Will This be Your "September to Remember?"

The Memory of the Righteous is Blessed
(Proverbs 10:7)

There are defining moments in all of our lives!

Think for a moment about Eve . . . one of her defining moments was when she was deceived by Satan and ate from the fruit that God had forbidden.

Hannah had a defining moment when she was praying for a son; Eli intervened and Hannah dedicated her son to God for the rest of his life!

Esther had a defining moment when she took it upon herself to intercede for her Nation at great peril to her own life. Shesaved her Nation from annihilation!

Debra had a defining moment when she went into battle with Barak.

Mary had a defining moment when the angel appeared to her and told her that she was going to conceive the Son of God!

Martha had a defining moment when she declared that Jesus was the Christ the Son of God and that she knew there would be a resurrection!

Can you name one of your defining moments? I will share one of mine . . .

I was sitting on the House Floor in the Tennessee House of Representatives two years ago. We had just voted on raising the gas tax in Tennessee when our coffers were already overflowing with excess taxpayer dollars. I had watched the administration and the bureaucracy for months "pulling the wool" over Tennesseans' eyes and making them believe that if we did not raise the gas tax, they would not have road improvements for the next 50 years! I had watched the same scare tactic scenario play out on Amendment 2 two years before. It is amazing what the machine can make us believe and how fear is used to control people.

I was ashamed. I didn't vote for the tax but that didn't stop the political machine from stealing more of the working man's dollar. You see, inside the bubble of the bureaucracy, money is never a problem because taxpayers are seen as a never ending stream of money. For the government, taxpayers are the proverbial "tree" that money grows on!

I knew on that day that I would no longer be happy as part of the government bureaucracy. I could sit there as a Representative for many more years and vote against expanded liquor sales, more money for schools, more money for the Department of Human Services, etc. However, the fact is that those votes would not change one thing that matters for eternity!

The only changes that make the world a better place or that make people fit for Heaven has to be made in the hearts of the men, women and children of any state. Change won't come from the government. Change can only come from the people.

That day, I decided that I wanted to go back to spending the majority of my time on earth teaching the Bible, strengthening homes and families and helping to build the Lord's church worldwide.

And this month . . . September 2019 , I am challenging you to have a defining moment! I hope you will decide this month to do something more to grow spiritually and to build and strengthen the Body of Christ either here at home or abroad.

Make this your own September to remember!
Decide today to grow spiritually!


* The BIG (Bible Institute for Girls) that we proposed last month was very well received! We will be making plans for it next summer! Watch future Newsletters for dates, times and location!

In just these few short months, we have 976 people receiving this Newsletter today! Let's invite others and make it 1,000 this week!
We are joining hands as sisters in Christ and glorifying our God while building and strengthening His body!


Also, if you need a recommendation for a Ladies' Day Speaker or a knowledgable Christian woman for a Lectureship , Mission Effort or Event , please let us know!


We are again going to highlight several resources for "sowing the seed of the Kingdom, sister . . ."

Pick one or two and you can begin your

We have often talked about WORLD BIBLE SCHOOL which is a great way to begin sowing the seed! Some congregations have been doing this for a long time and thankfully, many others are just now picking up the torch. Southgate in Columbia, TN and Anderson Bend church of Christ in Duck River are adding their strength to the numbers!

Christianity is a "taught" religion. How can they know unless they hear the Gospel? (Romans 10:14) This is a great mission project for a congregation to work on together or for a family to share the Gospel together as a team. WBS would be glad to can have someone come to your congregation and get you started!

Also, if you would be willing as your personal mission to teach the Gospel using the internet or "snail mail" please contact:

There is no Retirement
from spreading the Gospel!

Any one of us can knock a few doors in our own neighborhood! Someone might be waiting . . .
I hope you will join "House to House" on October 5th for their NEIGHBORHOOD DOOR KNOCKING CAMPAIGN and do mission work right in your own backyard!
At nextdoor.housetohouse.com you will receive door knocking tips and encouragement to help you get prepared. Hundreds have already signed up to visit in their neighborhoods. This could be someone else's September to Remember because YOU knocked on their door and showed them the way to eternal life!

What if all of us committed to knocking on 10 doors, or even just 5 doors? I know that lives could be changed! There is good seed waiting somewhere and we are the sowers!


Pictured above are Dick Ady, founder of World English Institute and Rumira Xhoferoj a WEI student from Albania who is now our sister in Christ! I visited with WORLD ENGLISH INSTITUTE (wei) last week and met many Christians who are currently teaching the Bible by offering FREE English lessons in many countries around the world! Some of those countries would not allow the Bible to be taught by itself, however, for English to be taught, they will allow the Bible to be the textbook. English has become the universal language much like koine Greek was in the First Century. When I was in India last year, the children in the orphanage were constantly wanting us to teach them English!

World English Institute is need of at least 200 more teachers to spend about two hours a week teaching English using the Bible. The There are 157 students waiting right now!You can do that from your own home in your jammies drinking a good cup of coffee or tea. There are many SEEKERS in the world. It is our responsibility to sow the Word and make sure it gets to them. Our God will give the increase! (I Corinthians 3:6-9)

We would be happy to arrange for someone from WEI to come to your Ladies' Bible Class, your Mission committee or to meet with your elders. This is a wonderful opportunity for sharing God's Word to those who most likely would never have had the opportunity to hear the Gospel except that they signed up for a FREE ENGLISH COURSE! There are some wonderful stories of people who have become our brothers and sisters in Christ through WEI! Training for teachers is minimal; the well designed lessons practically teach themselves!

There is no excuse for any one of us to not be teaching God's Word today to someone today! When we are lovingly doing our Father's will in this life we can joyfully look forward to hearing Him say:
"Well done, Thou good and faithful servant."
Matthew 25

Check out this great FB Group of Sisters in Christ!


You will want to look up this Facebook Group to have access to hundreds of great audio lessons from our Sisters in Christ!

A record number of Christians were in attendance for the 25th Annual Polishing the Pulpit i n Sevierville, TN last month!

Being there is like a little taste of heaven on earth. I was blessed by teaching several ladies' classes. There is a thumb drive available with hundreds of lessons from knowledgeable and faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. You may contact WVBS at https://store.wvbs.org/ if you would like to have one. I listen to mine over and over when I am walking or driving. It is a wonderful resource full of strong, sound biblical teaching! They make wonderful gifts for family, friends, ministers and sisters in Christ!
An Inspiring Lesson on Adversity!

Brother Don Blackwell, a minister and head of the Global Broadcast Network speaks about his ATV accident 3 months ago that has left him paralyzed from the waist down. His heart is revealed and the lessons he is learning are valuable to every one of us!

I hope you will listen!

UPCOMING 2019 "Sisters, Servants, Soldiers" SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS

September 14, Bumpus Mills, TN
September 20, Chesapeake, VA
September 28, Fairfield, NC
October 5, Bear Creek, AL
October 19, Bowling Green, KY
October 31, Palmerston North, New Zealand
October 8, Bufrod, GA

 Sheila Butt
FB: Sheila K. Butt

Please visit our Website at: www.sistersservantssoldiers.com

"Sisters, Servants and Soldiers" needs your help!

Almost every day we find talent, energy and willingness to serve among our sisters in Christ! SSS is helping with biblical teaching, prayer, encouragement and resources. We are getting Christian women authors published, making videos for our sisters in Christ around the world, supporting women in the mission field and we will be training young ladies to fulfill their God-given roles in the Kingdom! Won't you be a part of this great work? Please send your tax-de ductible contributions to :

Anderson Bend Church of Christ
Attn: Sisters, Servants, Soldiers Mission Fund
P.O. Box 1283
Columbia, TN . 38402-1283

You may also donate through PayPal . A monthly contribution of any amount will further our ministry! Maybe for some reason you can't go personally, however, your contribution can help one of our sisters go into all the world!

Love in Christ,

P.O. Box 1283
Columbia, TN 38402-1283