eBay Scouting Hot Finds Newsletter
Friday Morning Edition
July 20, 2018

We are visiting Portland Maine today then starting the trek back home.  I think for the first time in a week I didn't have a camp related dream last night. If kayaking on a crystal clear pond in Maine didn't help me refresh from camp next week it will be swimming in the Atlantic at Edisto Beach south of Charleston. Life is good.
Vintage eBay Scout Auctions This Weekend
I swear somebody changed the calendar.  As I understand it NOAC contingents arrive on Monday this year but my recollection was that it always happened on Sunday in the past.  I guess that's why Chris Jensen scheduled his TOR for Sat-Mon this year.
Auctions Ending Friday & Saturday on eBay
So does that mean that Founders Day is still on Friday so they just cut the NOAC a day shorter?  I see that the event ends on Saturday which is typically the day everyone goes home.  You would think I should know all this but I've been keeping my planning limited to one event at at time.

eBay Store LMTC - Shop With My eBay Partner   
Boy Scout Memorabilia Auctions on eBay
I've seen people posting on Facebook regarding when they are arriving at NOAC and how long they are staying.  Honestly I thought the last couple of Pre-NOAC TORs held at Michigan State were poorly attended.  I hope that with Indiana being a little more centered on the map that more people will make the drive.  I'm not having a huge spread at the show but I have great memories of some of the big shows in the early 2000s that were amazing. Santeeswapper Store
This weekend is the last chance to save with my 18% off sale in my store. I've had a good response so far but the fun ends Monday night.
My roomie for the NOAC this year is Brad England.  It's been a long time since we recorded episodes of Thread Heads but we have some ideas to bring some fun projects back.  The Facebook group is now six years old and has grown beyond our wildest expectations.  Going into the late summer and fall we have some ideas to build on that movement. 
Have a great weekend,

Jason Spangler
Santeeswapper LLC

Taylor Gydewa Compass


Hot Finds Partners

Click to pull up the fliers for Trade-O-Rees that I have fliers on.  Please contact the sponsors in order to see more details.  If you see a TOR that is not listed please email me and let me know.  Likewise I'm always looking to add more shows so send me the fliers as you get them.