BOTYStickersCollect the full set of the Bird of the Year stickers today!
For a limited time only, we are offering the full set of Bird of the Year stickers to any person who contributes $70 or more to Audubon Alaska. This series includes 2012's Spectacled Eider, 2013's Northern Goshawk, 2014's Bar-tailed Godwit, 2015's Snowy Owl, 2016's Boreal Chickadee, 2017's Horned Puffin, and 2018's Bird of the Year, the Pacific Golden-Plover. This eye-catching collection is sure to be a hit with fellow bird and sticker lovers alike. The clean, minimalist  lines really bring these regal birds to colorful life.  

This special promotion will only last as long as our supplies do, so be sure to swoop in and get yours before the early birds beat you to the punch! 
TeshekpukGet to know the wildlife of Teshekpuk Lake
Snow Geese. Photo by John Schoen
The Teshekpuk Lake wetland complex, located on Alaska's North Slope, is one of the most globally important habitats in the Arctic. Tens of thousands of geese gather at the Lake to molt each year. During this process, geese replace old worn feathers with fresh new ones. Energy demands are high during this time, leaving them flightless and highly vulnerable. Teshekpuk Lake's wetland habitat provides the perfect sanctuary for them.

Geese are not alone in seeking refuge at the Lake. Over a dozen other bird species nest, molt, or rest near Teshekpuk Lake, including threatened Spectacled Eiders, King Eiders, Red-throated Loons, and Buff-breasted Sandpipers. With few predators and plenty of high-quality forage, the area is also the perfect calving grounds for the Teshepuk Lake Caribou Herd. A herd numbering over 40,000!

AtlasAudubon Alaska receives awards for Arctic Atlas
Esri Awards for Audubon Alaska's Arctic Atlas.
Pick.Click.Give.Revisit your Pick.Click.Give. pledge before August 31
UtqiagvikAudubon Alaska travels to Utqiaġvik for Science Fair
Conservation Biologist Max Goldman (left of center, wearing a red jacket and trucker cap) leads a group of youngsters on a bird walk at the Science Fair.
This month Audubon Alaska's science team (Conservation Biologist Max Goldman, GIS/Data Analyst Erika Knight, and Spatial Ecologist Ben Sullender) took part in the Barrow Arctic Research Center's Second Annual Science Fair in Utqiaġvik. The Science Fair is an opportunity for scientists and researchers who work on the North Slope to present their work to the community. Our science team gave a presentation on synthesizing ecological hotspot data in the region and then held several guided bird walks with a gaggle of local children (and adults!). Learn more about our work in the Arctic here.
ComicGearing up for the end of summer
Summer's almost over in Alaska, and we at Audubon Alaska are just as stunned as this Eastern Bluebird whenever anyone mentions it. 
Comic by False Knees. Used with permission from artist.
BirdQuiz'Name that Bird' Photo Quiz
Photo by Milo Burcham

Photo by Richard Higgins / Audubon Photography Awards
Last Month's  Quiz Bird

This Month's Quiz Bird
Last month's quiz bird was a Crested Auklet. One of the Crested Auklet's unique traits not found in any other bird species is its unique odor, a strong citrusy scent, that benefits their social interactions. Another unique trait is that its crest, about a dozen feathers that curl over an auklet's beak, is displayed by both males and females. The last unique trait is that the Crested Auklet's bright orange bills are actually fluorescent and glow in the dark.    

This month's quiz bird is named after a well-known fictional wizard. It used to be known as a pigeon hawk because in flight it looks somewhat pigeon-like. In medieval falconry, these birds were typically used by ladies. One of these birds can eat as many as 900 other birds a year. When nesting, this bird uses an abandoned crow or hawk nest with a good view of the surrounding area rather than create their own.    
SandhillCranesFairbanks Tanana Valley Sandhill Crane Festival
Sandhill Crane and chick. Photo by Mary Lundeberg / Audubon Photography Awards
August 24-26, 2018
Join our Conservation Biologist Max Goldman and the Friends of Creamer's Field for a celebration of the abundant fall migration. Events include Brunch with the Cranes, nature walks, a kids' crane walk, crafts, a crane calling contest, a drawing cranes workshop, a driving tour of Fairbanks birding hotspots, a live birds of prey program, bird research talks, and, of course, crane watching. The annual Tex-Mex feast will be Saturday night outside under the event tent. For more information call (907) 452-5162 o r email Friends of Creamer's Field .