A Quarterly Newsletter from the Stanford Basic Income Lab

Fall 2018 Newsletter
A Letter from Faculty Director Juliana Bidadanure

Greetings from the Stanford Basic Income Lab! Over the last few months, the Basic Income Lab (BIL) has worked to establish an academic home for research on universal basic income (UBI). We have convened scholars, policymakers and foundations around the politics and economics of UBI, and informed city and state leaders of best practices in the space of UBI experimentation.

In the last year, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Economic Security Project , and the Jain Family Institute granted funding to BIL to start new initiatives - including the online mapping of UBI research and the creation of a Basic Income In Cities toolkit, as well as a number of public events for exchanges and discussions on the various facets of UBI.

BIL has also expanded. In the winter of 2017, four graduate students joined the Basic Income Lab as fellows to work on our research initiatives as well as on the development of a new online platform. More recently, BIL hired a Program Manager, Sarah Berger Gonzalez, to support the research, events, fundraising and day-to-day administration of the Lab.

As interest and curiosity about UBI and related initiatives grow, we will continue to do research on existing pilots and further engage policymakers, practitioners, business leaders, philanthropists, nonprofits and communities on UBI. With the support of Stanford University and our funders, the Lab aspires to become a central hub for knowledge exchange, research and dialogue on basic income.

Thank you for following our efforts. We look forward to being in touch with you in 2019!
Juliana Bidadanure | Faculty Director, Basic Income Lab
BIL Highlights

We are excited to announce that in early November 2018, the Basic Income Lab launched a toolkit titled Basic Income In Cities: A Guide to City Experiments and Pilot Projects at the National League of Cities (NLC) annual City Summit hosted in Los Angeles. The toolkit highlights key emerging practices and shares insights on the process of designing UBI experiments.

As part of the development of the toolkit, the Basic Income Lab has also created a list of current North American Basic Income pilots. The idea for the toolkit was conceived at the UBI Cities Workshop convened by the Basic Income Lab in partnership with the NLC and the Economic Security Project in September 2017. Read more

Over the last decade, research on UBI has grown exponentially. And yet, no online tool exists that conveniently brings together the current research in one place. With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Jain Family Institute, the Basic Income Lab is working to develop the first such visualization. 

The mapping will cover a number of topics and subtopics in UBI literature including: gender, race, inequality, economic and political feasibility, crime, education, and health, among others. This platform will promote methodic progress in the academic field of UBI and benefit current and future basic-income experimenters, researchers, students and policymakers. The platform will launch in 2019. Read more
Upcoming Events
Annie Lowrey
November 29, 2018, 5:30pm

Join us for a conversation with Annie Lowrey, an economics writer and author of "Give People Money: How a Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the World."

Given the strong interest, we suggest arriving early and registering in advance to help us with planning.
Lucas Stanczyk and Debra Satz
January 10, 2019, 5:30pm

Join us as our panelists consider the limitations of a strong focus on an unconditional cash transfer as a response to poverty, unemployment and inequality.

Lucas Stanczyk, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Harvard, will express concerns about the privileging of basic-income strategies over focusing on organizing labor. Debra Satz, Dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford, will propose a defense of in-kind benefits and express concerns about the over focus on individualizing cash transfers as a response to collective problems.
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