Coyote Safety Reminder
Coyotes are present throughout Sea Pines. In body form and size, the coyote resembles a small collie dog, with erect pointed ears, slender muzzle and a bushy tail.
Coyotes are predominantly brownish gray in color with a light gray to cream-colored belly. Color varies greatly, however, from nearly black to red or nearly white in some individuals and local populations. Most have dark or black guard hairs over their back and tail. In our area, they can weigh between 35-45 pounds.
If you encounter a coyote: Yell loudly or if possible spray them with a hose and back away slowly; never turn your back and run.
Please remember to always keep your pets on a leash when walking your pet in the community.
If you feel a coyote is becoming a threat, call the Sea Pines Security Department Dispatch phone line at 843.671.7170. Our Wildlife Officer of the Security Department will respond and evaluate the situation.
Authorized Pyrotechnics Test Planned For This Afternoon
Please be advised that today, Tuesday, December 10
between 6 PM – 8 PM, The Sea Pines Resort will be testing some special effects (fireworks like devices) with their licensed vendor on the 18
lawn area of Harbour Town in preparation for the New Year’s Eve celebration in Harbour Town.