Called to transformation.
This calling is at the core of our baptismal identity (it’s in Episcopal Church in Minnesota tagline, too). When we commit to following Jesus, we commit to being active partners in that transformation. We seek out experiences, practices, and communities that will
us, turning us toward God’s vision of Beloved Community. Both ECMN’s Children and Youth Ministry Network and ECMN’s School for Formation strive to create programs and experiences of
as we follow God’s call to
. The CYMN & SFF cultivate spaces where people can both experience and learn to build Beloved Community.
Through God’s grace, in sacred space, we are
—healed, forgiven, freed, and humbled to share ourselves in harmony with God’s mission. Our faith communities are our primary context for creating these relational spaces for this formative work. Beyond our local faith communities, ECMN’s CYMN & SFF networks create even more opportunities for formation.
You are invited to join in.
gathers adults involved in Children's or Youth Ministry at our Episcopal faith communities for fellowship and support. These adults also coordinate with ECMN's Youth Commission to offer children's and youth events around Minnesota. These events create space for transformative beloved community for ECMN’s children and youth and those who serve them.
The School for Formation
offers hybrid courses and workshops for adults who want to grow in their faith and leadership. With topics on Christian practice, spirituality, theology, preaching, and pastoral care, these courses help lay and ordained leaders discern their call to join in God’s mission. Our learning experiences are not only valuable opportunities to gain knowledge, but offer opportunities to practice building the kind of community we want to create and lead in our own contexts.
Building Connections
As we build deeper connections and shared vision between these two networks, we hope to discover and share best practices, wisdom, and stories with all of you. We want to help all of our members and communities experience the transformative power of beloved community in their own lives.
So stay tuned! Twice a year, SFF & CYMN will send out a joint email to capture the upcoming seasons of ministry, including stories from across our networks that capture a snapshot of our joint mission. This isn’t about filling up your inbox—rather, it’s about shaping our collective imagination about the work God is doing in and with us.
Join Us in Prayer
We invite you to pray through the two stories below about beloved community in the CYMN and the SFF. What’s God doing in these stories? Do they resonate with you? What inspires or challenges you here? What might the Holy Spirit be inviting you to do or experience in these stories?
In partnership and hope,
Sarah Barnett & Susan Daughtry