Snow Geese. Photo by John Schoen |
The Teshekpuk Lake wetland complex, located on Alaska's North Slope, is one of the most globally important habitats in the Arctic. Tens of thousands of geese gather at the Lake to molt each year. During this process, geese replace old worn feathers with fresh new ones. Energy demands are high during this time, leaving them flightless and highly vulnerable. Teshekpuk Lake's wetland habitat provides the perfect sanctuary for them.
Geese are not alone in seeking refuge at the Lake. Over a dozen other bird species nest, molt, or rest near Teshekpuk Lake, including threatened Spectacled Eiders, King Eiders, Red-throated Loons, and Buff-breasted Sandpipers. With few predators and plenty of high-quality forage, the area is also the perfect calving grounds for the Teshepuk Lake Caribou Herd. A herd numbering over 40,000!