July 19
Sunday, July 22
Worship at 10 am in the Sanctuary

This Sunday , we continue our summer sermon series, "Word," when Bill Braun will share how Romans 12:9-18  has been God's Word at different times in his faith journey . Amy Starr Redwine's sermon on the same text is titled, "Back to Basics." Bill will also serve as the Lay Worship Leader. Join us at   10 am  on the west lawn

Music Notes:  We welcome guest organist Dr. Peter Bennett this week while Jonathan Moyer is on vacation. Dr. Bennett is an associate professor of music at Case Western Reserve University. Former Covenant Choir member Elena Mullins returns as soprano soloist this week. While he's away, Dr. Moyer is also giving classes and concerts at the Interlochen Center for the Arts (Michigan), the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC, and the Convention of the Organ Historical Society in Rochester, NY. 

Summer Hymn Requests
Haven't sung your favorite hymn in a while? Here's your chance. Let us know your hymn request(s) and a possible date for your request over the remaining Sundays of July and August. You may submit up to two hymns (in order of priority). Please submit hymn titles from either our current pew hymnal or the new "Glory to God" hymnal.
 to submit your requests online. You can can also submit them in the office.

Children:  This Sunday, children may attend Sunday School following the Time for Young Disciples.
 Nursery for infants through Pre-K is available in the Living Room (Lower level of the Education Wing). 

Join Us TODAY and Sunday
Half-Truths:  "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves" 
and Other Things the Bible Doesn't Say

Join Melanie Marsh Baum today, 5:30-6:30 pm, for session three of this video and discussion course . Classes will be held  Sundays through July 22 from 11:30 am until 12:30 pm and repeated on Thursdays from  5:30 until 6:30 pm  in our newly renovated Dowd Commons on the lower level of the church. Join us for a time of learning and dialogue!

* If you missed a meeting of the Half-Truths class or want to follow along at home, here are links to the videos we are using -- click on the session you want to watch and then scroll all the way down for  the  video.

In Our Church Family

We pray for  Judy Bourne, Akeya Clark (Marie Jones' niece), Paul Dirksen, Rob Engle, Marlene & William Finkenthal (David Finkenthal's parents), Chick Holtkamp, Craig Jones, Les Knowlton, Cathy Luck, Greg Madison, Barbara McGhee, Sue Salvator, Liam & Emilee Stewart (Mindy Stewart's nephew and sister), Anne Wombwell deConingh, June Tomko and Gabriel (Jenny Conner's grand-nephew). We pray for those struggling with illness, convalescing, or homebound; patients, family, and staff in our surrounding hospitals; and those who have left prayer requests in our Carpenter's Box.

Out of the office:  Kevin Lowry is on vacation through July 23. Jonathan Moyer is on vacation through August 3. Melanie Marsh Baum will be on vacation from  July 22 until August 3.

Please send prayer requests to Melanie Marsh Baum. Names are generally removed from the bulletin after four weeks unless there is a continuing need. Please let the church know if you or a loved one is in the hospital; HIPAA privacy regulations prevent hospitals from sharing this information.

Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. ~Galatians 6:2
Financial Updates from Este

Thank you for your faithful support of Church of the Covenant.  In the next couple of weeks, you will be receiving your giving statement for the first six months of this year (contributions received from 1/1/2018 through 6/30/2018). Please look for it in your e-mail or mail. This is a good time to re-evaluate where you stand in fulfilling your pledges.

Please feel free to call the Church office 216-421-0482 extension 226 for Este Pozza, Manager of Finance and Operations, with any questions.
Church Happenings

Mark your calendars for  Friday, September 7, 2018 when we will officially celebrate the unveiling of University Circle's newest hidden gem at the Church of the Covenant: t he Dowd Commons! Details to follow.

The Cache reopened Tuesday, July 3rd!
Thank you for your patience and loyalty during the remodeling process. 
Please note: For the time being, the Cache will be open on Tuesdays only, from  10 am to 4 pm.

New Addition to the Reception Room
An exquisite reed organ owned by the mother of long-time member Alice Fehl was recently donated to the church. It will reside in the reception room and will beautifully accompany hymn singing and an occasional "happy birthday." The organ was made by the Fort Wayne Organ Company, which operated from 1871 until the Great Depression. It is a perfect example of a turn-of-the-century parlor organ that will provide many years of use. Pictured at the organ is Alice's daughter Laura, who graciously helped to coordinate the move of the instrument.

In addition, the former sanctuary piano (by Henry Miller) now resides in the Dowd Commons, and will be a useful instrument for accompanying events and worship services.

Montreat Update from Amy Kim Kyremes-Parks

If you have any information regarding congregation members please email the communication manager, Aisha Newton. She would love to highlight them in the enewsletter or social media.
Outreach Opportunities 

Food collection for the Covenant Food Pantry this Sunday

This Sunday the children will collect food and financial donations for our Covenant Food Pantry, open the last Wednesday and Friday of each month, Thursday afternoons in the Connection Center for students, and for emergencies. The Pantry currently needs canned chili, jam/jelly, pudding cups, fruit cups, and spaghettios. Thank you for your ongoing support!

The tutoring program needs "gently used" items, including the following: 2 tablets, 3 computers, calculators for all ages as well as books and educational games.

Summer Learning 

TOT goes to CHQ!
Join our Theology on Tap group on  Wednesday August 15th  for a day trip to the Chautauqua Institution in western New York.
We'll have lunch and attend the Interfaith Lecture at  2pm, featuring Theologian and Activist Ruby Nell Sales, followed by a brief discussion.  Stay for an optional evening concert, featuring bluegrass and roots musician Rhiannon Giddens.

Even if you've never attended Theology on Tap, you are welcome to join us for this fun and enriching experience!  We will leave from the church parking lot at  10am.  Gate passes for the afternoon lecture are $17, Afternoon and evening, $45.  Contact Melanie Marsh Baum for details.

Spring Music Concerts 

July 20, 12:15-12:45 pm & Sunday, July 22, 11:00-11:30 am 
This week: Patrick Macoska, Guest Carillonneur 
Bring a lunch, a lawn chair or blanket and a friend.  Pick up a program at the base of the tower or online. Attendance and parking are free . Friday concerts are repeated on Sundays at 11 am, and there are tower tours on Friday after the concerts. On Sundays, the tower is open to visitors during the concert, including to children who are accompanied by an adult.  This week: Bach's "Air on the G string" and Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, and Slavonic Dance by Antonin Dvorak. 
Friday carillon concerts continue through November 16

Community Events

You are invited to the 3rd Annual More Than a Zip Code:  A Social Justice Fashion Show
When: July 28, 2018, 7-8 pm (Reception to follow)
Where: North Presbyterian Church 4515 Superior Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103
What: The models will dazzle in their ensembles and with the fabric of their lives as they present narratives of how their resilience makes them "more than their zip code." Come hear how they would spend $135 million dollars in their neighborhood to create social justice. By the way, $135 million is the cost of one US fighter jet.
COTC logo
11205 Euclid Avenue  Cleveland, OH 44106
Wheelchair accessible

Have items for the e-news? 
Something fun to share with the Covenant community?
Email    [email protected].  

Centered in the Circle - Open to the World