Issue 7
10 September, 2019
Solvent Deasphalting is Coming to RefComm ®

SDA is a growing field within the oil refining industry, known for its high efficiency and versatility as a crude separation process.  RefComm® 2020  is proudly offering a conference track which focuses on solvent deasphalting and we invite you to attend. To learn more about SDA, click the link below.

When Lightning Strikes

Did you know that in your lifetime, you have a one in 3,000 chance of getting struck by lightning? In any one given year, the odds of becoming a lightning strike victim in the U.S. alone are one in 700,000. Given these odds, the chances of your refinery unit being struck by lightning are not as slim as you previously might have thought. Chevron El Segundo talks about what happened when lightning struck their refinery.

Avoiding Cyclone Blockage in the RFCC Reactor

 Stagnant regions of cyclones in RFCC reactor have a high potential of coke accumulation and there is a high risk at any thermal shuck (especially cold shutdowns) that this coke falls down and blocks the cyclone dipleg which lead to significant catalyst lost through the main fractionator.

Residue Hydrocracking Solutions for Refinery Sustainability

Residue Hydrocracking (RHC) has gained traction as the desired residue conversion process in recent years. One of the world’s leading technology partnerships,  Chevron Lummus Global  (CLG), provides not just an overview of RHC and its merits for maximizing a refinery’s profitability, but also its impact on a refinery’s capability to produce various products and flexibility for future needs.

Bringing Your Loved Ones to RefComm ® Rotterdam?
If so we invite them to join us on a walking tour of Den Haag, where they can e xperience the beautiful and historical city of Den Haag, Netherlands. Nan Loots, a native and former resident of Netherlands and wife of Gary Pitman (co-owner of Refining Community), will share her beautiful country with them, all while you arelearning about the best practices, protocols, and tech to maximize production in your unit.

Optimize Your Career in the DCU
With Gary Pitman's training course at RefComm ® Mumbai , 11-14 November. His two-day class will cover an introduction to the process, equipment, and operation of a delayed coker unit (DCU) in the refinery.

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