Breaking Bad
2 Corinthians 10:3
Proverbs 21-22
Weekly Prayer
God, many of us are wrestling with strongholds that have been in our lives for years. We pray for greater wisdom and a willingness to cultivate deeper bonds of trust in You. Help us to know You better, to trust that Your will is for us to bear good fruit, and to embrace the habits that direct us to Your will.
Forgive us for when we’ve allowed bad mental and emotional habits to take up residence in our lives and help us to pivot and take notice of all of the ways You’ve been faithfully with us. God, we look to You, even as fear gives us every reason to legitimize narratives of failure, darkness, and hopelessness.
We thank You that the weapons of our warfare are not of this world, but that You give us the kind of weapons that lead us to a victorious end. So, this week, Lord we decide to tear down the strongholds that threaten our victory by erecting a new altar in our hearts and minds that exalt You and the truth and knowledge of You.
In the name of Jesus, we pray, amen.