Weekly Announcements
September 12, 2019

The Week Ahead

Thursday, September 12
7:30 pm: Choir Rehearsal

Saturday, September 14
9 am - 2 pm: Thrift Shop

Sunday, September 15
8 am: Holy Eucharist
9 - 9:45 am: Adult Forum
10 am: Sunday School
10:15: Sung Eucharist 

Tuesday, September 17
10 am - 2 pm: Thrift Shop 

Thursday, September 19
7:30 pm: Choir Rehearsal

Saturday, September 21
9 am - 2 pm: Thrift Shop

Sunday, September 22
8 am: Holy Eucharist 
9 - 9:45 am: Adult Forum
10 am: Sunday School
10:15 am: Sung Eucharist

Regular Schedule Resumes This Sunday


Watch for details in upcoming publications!


New Beginning!

On September 15, we will start with our two services at 8:00 and 10:15 am. Lucy Dure, who has been filling in the last three weeks, has graciously agreed to conduct the two services during the month of September. We will also start Sunday School and Adult Forum on September 15. We will hold off on our Welcome celebration until we know when our new priest will be with us.

At times like this we have a source we can turn to when we are faced with a challenge. When we gather together in Christ's name, he told us he would be there with us. Let us face this new challenge together and with Christ. Please join us for the beginning of the new church year.
George Baughan

Work Details

You may have noticed some work being done around the church over the summer. Thanks to the hard work of your fellow parishioners some improvements have been made to the buildings and grounds. Gary Rew has replaced tiles in the floor of the Thrift Shop and lights in the ceiling. Tim Kolynych has put a barrier of bricks around the stairwell next to the new columbarium to prevent the flooding we experienced in the parish hall basement during a heavy rainstorm. Rick Doyle and Jeanne Dewan have been clearing weeds and vines from areas near the lower parking lot. We have also had a contractor install a new pipe to replace the one that was blocked in the lower parking lot. The new columbarium was been created at the end of the lower parking lot. A Gift of Angels donation has been pledged to cover the cost of a black metal fence which Frank Dewan has volunteered to install on the border between the parking lot and the columbarium.

That brings us to another item we are hoping could be provided by a Gift of Angels donation:   The floors in the parish hall and the kitchen need regular maintenance - more frequently than the semi-monthly washing provided by our cleaning company. We need a buffer/scrubber/polisher to keep up their appearance. We can get a machine for $350. 

If you would like to make a Gift of Angels donation for this or any of the items on the wish list, please see George Baughan or anyone on the property committee.

School Supplies for Chester
During the month of September, we will be collecting school supplies for students in the Chester Upland School.  For families with limited income and more than one child, the cost is insurmountable.  Needed items include: backpacks, binders, notebook paper, pencils, pens, glue sticks, crayons, marble composition books, pocket folders, dry eras e markers, flash drives.  Increase the impact of your donation by purchasing backpacks and other supplies through Amazon Smile at smile.amazon.com . Supplies can be left on the back pew in the church.

Altar Flowers
There are openings for flower memorials for all of October.  If you would like to help in this area, please contact Helen Lightcap and/or the church office.

Online Church Calendar
The calendar has been corrected, updated and is being kept current.  It is accessible via the website.  The Parish Admin will be out of the office from September 9th through 18th; the office will reopen on the 19th.

Thrift Shop
The thrift shop is ready for fall with seasonal decorations, clothes for cooler weather and many decorative items.  We are always looking for new volunteers -- so come join us. Donations are once again being accepted.

Hurricane Dorian
Episcopal Relief & Development is working closely with dioceses in the path of Hurricane Dorian. You can help provide affected communities with immediate and long-term support. Please contribute to our Hurricane Relief Fund at

DIOPA Ladies Tea Party, Saturday, September 21, 1-3 pm
Join us for an afternoon of fellowship at St. David's Episcopal Church, Wayne, with women from the 134 churche s in the diocese.  ALL proceeds from the $10 ticket support the diocese's female veterans moral injury project.  Send a check for $10 to: DIOPA, 3717 Chestnut Street, Suite 300, Philadelphia, PA 19104 or at www.diopa.org/events/tea. Write "tea" and your church name in the subject area.  Reserve early - seating is limited!

Ushers Needed 
If you would like to help in this important Ministry of Welcome, please contact Sharon Parry.

Acolytes Needed 
We are in desperate need of additional acolytes. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please contact Elaine McDaid.

Volunteers Needed 

Acolytes, Ushers and Flower Guild 

If you would like to volunteer for any of 
these important ministries, contact 
Helen Lightcap (Flower Guild), Elaine McDaid (Acolytes)
or Sharon Parry (Ushers)

Prayer Book

At the back of the church is a Prayer Book.  
On the cover it says  "For those in need..."  In the book please write in the names of those who need our prayers. Please enter the name and the date (and reason, if you wish). At every Eucharist we will pray for those named in the book. After a month, the person's name will be removed from our prayers, unless it is entered anew.

Please pray for those who need healing and comfort: 

Jeff, Kevin, Joe Atkinson,  Sammi Dobbs, Amy Glascott, 
Rich Huber, Bill Sherrod, and  those we hold in our hearts.

Please pray for the departed especially John Sherrod .
Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord, 
and let light perpetual shine upon them.

Others for whom we continue to pray:

 Ashley Ann, Erin W, Isaac, Rose Adams, Betty Brown, 
Marlaine Brown, Pete Davis, Debbie Diehl, Steve Farrell, 
Bob and Katie Grange, Jett Hall, Emily Knox, Martin Knox, 
Ann Kolynych, Oppenshaw Family, Marjory Petherbridge, 
Lucy Rooney, Peter Rosado,  and Carl Witzel.

Heavenly Father, giver of life and health: Comfort and relieve your sick servants, and give your power of healing to those who minister to their needs, that those for whom our prayers are offered may be strengthened in their weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,  one God, 
now and forever.   Amen.

Book of Common Prayer

Ministry Schedule September 15th

Serving this Sunday at 8 am: Diane Ramsey

Serving this Sunday at 10:15 am

Acolytes - Bruce Fillipo, Els Baldewijns, Sammie Dobbs
Altar Guild - Leslie Gibson, Camilla Godby, Taylor Sharkey
Counters - Kurt Danenhower, Patricia Flores-Brown
Fellowship - Ann and Israel Ramirez
Flower Guild - Helen Lightcap, Jacki Reich
Intercessor - Tim Kolynych
Readers - Lindsay Crosby, Jacki Reich
Shepherds - Lee Lucas, Jeff Brzezicki
Ushers - Bertie Sproul, Frank Dewan

Altar Flower Dedications

Sponsoring our Sunday altar flowers is a great way to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, remember a loved one who has passed, or mark any other special occasion.  The suggested donation is $20 per arrangement, which offsets the cost of the flowers provided by Leary's Florist.  If you wish to sponsor the flowers, please submit your name and preferred wording of the dedication to [email protected] or in a note placed in the offering plate.  

Property Team
Things To Be Done Around Redeemer Notebook

If you notice something that needs attention around the campus (i.e. leaky toilet, broken light, etc.), please record it in the black & white  notebook in the Property Team's mailbox outside the church office.

Blue Gift
Gift of Angels

There are expenses that pop up that are not included in our annual operating budget, and this program covers those. 

Your gift to the Gift of Angels program can be in the form of a monetary donation or a gift-in-kind and can be made in thanksgiving or in memory of someone. It can cover all or part of an item on the wish list.  All gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  You will receive recognition of your gift, and all gifts are recorded in our Book of Memorials and Gifts. 

The Wish List currently includes: weed control supplies, floor buffer and pads, new chairs for the Parish Hall, and landscaping upgrades surrounding the newly installed outdoor columbarium by the thrift shop entrance and in the field adjoining the upper parking lot.

Please make checks payable to Church of the Redeemer and designate Gift of Angels or your specific designation on the memo line.

Your consideration of support for this campaign is greatly appreciated!


St. Mary's Food Cupboard 

During the month of May, 2019, St. Mary's volunteers contributed 320 hours, provided 7,735 meals to 482 people and distributed 16,665 pounds of food to those in need.

During the month of June, 2019, volunteers contributed 300 hours, provided 6,795 meals to 453 people and distributed 15,225 pounds of food.

During the month of July, 2019, St. Mary's volunteers contributed 300 hours, distributed 13,110 pounds of food and 5205 meals to 347 individuals. 


Redeemer Thrift Shop 

Hours of Operation
Tuesdays 10 am - 2 pm
Saturdays 9:30 am - 2 pm
We welcome your donations
we are always looking for new volunteers!

Thrift Shop sales for June were $1,527. 
Total earnings year-to-date are $11,449.

Cyn Mattson 610-353-8125

Visit the Thrift Shop on Facebook

Amazon Smile

Remember to use Amazon Smile when you shop online!

To use AmazonSmile, simply go to http://smile.amazon.com/ from the web browser on your computer or mobile device, or go to Amazon and search Amazon smile. On your first visit to AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), you need to select Church of the Redeemer as your charitable organization to receive donations. 

Acme and Giant Gift Cards
See Rick and Ginny Doyle during fellowship hour to purchase your Giant and Acme Gift Cards. Redeemer receives 5% of the value of the card. The Giant on Township Line Road also offers discounts on gas. The more you buy, the more you save.


Church of the Redeemer, Springfield

145 West Springfield Road
Springfield , Pennsylvania 19064
(610) 544-8113

Senior Warden
George Baughan

Minister of Music 
Susanna Faust

Eucharistic Visitors
Linda Bennett, 
Carol Kane, Claire Witzel 

Vestry Members
George Baughan '22 - Senior Warden
Lee Lucas '20 - Junior Warden
Ginny Doyle '22  - Clerk of Vestry
Sharon Appelbaum '21
Keith Brown '22
Jim Lambert '21
Helen Lightcap '20
Jane Nyiri '20
Gary Rew '21

Parish Administrator
Maria Macfarlan

Gary Rew


Our  Mission
"As people of God, we come together in joyful worship, to care for each other, to engage in Christian formation, and to reach out to others thoughtfully and compassionately."
Our Vision
"Becoming one with Christ, with one another, and with all God's people"