Weekly Postings
July 20 - July 29, 2018
Gather and Send
This Sunday in the midst of our worship we will honor Ranie Neislar's rich ministries, pray for her, and send her "out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord" (from the post-communion prayer, BCP 366).

Come and rejoice this special moment in the life of our parish as we send Ranie forward to seminary and preparation for ordination in Holy Orders.

In This Issue

No Committee Meetings
This Weekend July 20-21
Manna Pantry
Friday, July 20, 5 PM
Saturday, July 21, 9:30 AM
We've changed the time for Manna Pantry Prep to allow more individuals the opportunity to serve in this important ministry.  Beginning this month, Friday Manna Pantry Prep will begin at 5 PM in Tyler Hall.  Please join us!  

Manna Pantry is a ministry that provides food to 150 families and individuals on even-number months throughout the year.  Friday, volunteers help unload the truck, arrange tables, assemble boxes, open and sort items, and box food for persons who will need special assistance the next day.  On Saturday, volunteers will greet and check in guests, then fill their boxes as they move them along the tables cafeteria-style.  Some volunteers are needed to assist persons by carrying their loaded boxes to their cars.  Contact Anita Tanner for more information.
YP Monthly Gathering
Friday, July 20, 7 PM
Calling all 20-30-something young professionals, grad students, and wayward souls for our monthly gathering following the Manna Pantry this evening. Contact Ranie for more information.
Our Schedule This Sunday July 22
8:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite One
No music

9:30 AM
Christian Formation for Adults
Berlin Room

10:30 AM  
Coffee and Conversation
Tyler Hall
11:00 AM 
Holy Eucharist, Rite Two
Kristin Lamb Kasarjian, Soprano is our soloist.
The Nursery is available.

following 11:00 AM  
Lemonade on the Lawn 

5:30 PM 
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
Carl Purdy is our guest musician.
This Sunday July 22
Back-to-School Backpack Drive
Beginning this Sunday
The back-to-school backpack drive for our new friends at Hornsby  Elementary begins this Sunday. Drop-off boxes are located in the Narthex and the Parish Office. We need all sizes, small to full size, male and female. Cash donations welcome. Please mark your check Outreach Backpack Drive.  For more information, contact Kathy Enicks.
Opening our Prayer Book - Adult Christian Formation
Sunday, 9:30-10:30  AM , Berlin Room, Clergy led 

The Book of Common Prayer is not just another book nor simply a collection of prayers... it is a bold expression of how Episcopalians envision God and a means for shaping and renewing the entirety of our Christian lives. We will discuss the full range of resources in the BCP and how to use them. If you have your own BCP, bring it; if not, we will have copies for your use; in either event, bring your curiosity and the questions you always have wanted to ask about the BCP, our prayers, and liturgy. 
Looking Ahead 

Canterbury & Saint Paul's Choirs resume Rehearsals August 8

Two of the parish's three choirs begin their new season on Wednesday, August 8, and new and returning singers will be welcomed. Canterbury Choir teens (ages 12 and up) rehearse from 4:15 to 5:15 PM beginning with snacks in the Parish House kitchen and rehearsal in the chancel. Canterbury Choir children ages 8 through 11 have refreshments in the Parish House kitchen at 4:45  PM and join the older singers at 5 PM in the chancel. The Saint Paul's Choir (adults) rehearses from 7-8:30 PM. The choirs will begin singing Sunday morning services on August 12.

St. Nicholas Choir will begin sessions August 15
The St. Nicholas Choir, for children ages 4-7, directed by Victoria Hammond and Nikki Wickware, will begin sessions on August 15, from 5-6 pm in the Children's Ministry C enter. The parish's children's choirs enjoy the support of grandparents who provide occasional transportation. Car pools also available for the Canterbury and Saint Paul's Choirs. 

Please contact Keith Shafer, Director of Music, for further information.

Blessing of the Backpacks
Sunday, August 12, 11 AM service
We're sending our students and educators back to school with our prayers and blessings. This is a great opportunity to invite your friends to join us for this special service. The Blessing of the Backpacks will be held Sunday, August 12 at the 11 AM service. All students and teachers are encouraged to bring book bags, briefcases, or laptops to be blessed for the new school year.

Saint Paul's goes to Gravatt-Save the date!

August 19, 2-7 PM
On Sunday afternoon, August 19, 2-7 PM the parish family will enjoy an afternoon of swimming and water play and a late afternoon cookout on the beautiful grounds of the Gravatt Retreat and Conference Center in Aiken.  Families with children should bring the usual swimming items-sun screen, bug spray, towel, swim suit-and older folks are invited to bring their favorite sipping beverages and enjoy the beautiful setting deep in the woods outside Aiken. Come, relax, and enjoy God's creation. A donation basket will be available to help defray expenses. Picnic supper begins at 6 PM . We'll help facilitate car pools for anyone needing a ride. Contact Todd Shafer  or Keith Shafer   for more information.
Open Sundays for Altar Flowers
Third quarter open Sunday for altar flowers: September 2 . If anyone would kindly like to sponsor one of this Sunday in honor or memory of someone or "many" someones please contact the parish office . The normal charge is a minimum of $100. What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time. 
Education for Ministry (EfM) program
CALLING THE CURIOUS: Are you curious to explore the meaning of Holy Scripture, the history and traditions of Christianity, and our ever-changing understanding of God that you may more deeply live your faith? Then it is time to consider the Education for Ministry (EfM) program. EfM is a small-group study and spiritual growth program open to ALL people and begins each August. Contact Saint Paul's EfM leaders, Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau  and Fr. John Jenkins to have a full conversation about it. WE LOVE EfM!
News from the Diocese

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field

July 2018
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our "Second Sunday"  Birthday Celebration  will be July 8.  

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