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NCERC collaborating with stakeholders to defeat spread of Coronavirus
The National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (NCERC at SIUE) has been on the front lines helping to defeat the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), via hand sanitizer. 

The idea came after the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau issued a statement regarding guidance on the production of hand sanitizer. 

Just two days after the idea was introduced, NCERC staff had produced a test sample of hand sanitizer following guidelines released by the World Health Organization (WHO). The hand sanitizer recipe includes ethanol, glycerol, and hydrogen peroxide, per WHO guidelines. 

“Over the course of the past week, the NCERC team was challenged with coming up with a sanitizer recipe that would not only meet, but exceed WHO specs. On Wednesday, March 18, I challenged the NCERC team to develop a sample bottle of sanitizer by 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 25,” said NCERC Executive Director John Caupert. “The NCERC team, as always, went above and beyond by developing and delivering the first sample bottle of hand sanitizer by that Friday afternoon - five full days ahead of the challenge date.” 
From that date on, NCERC has been working around the clock with stakeholders representing industry, trade associations, and both state and federal government to address the many, often confusing questions, surrounding the production of sanitizer. NCERC has also been working to address questions regarding FDA guidelines on hand sanitizers, that while similar to WHO guidelines, require USP grade or FCC grade glycerol and hydrogen peroxide, in addition to a denaturant. 

NCERC’s hand sanitizer effort to address COVID-19 has gained support from local Congressmen including the U.S. Representative John Shimkus (IL-15), U.S. Representative Mike Bost (IL-12), and U.S. Representative Rodney Davis (IL-13).
“This is a great example of how public entities and private businesses are coming together to help in a time of need,” said Shimkus. “Government can’t do it all, and even when it tries, it’s rarely as efficient or effective as America’s innovators and entrepreneurs.”
“The National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center is one of the top agriculture research institutions in the nation, and its value is truly being shown in these difficult times,” said Davis. “I’m proud to see NCERC’s staff working with private businesses to help fill a crucial need for our nation in the face of this pandemic.”
“Across the country, private businesses and public entities are stepping up to help in the fight against COVID-19,” said Bost. “This partnership is an example of what is possible when we work together to support the health of our communities – a mentality that makes Southern Illinois strong.”
COVID-19 Update
In addition to trade disputes and small refinery waivers, the ethanol industry is now faced with yet another challenge brought on by the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

All of us at NCERC want to assure you that we take the health and well-being of our community, customers, and associates very seriously. Like you, we're closely monitoring the quickly developing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, we will practice social distancing. The majority of our employees are now working remotely to protect and care for those who work with us, our customers, and the public.

While we may not be in the building, NCERC is continuing work on contractual and sponsored research projects and grants. If interested in conducting research at NCERC, please do not hesitate to contact us . You can also find us on our social channels to keep updated.

We are all in this together. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will follow guidance from SIUE, public health officials and government agencies, so we can continue to support our customers and communities as needed.

For more information about COVID-19 and what you can do to keep healthy and safe, visit the Centers for Disease Control at or your local health department's website.

Visit these resources for more information about COVID-19, guidance for hand sanitizer production, small business loan guidance, and COVID-19's impact on the bioeconomy:

In these uncertain times, NCERC urges you to stay safe and healthy.
Connections & Visits
Mascoutah High School Career Conference
Mascoutah, IL
March 8, 2020

Due to concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the NCERC had to cancel its planned connections and visits, including facility tours, during the month of March and for the foreseeable future.
Upcoming Meetings
Corn Utilization and Technology Conference
St. Louis, MO
June 1-3, 2020

F uel Ethanol Workshop
Minneapolis, MN
June 15-17, 2020
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National Corn-to-Ethanol Research Center (NCERC)
400 University Park Drive, Edwardsville, IL 62025
618-659-6737 |