This is a bittersweet week for me. A few days ago I received the official acceptance letter to Mundelein Seminary and have started making preparations to move. This has been a long process for me as I first talked with Fr. Francis about the priesthood in late 2013. In addition, tomorrow is my last day working as the Parish Support Specialist in the Parish Office. I've been saying my goodbyes to the Parish staff and wishing everyone well in their endeavors.

I'd like to thank Christine Frech and Fr. Francis for hiring me around this time last year. Working in this position has taught me so much about Parish life and has given me unique insight and experience with Parish Operations. My time spent at St. Josaphat is invaluable and will serve me well in future assignments.

Please pray for me as I continue on to Seminary for the next 6 years (yikes!). I will be praying for all the Parishioners of St. Josaphat as well. I'll be taking a few weeks off to travel, see family, take care of some things before I start, and perhaps go on a weekend retreat. 

I leave the position of Parish Support Specialist in the very capable hands of Tina Smat. We've been working together over the past several weeks to get her up to speed to take over. I have no doubt she will far exceed the work I've done.

There are a ton of great people here at St. Josaphat that I am going to miss dearly. St. Josaphat's people make up the bedrock of the Parish and make this a church to come home to. It's been a joy working with all of you in the various ministries and events of the Parish. This is a great community to call ones own.

You can keep in touch with me at my new email address:

Thank you,

Timothy Berryhill

Important Upcoming Dates! l

July 12, 7pm - Theology on Tap

July 28 - 5pm College Sendoff Mass & Reception

August 16, 4-6pm SJS Ice Cream Social & Info Day

September 8-9 - Septemberfest

St. Agatha Dinner
Upcoming community dinners at St. Agatha, our sharing parish, on Tuesday, August 14. Start time is 6:30 pm. Our next discussions will focus on the economics of racism. Please see the bulletin and website for more information.
Theology on Tap
Join us for this week's Theology on Tap on Thursday, July 12th at 7 PM at McGees Tavern. Rachelle Kramer will be speaking on Promoting a Culture of Encounter: Pope Francis and the Social Gospel.
Women's Club 
Book Discussion
Women's Book Discussion on Brene Brown's Gifts of Imperfection on Saturday, July 21st, 9:00 - 11:30 am in the rectory.

Contact Kim Nugent ( or Chrissy Scott ( for more information.
Ice Cream Social and Information Day
On August 6th from 4 - 6 PMalong with visiting the classrooms, parents and students will be dropping off school supplies and then heading outside to get some ice cream and visit the tables outside in the parking lot of the church to where we will display info, sign-up, gear, etc. to welcome the SJS families back to school.
Please save the date for Septemberfest - our annual party in the parking lot. It will take place on Saturday, September 8th and Sunday, September 9th. Lots more details to come!!
Mass Time Change
Don't Forget!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning Mass is now at 8AM and there are no weekday evening masses.
8th Grade Service Hours
ATTENTION 8TH GRADERS: Are you looking for a way to receive community service hours during the summer? You and a chaperone, can sign up to volunteer for the Helping Hands Ministry, Mon - Fri 9:15 am - 11:00 am. To get involved with the program you can sign-up on our website under Ministries > Outreach. *Please note you must be 18 years old or accompanied by a chaperone in order to volunteer.
School Supplies Drive
Thank you to all Parishioners who donated to the Women's Group School Supplies Drive! This effort filled 6 large boxes which were distributed through Books First and given to Chalmers School, which was heavily needed and greatly appreciated. Thank You!