Currently, there are 640 volunteers signed up for the Minnesota Mission of Mercy (MnMOM). We still need to fill many positions and are looking for dentists, dental hygienists and dental assistants willing to donate their time on Friday, September 7 and/or Saturday, September 8. For a successful event we need more than 1,200 volunteers so if you were planning to volunteer, please register today ! We plan to provide over $1 million dollars of charitable dental care. Our goal is to serve approximately 2,000 patients and YOUR presence will bring us one step closer to that goal! Invite your family and friends to lend a helping hand - volunteers are the heart of MnMOM. There are jobs for dental professionals and non-dental personnel. We only ask that volunteers be 18 years of age or older and that they are willing to smile and have fun! Watch our Volunteer Orientation Video and check out the MnMOM Flyer and MnMOM Key Facts for further information.
After you register
Be sure to put MnMOM on your calendar. We are counting on you to be there to help us provide the dental care our patients so desperately need. If your plans change, please contact Vicki Capistrant via email at mnmom@mndental.org.
Please review your department's protocols prior to arriving to the event. 
Minnesota dental professionals will no longer need to buy a mini license from the Board of Dentistry for the Minnesota Mission of Mercy. The Board of Dentistry will now allow dental professionals to use their biennial renewal certificate. The renewal certificate is the small license (3.5" x 4.5") you received at the time you renewed your license.
MnMOM will require all dental professionals treating patients to display their renewal certificate or guest license. Volunteer registration will provide a badge holder to display your license. 
If you don't' have a Minnesota license and need a guest license, check out the Non-Minnesota and Volunteer/Guest License Application section of our website. You can download the Non-Minnesota and Volunteer/Guest License Application here.  
Room blocks have been reserved at several Minneapolis hotels. Please make sure to mention the group code when making your reservations.

Hotels are booking up fast – make sure to make your reservation as soon as you’re able.
If you'd like to be a part of MnMOM but are unable to commit to volunteering, please consider an in-kind or tax-deductible financial contribution. Over $250,000 cash and in-kind donations are needed to help cover necessary dental equipment and supplies, pharmaceuticals, and food costs for the three-day event. To find out more information or to donate, please visit our website. We are sincerely grateful for all of our generous donors - thank you!
State Leads
Dr. Alejandro Aguirre, Chair
Dr. Laura Aguirre, Patient Advocate
Dr. Dave Andersen, Patient Exit
Ms. Amy Andersen, Patient Greeters
Dr. Prasad Bastodkar, Oral Surgery
Mr. Matthew Borowicz, Student Lead
Mr. Landon Case, Student Lead
Dr. Geetha Damodaran, Post Event Care
Dr. Pam Erickson, X-ray
Ms. Jessica Flotterud, Hygiene 
Ms. Jane Hartner, Lab
Dr. Christine Hermanson, Prosthodontics
Mr. Jorge Hernandez, Student Lead
Ms. Annessa Hicks, Delta Dental
Dr. Steve Hunter, Endodontics
Ms. Andrea Jauli, Onsite Volunteers
Ms. Janelle Jehn, Central Supply
Mr. Rich Kochmann, Facility
Ms. Marsha Krumm, Sterilization 
Ms. Theresa LaMotte, Patient Records & Donated Dental Supplies
Dr. Steve Litton, Fundraising
Ms. Julie Loibl, Hospitality
Dr. Nancy McDermott, Medical Triage
Dr. Jill Merrill, Oral Surgery
Ms. Renee Meuleners, Hygiene
Ms. Jessica Meyers, Sterilization
Dr. James Nickman, Pediatrics
Mr. Joe Norell, Facility
Ms. Sharon Oswald, Delta Dental
Dr. Rose Perpich, Post Event Care
Ms. Petra Powers, Hygiene
Ms. Michele Quade, Hospitality 
Mr. Phil Ramsland, Patterson Dental
Dr. Dave Rupprecht, Oral Surgery
Ms. Karrie Schutt, Sterilization
Dr. Susan Shatkowski, Numbing
Ms. Carly Sherod, Student Lead
Ms. Phyllis Sjulson, Patient Registration
Dr. Roger Sjulson, Routing Lead 
Dr. Jim Spitzmueller, Endodontics
Dr. Tasha Strait, Restorative
Dr. Cale Strait, Restorative
Dr. Loren Taple, X-ray
Dr. Bruce Templeton, Medical Triage
Ms. Amy Tester, Henry Schein
Mr. Tom Theobald, Patterson Dental
Dr. Gary Williams, Dental Triage
Ms. Kim Williams, Volunteer Registration
Dr. Jerry Wimmer, Dental Triage
Signature Sponsor
If you have questions, please contact Vicki Capistrant at 800-950-3368 or email mnmom@mndental.org.
Minnesota Mission of Mercy
Touching Lives Through Smiles