It's a quick turnaround from Thanksgiving to Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa this year. My house hosted Thanksgiving one day, and then the very next day put up our Christmas decorations and tree! While I set everything up, I put aside a large pile of decorations that I was ok to part with. My husband then had his say, and we donated the rest. See, even people like me still declutter!

One of my favorite traditions that we have is my kids get to go pick out a new Christmas tree ornament each year, and I write their name and the year on them. Then, when they are grown and have a tree of their own they'll each get all of their ornaments. I found myself a bit emotional this year about that tradition, knowing that in a decade our tree will be filled with the kids' ornaments. But, just like most materialistic and tangible things, everything has a shelf-life and cycle. When it's time to pass the ornaments on, it's time to pass them on. 

Give lasting gifts this holiday season - your time, pleases and thank you's, and a friendly smile. Those gestures are sure to make a person's day brighter (even Scrooge himself!).

From my family to yours, happy holidays!
How to Declutter Christmas Decorations
Decorating for the holidays can be a fun way to celebrate as a family. But when you have an excessive amount of decorations to set up or put away, decorating can make your home seem small, cluttered, and messy.

This year, simplify your holiday plans and relieve stress by decluttering your Christmas decorations. As you set them up or even when you put them away, spend some time decluttering with these tips!
Christmas Ornament Storage
This storage box makes it simple to safely pack away your ornaments and know you’ll find them in perfect condition next year. This durable fabric box is designed with three-layers that can store up to 64 ornaments. Cardboard dividers ensure that each ornament stays securely in its place. Various sized ornaments can be accommodated by moving the adjustable cardboard dividers. The zippered top closure grants easy access, so packing and unpacking your ornaments is effortless. 
7 Ways to Refresh Your Home Office
Sometimes it's easy to overlook your home office when you're designing and decorating your home. Many people use their mis-matched, leftover furniture from other rooms, turning the space into a storage facility for furniture and odds and ends that don't really fit anywhere else. After all, your home office needs to be functional first, and as long as you can work in it, it's doing one basic job. But having a beautiful office can actually increase your productivity as it becomes a place where you love to work.