Cup of Empowerment
July 23, 2018
It feels so good to sit back,  catch our breath and  savor a cup of empowerment   fro God's Word



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Grateful for Kisses!
Dr. CarolMarie

Years ago, looking forward to a yummy hamburger with my daughter and granddaughter we pulled up to the "drive-through". We each ordered the type of burger we wanted. My granddaughter ordered hers plain and Starlie and I order ours with the works! I handed out the burgers as we took off for our drive home. Finally, I was at a point where I could enjoy my meal! After taking the first bite of my burger I realized there was nothing inside but meat and the bun! "Angelica, did you get lettuce and tomatoes on your hamburger?" "Yes, Meme, I did". Realizing I must have gotten hers and she got the one with the works which was meant for me, I asked her for it. Only to find out she had already thrown away the goodies that were inside thinking they had made a mistake. Maybe you feel like I do, hamburgers are either really good or they are not! And without the "goodies", I believe, they are not!

During this same time, I had been teaching my granddaughter that we should always be grateful no matter what! It was my "no matter what" opportunity and I knew I had better make a shift! "I'mmmm gratefuuul!" I mustered up to say. And with that, we began to laugh because I really didn't sound like I was very grateful! I may not have felt grateful at the time, but by saying it I was bringing my emotions in line! The simple words of "I'm grateful!" started turning my heart around. It was like a small bit in a horse's mouth turning his heavy body around like James chapter 3 tell us! Our confession is the bit that can change old stubborn habits! We still laugh about our hamburger situation even now that Angelica is grown and has a family of her own, as one of us will say, "I'mmmmm gratefuuul"!

Last Tuesday at Anna's Gate I spoke on "The 1,2,3's of being Happy" which included gratefulness. I shared that it is a choice and as we align with our Heavenly assignments each morning for the day we can trust God! If we have chosen what He has planned, we are able to flow with Him without anxiety as our day unfolds. We can plan and schedule but trust the outcome to Him. Let God bring Devine surprises throughout our day and stay in praise! In fact, look for His "sweet kisses" that happen! It may be running into an old friend for whom you've been praying or avoiding a near accident! It makes life exciting! (You can hear the message on my Facebook timeline under CarolMarie Smith for July 17th. It is posted for the public and you don't have to be my Facebook "friend" to see it.)

I also shared Tuesday on the power of counting a situation as "joy" when we go through trails and temptations! (James chapter 1) It is "joyful" even when it hurts because we know God can use it for our good! (He does not bring evil on us but can use it all to bless us!) When we trust Him anyways through praise, patience can perfect and complete us so we "lack in nothing"! Oh my, that's better than a hamburger with the works! It is a giant kiss from Heaven! Goodness.... "lacking in nothing"? Really! "Nothing!" Through problems, our character is built! Through situations, we see what's hindering us from greater blessings, so we can take care of it! I'm thankful for His kisses especially when they come during a hard time. It makes it easier! He's with us through it all so that we can say, "I'mmmmm gratefuul, Lord, I have You! I trust You in all of this!"

Next Tuesday, join us live on Facebook or in person if you are in the area! Let's let God "grow us up" so we lack in nothing for our Heavenly assignments! We will continue this subject as we learn about another widow who shifted her finances and situation by choosing to be happy even in the midst of rejection!

I love your comments and how these "Cups of Empowerment" have helped you! Send us your prayer requests too at [email protected]Help support Widows ministry with our featured 2 CD set: " Choices that move us Forward" which was recorded at a Valentine's banquet with two other speakers! It is packed with wonderful insights for all!


We would also like to invite you to send us a brief testimony 
(written or filmed on your smart phone) 
of how God has used Anna's Gate 
to help you and to reach your realm of influence. 
Email it to:   [email protected] 
(Put "Testimony" on the subject line). 
If filmed, please make it only 1 to 2 minutes. 
We would love to hear from you!


Read what Jesus read on this week in History!
Check out the Torah Reading for Last Sabbath
Here is the Torah Reading for Next Sabbath


Learn about the  Hebraic month .


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"I invite you to visit my personal Facebook page (CarolMarie Smith), where I post videos and insights open to the public that will help you continue to grow!  We also film and post the Tuesday meetings on Facebook that compliment what I share in our weekly Cup of Empowerment."
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Anna's Gate International
6515 Clinton Highway Suite 100
Knoxville, TN 37912