Protecting the Rights of People & Nature From the Local Up 

I am truly thrilled to announce some big changes coming to Community Rights US. This month, we are welcoming Tyler Norman as our new Director, and Jimmy Dunson as our new Development Director. Both of these extraordinary new youthful additions to our team have impressive experience in other social change movements, and they will be leading us in some new directions that I’m confident will delight and impress us all! (Scroll down to learn more about them, in their own words.)
As Founding Director, I will continue to play a very active but less public role in our organization, focusing more on writing and teaching, and less on the day-to-day needs of the organization. One major impact of the pandemic is that I am no longer able to travel around the US to lead workshops and give talks, and this may very well continue into 2022.
I want to remind all of you that I am ready and able to bring the Community Rights teachings to you online, offering anything from a keynote speech to an introductory workshop to consulting with your local group. Just ask!
I am also thrilled to announce that our end-of-year fundraising drive raised $14,220, just $780 short of our $15,000 goal. We thank the many of you who sent a donation! We literally could not do this work without you! And if you had intended to donate, now’s your chance to help us raise that final $780! Your one-time or monthly recurring donation is tax deductible. No amount is too small. Thank you!!

Paul Cienfuegos
CRUS Founding Director
Greetings from Tyler Norman
Hello new friends!

I'm very happy to join CRUS as the new Director! I have a background in popular education and network organizing, so I hope that I'll fit right in, and be able to help the fantastic CRUS team to take this work to the next level. It's 2021, a year for rethinking our strategies, reconnecting our diverse movements, and recommitting to our vital struggles for liberty, justice, and dignity. 

Besides being an artist and youth mentor, I also have extensive experience in grassroots humanitarian crisis response, as well as the more common day-to-day “Mutual Aid” work that slowly but surely builds alternative local economies and opportunities for those shut out of the exploitative corporate economy. In 2021, we see clearly that only WE keep each other safe and healthy, and that strong communities are key to sustainability and peace, collective success, and lasting fulfillment. 

Learn more about my volunteer work at and – plus a personal pop-ed blog at and an innovative collaborative art/activism project at – I was a “cross-pollinator” for many years, and well... I guess I still am! I look forward to connecting with all of you in the Community Rights movement!
'Hello' from Jimmy Dunson
Hi, Community Rights friends! 

My name is Jimmy Dunson. I am an activist, and co-founder of Mutual Aid Disaster Relief. I have a passion for building mutual aid survival programs. I've been involved with many movements for justice including refugee solidarity efforts, peer support, farmworker justice, solidarity-based disaster relief, and more. 

I am excited to be working with Community Rights US because I believe in bottom-up approaches and know that we can't wait for others to do what we know must be done - protect people and nature - as if our lives depend on it, because they do. My goals with Community Rights US are to improve the organization's financial position through diversifying our fundraising methods and bringing in more funds to support the work of Community Rights US. 

Thank you so much for your generous end of year donations! With your help, Community Rights US raised $14,220! These contributions will help us continue and expand our work protecting the rights of people and nature. We are very grateful for your continued support for community rights. We were just $780 shy of our end-of-year goal. If you didn't get a chance to donate at that time, but still want to support the movement for community rights, consider making a one-time or monthly recurring donation here.

To all of you who donate, share our emails, follow us on social media, and advance community rights in your local communities in the hundreds of different ways that you do, we see you and appreciate you. Together, we'll create a sustainable, lasting shift that puts the power back in the hands of the people.  
February 2nd marks another Corporate “Rights” Anniversary
In just a few days - February 2nd - it will be the 202nd Anniversary (!) of business corporations beginning to win access to a whole variety of constitutional “rights” and protections, thanks almost entirely to the traitorous US Supreme Court.

This madness began on February 2nd, 1819 with the court’s Dartmouth Decision. In 2019, Community Rights US hosted a series of upbeat commemorative “roasts” of corporate “rights” in coffeehouses and galleries in many US communities to mark this shameful Bicentennial moment in history. And we had a lot of fun doing it!

If you want to learn more about what the Supremes did to US democracy in 1819, you can read my essay HERE.
Essential News from the Web
Want the latest News & Analysis from and about the Community Rights Movement? CLICK HERE

Want to access all archived articles? CLICK HERE

Photo credits: Hands from; "Sunrise over marsh at Babcock Wildlife Management Area near Punta Gorda, Florida" by diana_robinson is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
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