Tools for Learning:
Classroom Supplies
Cortland Enlarged City School District is committed to high levels of learning for all students. We strive to provide engaging and equitable learning environments for everyone. So that all students have everything they need for learning, the District will continue to provide all of the supplies and equipment needed for our classrooms. Families do not have to purchase supplies for their children to bring to school.

Experience informs us that families are often frustrated by the financial burden and difficulty in meeting the different requests of multiple teachers. At the beginning of the school year, families are often purchasing apparel as well. Easing the stress and burden of school supplies can help.

The District has identified the supplies necessary for classroom learning. We are able to leverage the power of bulk purchasing to purchase necessary supplies for a fraction of what families would have to spend on their own. Therefore, we do not ask families to purchase the supplies. Through a combination of taxpayer support, state and federal money, and community support all students will have the supplies they need, ready in the classroom. All materials that students need for school, with the exception of backpacks and art smocks, are provided.