** Monday, January 18: No School (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)

** Tuesday, January 26: Restaurant Night at Oblios

** Tuesday, February 2, 5:30pm: VAC Meeting

** Wednesday, February 3, 6pm: PTA Meeting

** February 15 & 16: NO SCHOOL

(The Stedman Calendar can always be viewed HERE)
Note From Mr. Atkins
Stedman Community, Happy Friday! 

As I personally embrace who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was and what he stood/stands for, I am reminded of my own personal purpose...the "purpose" that aligns so close to his dream. The dream of unity, community, love and respect. The dream that was so grounded in inclusion, diversity and equity for ALL. Many may say that his work was in vain as we continue to navigate spaces in 2020-2021 that closely resemble the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's. I would say, Dr. King's DREAM is alive and well within the Stedman Community. And we will continue his desires and dream while using our babies as vessels to live out his legacy in a progressive manner. 

Love you ALL to LIFE!

Michael Atkins 


Comunidad de Stedman, ¡Feliz viernes!

Al aceptar personalmente quién fue el Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. y lo que defendió / representa, recuerdo mi propio propósito personal ... el "propósito" que se alinea tan cerca de su sueño. El sueño de unidad, comunidad, amor y respeto. El sueño que estaba tan basado en la inclusión, la diversidad y la equidad para TODOS. Muchos pueden decir que su trabajo fue en vano mientras continuamos navegando por espacios en 2020-2021 que se asemejan mucho al Movimiento de Derechos Civiles de la década de 1960. Yo diría que Dr. King's DREAM está vivo y coleando dentro de la Comunidad Stedman. Y continuaremos sus deseos y sueños mientras usamos a nuestros bebés como recipientes para vivir su legado de manera progresiva.

¡Los amo a TODOS por LA VIDA!

Michael Atkins

In year's past, we've enjoyed the tradition of our Kinder and 1st Grade students taking part in a peaceful Marade to Montview Church with students from Smith, Hallett, and Park Hill Elementary schools. Our students have stood together to proclaim the messages of Dr. King on the very steps where he stood once several decades ago. While we aren't able to take part in that incredible tradition this year, our students did put together some signs that will be displayed around Montview Blvd Presbyterian Church (go take a peek this weekend!). We will also be putting some up throughout our building in celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Free student Book Fair books, purchased by Stedman PTA, are here! In person learners should have received theirs this week (we saw lots of excited faces!).

Remote Learner Pick Up will be on:
Friday, January 22nd, from 1:00-3:00pm 
(Please come by the school to pick up your students FREE book! Tell the front office, at the intercom, your child's name and teacher and we will bring your book out to you!) 

Thank you for supporting our Book Fair so our PTA could make this gift possible! Enjoy!
Leading Edge is our before/after care provider and will be operating as normal as school resumes in-person learning on January 11th. If you are interested in registering, please check out the flyers below or email CCAP IS ACCEPTED.

Leading Edge es nuestro proveedor de cuidado antes y después y estará abierto nuevamente cuando la escuela reanude el aprendizaje en persona el 11 de enero. Si está interesado en inscribirse, por favor echa un vistazo a los volantes por debajo o por correo electrónico SE ACEPTA CCAP.
SRO Transition Resolution Implementation
Your Help is Needed from DPS

FROM DPS: As we begin the 2nd semester and dig into the work of the SRO Transition resolution implementation, we know one of the most critical voices in this work is that of the parents and families. Therefore, we would like to invite parents and families to participate and engage in this work through the following opportunities. Ideally, we would start outreach to the interested families and parents by Jan. 15th. Please fill out the Interest Form if you are interested in participating in any of the following groups:
Steering Committee: Looking for 1-2 volunteers
  • Role: Provide oversight and accountability; provide leadership on key decisions. Advocating for this work. 
  • Time commitment: 1-1.5 hours per month
  • Example of outputs/deliverables:
  • Feedback on outputs from workgroup, planning team & engagement 
  • Approval for project to move to next phases
  • Project decisions based on options from Workgroup or Planning Team
  • Support and address with escalation and issue resolution

Workgroup: Looking for 4-5 volunteers
  • Role: Engage in solution design by researching best practices and developing recommendations to redefine school discipline and safety.
  • Time commitment: 3-4 hours per month
  • Example of outputs/deliverables:
  • Current state and gap assessment: What is the problem and what are we trying to solve
  • Future state/desired state: Research best practices
  • Exploration and ideation for solutions
  • Recommendations for support in schools that will have their SROs removed and what safety and discipline looks like DPS schools moving forward.
For additional information or questions regarding SRO transition project please reach out Su Pal at Email:| p 720-423-3781 
Despite this being an atypical year, SchoolChoice is going on like normal! This means that Round 1 of SchoolChoice will open on Friday, January 15th at 8am and close on Tuesday, February 16th at 4pm. We recently sent THIS email to prospective families in the area with more information.

Basic information for your knowledge:
  • All families entering ECE, Kinder, Middle School, or High School MUST participate in SchoolChoice
  • All applications for SchoolChoice must be made online (
  • If you do not participate by February 16th at 4pm, your chances of attending a school of your choice dramatically decreases
  • Updated Enrollment Guides from DPS are now available use this site to preview information about schools
  • Students in our ECE4 Immersion classrooms are guaranteed a seat in our Kinder Immersion classrooms unless they Choice elsewhere in Round 1.
  • Note: Current K-5 families do NOT need to reapply! ECE4 families - please do submit an application for your Kindergarten choice! (ECE4 Immersion families will receive a seat in Kinder Immersion, but we ask that you still apply)

Please remind neighbors and friends/family in the area about SchoolChoice and direct them to one of our Virtual Open Houses if they are interested in Stedman. If anyone has questions about this process, please reach out to our Choice Coordinator, Ali Larson, at

Here is a recording of our first Open House that you may enjoy or want to share:
COVID-19 Testing Now Free for All Community Members
Through the end of the year, COVIDCheck Colorado is now offering free testing to anyone in Colorado. This means that leaders, educators and staff can go with household members and invite other community members to test and help slow the spread of COVID.

Sign up here for FREE testing (anyone in the community!):
**PTA Corner**

While this year is unlike any other, there are still ways for us to continue supporting our students.

Please continue reading your emails from PTA and reach out to if you have any questions or want to jump in! We'll provide updates here in the newsletter as well.

  • If you order from Longmont Dairy, save all your milk caps! Send them to our front office and we are able to turn them in for a donation.
King Soopers

Did you know that you can link your King Soopers account to Stedman and help us raise money without spending any extra dollars? It's so easy!

How To Use the King Soopers/ City Market Community Rewards Program:

Step 2: Sign in to your account (or create a new account with your email and King Soopers card #)

Step 3: Search for Stedman Knights PTA (NPO # -- XK374)

Step 4: Select Enroll

Congrats, you have successfully enrolled in the Community Rewards program and 5% of your purchases will support Stedman Elementary!!

Join us for our next virtual PTA meeting on Wednesday, February 3rd at 6pm. We keep these limited to one hour and would love to see your face!

Wednesday, Feb. 3 @ 6pm

Stedman Spirit Gear

Our new store for Stedman Spirit Gear is finally up! If you are interested in purchasing a new item, please visit this site. Orders will be handled individually and a portion of all sales will be donated back to the school by the vendor.

Emergency Financial Assistance
Knowing the COVID-19 pandemic continues to negatively impact the lives of Denver families, DHS is now offering emergency/disaster assistance payments up to $4,000 to qualifying residents.
These payments can be used for a variety of reasons – to cover rent or pay the mortgage, to pay for mental or medical care, to pay for home or auto repairs, to pay for food or school supplies, and more. To qualify, one must be:
  • TANF Broad-Based Eligibility Criteria for Disaster Aid: Denver resident
  • Household is determined to be ineligible for public assistance programs;
  • Annual household income is under $75,000;
  • Eligible child in the household (according to state rules and regulations);
  • Lawfully present in the country; and
  • Has a need for services directly relating COVID-19-related emergency
The program is open until funds are exhausted. To apply, go to and apply for Colorado Works/TANF. Please note that because this is a unique and temporary program, the “Am I eligible?” feature will not distinguish between this program and the regular Colorado Works/TANF programs. We encourage anyone with questions to call 720-944-4DHS (4347) to speak with a customer services representative.
Family Supports

If your family is in need of additional support, please be sure to reach out to our Family Liaison, Ali Larson, via text or email: We have access to some food and transportation resources that may be helpful during these stressful times.