June is around the corner!
May 30, 2018
Our HMIS Users Meeting is this Friday! 
Friend, we hope you can make it to the Data Center's last Wake HMIS Users Meeting before the HMIS Implementation changes. We have really loved working with you all in our home base CoC! The Data Center will have coffee and sweets ready for us to mull over data with this Friday. So, bring your questions and your best practices to share with the group!  We'll look at some common themes for Wake's HMIS and how your data can help your agency and clients in the future.

Our HMIS data is influenced by us all and impacts our entire system, so we encourage Case Managers and Agency Admins alike to join us! 

Fri, June 1, 2018
10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Alliance Behavioral Healthcare
5000 Falls of Neuse Road, Room 310
Raleigh, NC
System Performance Measures are here!
The Wake CoC is submitting our community's SPM reports this week and we need your help to make any final corrections today! Please respond to the Data Center's emails with clients flagging to verify if details have been confirmed or corrected. 
The 0700 report for Length of Time Homeless was updated last Friday by Mediware and we must submit the most accurate measures to HUD. Mediware will provide details of these updates soon. 
What you should know from HUD and Mediware
Housing Move-In Date
HUD has clarified the workflow for entering Housing Move-In Date when clients leave the units a permanent housing project found them. HUD expects only one move-in date per HMIS entry. If a client leaves a unit you found and your project continues to serve the client with a new housing search, do these steps in HMIS. 
  1. Do not change the first Housing Move-In Date - leave the Interim Update and the date. Save the record of your hard work!
  2. Check your Enter Data As and Backdate modes, go to the Entry/Exit tab and Exit the client. The Exit date should be the day the client leaves their housing unit. Use the Destination that's appropriate (where is the client staying in if not in the unit?) 
  3. In the same Enter Data As and Backdate modes, add a new HMIS Project Entry for the same day as the exit. This will give you a new row on the Entry/Exit tab. Keep in mind this is not require a new intake outside of HMIS.
  4. Enter a Housing Move-In Date as an Interim and an Exit as you would normally!

Here's a copy of our Interim Update and Housing Move-In guidance for reference later!
0640 and 0252 Data Quality Reports
Two data quality reports have been updated and are available in ART for agencies now! In the Public Folder > ART Gallery Reports, then find the reports using the numbers in their title. Remember the definitions of prompts in ART:
EE Provider(s) = Select the project or projects that you want to run the report for
EDA Provider = Only Select a Project if you run the report for one project
CoC code = Do not use unless you're CoC Lead
Start Date = What is the first day you want data pulled for 
End Date Plus 1 = What is the last day you want data pulled for, then add one day
Effective Date =  What is the last day you want data pulled for, then add one day
Make sure you have these events and deadlines on your calendar!

Missed a past HMIS User Meeting? The Data Center's News Archive has presentation slides available for meetings going back to November 2017.
May 31 st-- RSVP for the last In-Person Entry/Exit HMIS Training before July Here

June 1 st -- Wake HMIS Users Meeting @ Alliance Behavioral Healthcare RSVP Here
Let us know if you have new funding, staff, or questions!

See you Friday!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |