
Special thank you to First Lady Yumi Hogan, Senator Clarence Lam, the League of Korean Americans of MD - LOKA, the Korean Community Service Center of Greater Washington, the Greatest Korean-American Association of the State of Maryland, and the Howard County Senior Association for joining us to honor the positive contributions of this vibrant and thriving community.
The hundreds of Korean-American businesses in Howard County are a vital economic engine that not only enhance the diverse options in our community but continue to give back and support their neighbors.
State of Business
It has been a challenging year for many due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but most of all, for our local businesses. Join me and the Howard County Chamber on February 24th, 2021 for my annual State of Business address. Get your tickets today here!
During this speech, we want to ensure we’re hearing directly from businesses. Please take a moment to complete a brief survey, and items submitted may be incorporated into the Chamber’s questions. Take it now here.
Energy and Utility Bill Assistance
COVID-19 has devastated many households who have lost income and are trying to make ends meet to keep the heat on, feed their families, and pay their rent. There are several programs available to assist residents with current and past due energy and utility bills.
We are laser-focused on ensuring that our most vulnerable residents do not fall through the cracks this winter, as we continue to combat this virus in our community. Please share this information with friends and neighbors who may be in need.
Rental Assistance and Eviction Prevention
The longer this pandemic stretches on, the more urgent rental and eviction relief becomes. With more than 23,000 renters in the county, and more than 46,000 residents who have filed for unemployment, we are doing all we can to keep people safely housed.
Beginning January 4th, residents may apply for additional housing assistance. As we continue to battle this virus, we must deliver the necessary relief and services to make sure no one falls through the cracks.
For more information, please click here.
Where to Get Tested
As we continue to see a rise in COVID-19 cases in Howard County, we are also seeing rise of residents who are getting tested or have questions about testing. The two drive-thru COVID-19 testing locations set up in the parking lots at the Elkridge and Savage fire stations are NOT being operated by the Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services, but are operated by Quality First Urgent Care.
Our volunteer fire stations in Savage and Elkridge are being inundated with questions regarding testing. If you have any questions regarding testing at either location, please call the Howard County Health Department’s Coronavirus Information Line at (410) 313-6284. We all have a responsibility to do all we can to reverse our concerning trends. For more information, please visit
Recreation & Parks Updates
Recreation & Parks' three community center gymnasiums (Gary J. Arthur, North Laurel and Roger Carter) are CLOSED, EXCEPT for scheduled programs. Visitors may still access the community centers walking tracks, but by appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please contact the front desk of the community center you wish to visit. Visitors may also use the community center fitness rooms, but also by appointment only.
Additionally, Recreation & Parks’ indoor programs are limited to no more than 10 people per activity area and all outdoor sports facilities, athletic fields, playgrounds, courts and skate parks are now limited to 25 people or less.
For more information and/or questions, visit Recreation & Parks' website and/or please contact the department at 410-313-4700.
Department of Community Resources and Services (DCRS)
January Virtual Offering Guide
Our Department of Community Resources and Services’ Office of Aging and Independence (OAI) January Virtual Offering Guide is now available online! Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, our Office of Aging and Independence has been working hard to provide older residents the resources they need to remain active and engaged during this time. From exercise, cooking, social engagement and lifelong learning classes, there is something to help get you moving, get cooking and stay social while at home. I invite you to check out OAI’s January Virtual Offering Guide or visit OAI’s website to learn more about this month’s activities and it services today. For questions, contact OAI at
Harm Reduction and Syringe Services
In 2020, Howard County saw a 43 percent increase in opioid related deaths and a 2.6 percent decrease in non-fatal overdoses compared to the previous year. The increase in fatal overdoses is a trend that we saw nationwide last year as the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated opioid and substance misuse. It is vital that in 2021, we pursue more solutions to ensure that those facing substance misuse are able to receive the care they need, even amid a pandemic.
One such solution is the Howard County Health Department’s new RV, launched last month in an effort to expand its Harm Reduction and Syringe Services programming. Services offered include: HIV/Hepatitis & STI testing and support services; Narcan/Overdose response training and kits; safe sex supplies; Peer Support staff access; wound care; harm reduction kits/safer use supplies; and referrals to medical services/social service agencies.
To learn more about what the County is doing to combat the opioid epidemic, visit If you or someone you know is in need of support for a substance use disorders, please visit today.
Department of Housing and Community Development
If you are looking to call Howard County home, be sure to check out our Department of Housing and Community Development's Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) program. An inclusionary zoning program, MIHU offers quality new homes at reduced sale prices and rents to income eligible families. Open quarterly, Housing is currently accepting applications for its MIHU January open enrollment period. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Housing will not be hosting its regularly scheduled, in-person MIHU renter and homeownership informational workshops this month. Instead, the presentations from each of these informational workshops, as well as frequently asked questions and answers explaining the program’s eligibility requirements and application process, can be found online.
For an application and/or to learn more about the MIHU program and MIHU homeownership and rental opportunities, visit Applications are being accepted now through 5:00 p.m. Friday, January 29, 2021.
Department of Planning and Zoning
Planning Board Meeting
Our Department of Planning and Zoning’s (DPZ) Planning Board will be holding a VIRTUAL meeting this Thursday, January 21st at 7:00 p.m. to hear the following items:
Special Subject:
- Discussion regarding further revisions to the Rules of Procedure
The Board recently revised its Rules of Procedures with changes in accordance with the new Virtual Public Meeting setting. Please note, significant changes in registration and document submission deadlines in the Board's Revised Rules of Procedure.
To register to testify at this meeting and/or to watch, visit DPZ’s Planning Board website.
A five-member board, the Planning Board makes recommendations to the Zoning Board or County Council on matters related to planning and zoning and renders a final decision on selected development proposals. Before recommendations or decisions are made, the Board holds a public meeting or hearing to provide interested persons the opportunity to provide comment. For details about procedures for testifying at a Planning Board meeting, click HERE. To learn more about Howard County’s Planning Board and upcoming meeting dates, click HERE.
Police Department
Special Olympics Donation Information
Each January, our Howard County Police Department (HCPD) joins law enforcement agencies from across Maryland to take an icy, cold plunge in the Chesapeake Bay in support of Special Olympics Maryland. While this year’s Bay plunge was cancelled, HCPD and its fellow law enforcement agencies are still looking to raise $250,000 for Special Olympics athletes. If interested, you can help HCPD help these outstanding and deserving athletes by donating its Team page or by donating directly to Special Olympics Maryland.
Oh, and don’t worry, while Special Olympics Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay plunge was cancelled, HCPD still got their plunge on with the help of our friends over at HCDFRS, who so kindly let HCPD borrow one of its folding tanks. Thankfully, HCPD graciously shared footage of its officers’ plunging into the tank on its Facebook and other social media channels. Great work HCPD and thanks for the laugh!
Department of Public Works Construction Report
Below are details regarding new, upcoming, completed and/or delayed Capital Projects and/or maintenance project(s) that have been announced.
- Calvert Ridge Pond Repair (Capital Project D-1177) – Project to repair and improve a storm water management pond adjacent to 7078 Calvert Drive. Signs will be posted in the area to alert residents of the project; however, this project is not expected to impact the flow of traffic. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late May 2021.
To learn about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) website and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Department of Public Works – Bureau of Environmental Services
Curbside Collection Season Ending
REMINDER: The County's yard trim curbside collection season ends this Friday, January 15th; the season will resume the first week of April. However, this does NOT apply to those households who participate in our Bureau of Environmental Services "Feed the Green Bin" program. Residents participating in this program receive year-round yard trim collection as part of the County’s food scrap curbside collection program.
Curbside Collection
While Howard County Government offices were CLOSED yesterday, January 18th in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, there was REGULAR Monday curbside trash, recycling and food scrap/yard trim collection. The County’s holiday slide schedule is NOT be in effect this week. To learn more about our holiday slide schedule and those holidays that do affect curbside collection, check out today!
Department of Recreation and Parks
New "Pix in Parks" Contest
If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Recreation & Parks’ FIRST-EVER “Pix in Parks” contest this month. This family-friendly fun contest takes visitors on a scavenger hunt throughout Alpha Ridge Park in search of locations featured in mysterious photos in order to find and solve the hunt’s secret riddle! To be entered for your chance to win a weekly prize, be sure your submit your riddle answer to Recreation & Parks at For complete contest rules and details, click HERE.
Explore the Eastern State Penitentiary
Take a virtual tour of Philadelphia’s infamous Eastern State Penitentiary with Recreation & Parks’ Trips & Tours team next Thursday, January 28th. Hosted by an expert educator, participants will get an up-close look at the sky-lit cells and haunting cell blocks of what was once the most famous and expensive prison in the world. The virtual tour will also include an informative slideshow presentation that incorporates historical photos, video and audio clips. To register for this bone chilling event, visit
Valentine's Day Family Fun!
If you are looking for a fun Valentine’s Day activity to enjoy with your family, from the comfort of your home this February, check out Recreation & Parks’ Valentine’s Day Family Fun Kits. On sale now at the Department’s North Laurel Community Center (NLCC), each kit is $35 and includes materials for two personal pizzas, sugar cookies, hot cocoa, a slime kit, crafts and more. You can also add materials for an additional participant for $15! Each kit must be picked up from NLCC between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 6th. To reserve your kit today, visit
Office of Transportation
Hickory Ridge Bike Corridor study Online
Completed last month, the report and appendices (1-5 and 6) for the Hickory Ridge Bike Corridor study, are now available online. A technical assessment of BikeHoward recommendations in and around Hickory Ridge, the goal of the Hickory Ridge Bike Corridor study is to develop a preferred route for continuous bicycle facilities to connect existing bike lanes on Grace Drive (providing access from River Hill and points west) to Hickory Ridge, Downtown Columbia and the rest of the Columbia pathway system and bike network.