From the Director

We are pleased to release our  2019 estimate of the US Jewish population. The report, prepared by the  American Jewish Population Project  team provides overall population estimates and information about the demographic characteristics of US Jews, including their political affiliation. We are also releasing our updated interactive map showing Jewish population data at the state, metropolitan area, and county level, and providing new infographics summarizing key findings and comparisons to other data sources.  Continue reading

Explore Interactive Map

Discover US Jewish population estimates for state, metro, and county regions, with dynamic visualizations and an interactive map. View demographics and data on political identity and views.  Learn more.
American Jewish Population Estimates 2019: Summary and Highlights

Includes key findings:
          • A total of 7.5 million people in the US are Jewish. 
          • More than 1 in 10 US adult Jews self-identifies as non-white or Hispanic.
          •  63% of Jewish adults ages 25 and older are college graduates. Read more

Assessing the Validity of Data Synthesis Methods to Estimate Religious Populations

Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (2018) 57(2):206-20

In the absence of a US census question on religious identity, CMJS authors demonstrate that data synthesis, specifically Bayesian multilevel estimation with poststratification, offers the best alternative for estimating the size of religious groups in the United States.  Learn more
Related Content

The last AJPP data release occurred in 2016. See the Executive Summary and Highlights that year.

Leonard Saxe, Elizabeth Tighe, and Matthew      Boxer

American Jewish Population Estimates: 2012  Elizabeth Tighe, Leonard Saxe, Raquel Magidin de   Kramer, and Daniel Parmer

The Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University is a multi-disciplinary research center dedicated to bringing the concepts, theories, and techniques of social science to bear on the study of contemporary Jewish life.